The Avatar of Light - a Champions character by Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
This is one of the Hunters in a campaign I tried to start some time ago. The Avatar of Light hunted one character in the group, which was more or less based on a "classical" vampire. He was more or less specially designed to be something of a comical relief, even though he is quite deadly in combat. The point is that he's a religious fanatic, to the point of silliness, and will make loads of unmotivated religious outcries, in the manner of a TV evangelist. Well, enough of that. Without further ado, I present: The Avatar of Light.

Value Stat  Cost 
20STR 10
20DEX 30
20CON 20
18INT 8
20EGO 20
16PRE 6
18COM 4
4 PD 0
4 ED 0
3 SPD 0
8 REC 0
40END 0
 Characteristics Cost:   112
 Cost Skill
3Lang: Latin, fluent conversation, literacy
3Acrobatics 13-
3Deduction 13-
3Disguise 11-
3KS: Occult 13- (INT based)
7Oratory 14-
3Paramedic 13-
2PS: Plumber 11-
9Religion 14-
7Shadowing 13-
 Cost Power END 
86D6 Aid (Faith Healing),"Holy Symbol, requires Religion roll", only to starting value, Skill Roll(-1/2), Concentrate (-1/2), 0 DCV, Extra Time(-1/2), Gestures(-1/4), OIF(-1/2), unbreakable3
3420/20 Armor (Plate Mail), OIF(-3/4), unbreakable, hard to recover
36 Flash Defense (Helmet), Sight Group, OIF(-3/4), unbreakable, personal focus, hard to recover
203D6 HKA (Holy Longsword), vs physical defense, OAF(-1 1/4), unbreakable, hard to recover4
105 Levels: Holy Longsword
1415/10 Armor, "Kite Shield", 14- Activation(-1/2), OAF(-1 1/4), unbreakable, hard to recover
2Radio Hearing (Helmet), IIF(-1/4)
4IR Vision (Helmet), IIF(-1/4)

 Powers Cost:138
 Total Cost:250
 Base Points:100
 Total Points:250

 Value Disadvantage
10Distinctive, "Faint halo of light", concealable, minor
5Enraged, "When innocents are hurt", uncommon, occur 8-, recover 11-
20Normal Stats Maxima
15Psych Lim, "Must be holy and pious", common, strong
20Psych Lim, "Religious soliloqui", common, total
10Rep, "Fanatical Holy Warrior", occur 8-, extreme reputation
15Secret ID,"Joshua Kizhmann"
10Susc, "Unholy Ground", uncommon, per minute, 2D6
20Vuln, "Unholy & Darkness attacks", common, x2 stun
20Vuln, "Unholy & Darkness attacks", common, x2 body
5 Watched,"Harbingers of Light", less powerful, non-combat influence, harsh, appear 8-

Watching Craw, 8-, Avatar of Light Hunting Craw, 8-

The Harbingers of Light is a strange, elitist and very religious splinter fraction of the much larger Church of Light. The Harbingers of Light believe in actively opposing what they define as "evil", i.e. seeking out wrongdoers and ideally make them repent their sins.

The "average" cultist of the Harbingers of Light is one twisted fellow, if he is to be judged from what he believes in. Nevertheless, the Harbingers of Light count at least 20.000 members spread all over the United States, though they are more numerous in the "Bible Belt".

The cultist usually attend special masses held for them in churches dressed all in white, to symbolize their purity, that they are the white future of Mankind, and that it is easy to get hold of white bedsheets and cut holes in the middle of them. They are all big on silver or golden crusifixes, preferrably large ones, and usually carry them around all the time.

The Harbingers of Light are essential Christian in outlook, but have a race theory closely following that of the White Aryan Front. Summarizing, if you're not white and believe in the Trinity, there's no other place for you to go except to Hell. Not a very cheering world-view, now is it?

However, they are not directly violent per se, and usually refrain from escalating their efforts from the level of cat-calling and bad soliloquis. There is (at least) one exception to this policy to satisfy the more militant of the Harbingers of Light, namely what is called the "Avatar of Light". This more militant branch of the Harbingers of Light is not known to the public, and this is the way they prefer it.

The Avatar of Light is a champion, or The Champion, of the Harbingers of Light. It is unknown if there is more than one avatar at any given time, as no more than one have been seen at any given time. It is also unknown if there are several avatars, who take turns wearing the Avatar armor. If so, it would explain the extreme endurance and fortitude exhibited by the Avatar of Light.

The Avatar of Light is characteristic in his white plate armor, usually surrounded by a soft glow probably emanating from the armor. The Avatar of Light is decked out in Medieval battle equipment - a large, white kite shield with a cross in gold marked on it, and a longsword with a golden crossguard and grip, decorated with gold along the centre of the blade (again imitating a cross). The tunic of the Avatar is also decorated by this omnipresent cross, as is the helmet. The helmet completely obscures and protects the head and face of the Avatar, and golden lenses set into the eyeholes of the armor probably acts as vision enhancers. The covered eyeholes are situated in the horizontal stripe of the cross enameled or painted on the white helmet of the Avatar. In addition to this, there is a large, ornate, silver crusifix slung around the neck of the Avatar, hanging down on his chestplate.

The Avatar of Light have an annoying or virtuous (depending on religious beliefs) tendency to spout quotations and proclamations during combat.

Examples: "I will cast you down, Spawn of the Devil!" "The Holy Blade will slay your impure spirit!" "Suffer in the face of God's Wrath, infidel!"

By Jens-Arthur Leirbakk