Pierre Ratatouille, French gay cook grog, 32 years old

Born October 8th, 1048 in Le Havre, France.




 Intelligence0  Speak Rumanian1 (+1xp)
 Perception0  Charm3
    Folk Ken3
 Strength-4  Sing3
 Stamina-4  Bargain (Foodstuffs)4
 Presence1  Evaluate (Foodstuffs)3
 Communication1  Craft (Cooking)6+3
 Dexterity1  Speak Latin2
 Quickness0  Diplomacy1
    Speak French4

Pierre is the "archetypical" gay French cook. He's fat, blustery, and is positively obsessed about the way his food is eaten. Good table manners is alpha and omega for him, since nothing is more important for him than food. Except handsome young men, of course. However, Pierre considers eating, and watching people eating (and enjoying their food) a sensual delight - particularly if the people in question are handsome and male. For Pierre every meal is a sensual experience, and every step in preparing the food erotic.
Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk