This file was sent to me by He thought it might be of use in Buck Rogers, and I agree. However, the stats are given in the standard AD&D format - with ranges in tens of yards, and weight in the rather arcane "gold pieces" format. I suggest dropping a zero to get the weight in pounds, and dividing by two to get the weight in kilograms. Ranges are pretty straight forward.

The weaponry isn't very fleshed out, either. Use or not at your own peril - but Smyth and Woss might very well have designed some of these weapons...

Missile Weapon  Damage  ROF     charges per shot        S  M  L   Weight        Reference
Sonic Pistol    3d6     1       1                        8 16 24   70 gps       Dragon 10/86
Sonic Rifle     4d6     1       2                       10 20 30   90 gps       Dragon 10/86
Hand Atomizer   2d10    1       2                        5 10 15   80 gps       Dragon 10/86
Heavy Atomizer  5d6     1       4                        7 14 21  150 gps       Dragon 10/86

Melee Weapon    Damage  charges off/on  space requirements      SF      Length  Weight  Reference
Forcesword      2d8     1               .5 / 3.5 ft             3       4 feet  35 gps  Dragon 10/86
Powermace       2d6     2               2 / 2.5                 4       6 feet  60 gps  Dragon 10/86
Electroflail    1d6+4   4               4/4                     6       6 feet  80 gps  Dragon 10/86