From: Michael Surbrook
(How's this for a headache... a Multiform form that has Multiform...)

(Cetus Dauphin - human from)

Designers Notes:
Aquarius is a huge man, standing 6' tall and weighing 280 lbs.  He has
grayish skin and is bald.  His primary power is the ability to turn into a
20' long dolphin.  Aquarius is a somewhat unpleasant fellow, who doesn't
like *any*Jland dwellers and has a particular distaste for people from
whaling nations.  He can be talking into giving aid, but it will be only

The Character:

Str		20		10
Dex		9		-3
Con		18		16
Body		14		8
Int		18		8
Ego		14		8
Pre		15		5
Com		8		-1
PD		8		4
ED		5		1
Spd		3		11
Rec		8		0
End		36		0
Stun		33		0
Char Total			67
Power Total			33
Total Cost			100

3	Swimming: +3" (5" total)
5	Discriminatory Taste

4	KS: Scuba 14-
5	Navigation 14-
6	SC: Marine Biology 16-
1	TF: Scuba
3	Lang: English (native), French
6	CSL: +2 with Block, Dodge, Punch

25	Base
25	Berserk:JOcean Mammals harmed (14-/8-)
5	Dependence: Water, 2d6/5 Minutes
5	DF:JGrey skinned man
10	Phys: No sense of smell
20	Psych: Protective of aquatic mammals
10	Psych: Hates land dwellers (esp Japanese, Norwegians and Soviets)

(Aquarius created by Victor Milan, character sheet created by Michael

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *

(Cetus Dauphin - dolphin from)

Designers Notes:
This is Aquarius dolphin form. The size of an Orca (Killer Whale), in this
form Aquarius can out swim anything else in the ocean.  His skin is
virtually immune to bullets and harpoons, and he can sink a ship with his
rostrum.  On top of that, Aquarius can call upon and control other
ocean-going mammals, especially other whales.

The Character:

Str		40		0
Dex		18		24
Con		30		40
Body		35		38
Int		18		8
Ego		14		8
Pre		20		10
Com		10		0
PD		8		6
ED		8		2
Spd		4		12
Rec		8		0
End		60		0
Stun		55		0
Char Total			148
Power Total			330
Total Cost			478

40	Growth:J6 Levels, 0 END, Persistant, Always On
	+30 STR, +6 Body, +6 Stun, -6" KB, -3 DCV, +3 PER, 20' long,
	12,800 lbs

15	EC: Ocean Mammal (cetacean) control, Ocean Mammals only (-2)
15	Mind Control:J12d6, 0 END
15	Mind Scanning: 12d6, 0 END

24	2d6 HKA, Reduced Penetration - bite, 3 END
36	+8d6 HA, 0 END, Move Through attacks only (-1)
60	Armor; +20 PD/ED
10	+20 PD, only when performing a Move Through (-1)
3	Life Support: High Pressure
10	Life Support: No Need to Breath, 1 Recoverable Charge of 1 Hour
-12"	-6" Running
27	Swimming: +20" (22" total, 36" noncombat, 60 mph), 1/2 END, END 2
15	Active Sonar
9	Enhanced Perception +3
6	Enhanced Percpetion: Taste +3
22	Mind Link: Ocean Mammals (+5), Any distance (+5), 0 END
20	Multiform: Cetus Dauphin, 100 Point total
15	Universal Translator:J18-, Ocean Mammals only (-1)

100	Base
5	Dependence: Water, 2d6/5 Minutes
15	DF: Huge, 20' long dolphin
15	Phys: No Fine Manipulaiton
10	Phys: No Sense of Smell
20	Psych: Protective of aquatic mammals
10	Psych: Hates land dwellers (esp Japanese, Norwegians and Soviets)
10	Vuln: Water-borne posions and gases:Jx2 Body

(Aquarius created by Victor Milan, character sheet created by Michael

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *