A New Magical Item - The Contract of Bonding

The Contract of Bonding

A Contract of Bonding usually takes the form of a parchment with fancy scrollwork in gold around the edges of the parchment, with the header "Contract" in Thorass (or Common, or whatever).

The Contract of Bonding acts as a Geas spell when it comes to the conditions of the contract. One cannot be forced to sign such a contract and have it apply; the contract must be entered fairly and of both the contractor's and the contractee's free will. After the conditions of the contract is fulfilled by the contractee, the contract will disintegrate. Both the contractor and the contractee will know that this has happened. As long as the conditions of one contract does not contradict those of another, a contractee may be bound with multiple contracts.

A Contract of Bonding cannot be destroyed by mundane means, and is considered 20th level magic for means of Dispel Magic and so on. It is quite common for a Contract of Bonding to include a condition along the lines of - "neither the contractor nor the contractee may by action, or omission by action, hire someone to, or themselves destroy, this Contract of Bonding". It saves as Paper, with a +5 bonus for spells or effects that require saving throws.