Akuma - A Character for Champions
Name: AkumaHt 2mHair: black
Age: unknownWt: 100kgEyes: red
Sex: maleRace: HumanNatioanality: Japanese (?)
20      STR     10
20      DEX     30
23      CON     26
13      BODY    6
12      INT     2
23      EGO     26
20      PRE     10
10      COM     0
12      PD      8
8       ED      3
4       SPD     10
12      REC     6
50      END     2
50      STUN    15
Characteristics Cost: 154

34      MP (Shotokan ki Powers) (60),"Chi",Skill Roll(-1/2),    
2u      4D6 HKA,"Gou-shoryuken",vs physical defense,Skill Roll  
        (-1/2),Incantation(-1/4),Extra Time(-1/2),Reduced       
        Penetration(-1/4)                                               6
1u      Autofire on 10d6 offensice kick,Incantation(-1/4),Skill 
        Roll(-1/2)                                                            2
1u      8D6 EB,"Gou-haudoken",vs physical defense,beam attack,Skill     
        Roll(-1/2),Gestures(-1/4),Incantation(-1/4)                     4
2u      2 1/2D6 RKA,"Shakunetsu-Haudoken",Extra Time(-1/2),     
        Incantation(-1/4),Gestures(-1/4),Skill Roll(-1/2),Feirce        
        (+1/4)                                                  5
1u      10" Teleport (Chi Powers),"Ashura Senkuu",Skill Roll(-1/2),	
        Only to places Akuma could reach(-1/4)                  2
1u      10D6 HA (Chi Powers),"Shun Gokusatsu",Extra Time(-1/2),Skill    
        Roll(-1/2),Concentrate(-1/2),0 DCV,Must grab target(-1/2),      
        x10 Increased End Cost(-4)                                          30
3       +5" Superleap,Exclusive: only with Shoryuken(-1/2)		2
3       Acrobatics 13-  
3       Breakfall 13-   
3       Interrogation 13-       
7       KS: Shotokan karate 15-,(INT based)     
6       KS: Martial world 14-,(INT based)       
3       KS: Martial arts styles 11-,(INT based) 
1       Streetwise 8-   
4       M Strike        
3       Martial Throw   
3       Legsweep        
4       Killing Strike  
3       Grappling Throw 
3       Flying Tackle   
4       Martial Block   
8       Damage Class +2DC       
5       Off Strike      
20      4 Levels: HTH combat,related group      
6       3 Levels: With Haudoken 

Powers Cost: 134
Total Cost: 288

Base Points: 150
15      Rep,"Killer martial artist",occur 11-,extreme reputation
13      Enraged,"in combat",common,occur 14-,recover 11-
15      Distinctive,"Red eyes, berserker mannerisms",concealable,
20      Psych Lim,"Must best all other martial artists",common,total
15      Psych Lim,"Arrogant",common,strong
20      Psych Lim,"Casual killer",common,total
5       Hunted,"Ryu",less powerful,harsh,appear 8-
5       Hunted,"Ken",less powerful,harsh,appear 8-
30      Bonus
Disadvantages Total: 138
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 288