Battle Angel

Designers Notes:
Battle Angel comes from a manga series created by Yukito Kishiro. The manga is avaliable in America from Viz Graphics, the anime from AD Vision. Since names for characters and places varies between the two, I'll try and keep things simple.

The character's name is either Alita (manga) or Gally (anime), and she is a full body cyborg, possessing a fearsome 'berserker' body that allows her to preform increadible feats of power. A 'Hunter-Warrior', she is a bounty hunter, living and working in a place known as Scrap Iron City, a disreputable place that looks like what one would get if you crossed 'The Road Warrior' with 'Blade Runner'.

The character design is based upon what is presented in the first two manga collections from Viz (Rusty Angel & Tears of an Angel), as well as the anime. Attempting to reproduce her exact powers rapidly made me realize I was going to be creating an unplayable character, so I downscaled the power level, while trying to keep the same 'feel' for her abilites.

Battle Angel stands about 5' tall, and weighs about 400 pounds. She usually dresses in a black, armless, jumpsuit that covers her from neck to knees. Over this, she wears a standard duster. Black fingerless gloves and tan, knee high boots complete the outfit.

Powers Notes:
The plasma generator sucks air in through vents in the right shoulder and projects out of her index and middle fingers at ~15,000 degrees centigrade. In the manga she uses it to cut through a character's 40mm armored skin with ease. PanzerKunst (aka Armored Arts) is supposed to be the most powerful of the fightarts developed for humaniod cyborgs. I selected a set of manuvers that seemed to reflect her typical attacks. Note, that all of the strikes seem to work as either punches of kicks.

The knife is worn on her belt, kept at the small of the back. Her body is armored everywhere but her head. Later, when running the motorball circuit, she added a helmet.

The skills are selected based on the manga and what seemed to be appropriate for the character. Ido is a cyberdoctor and the one who gave her the berserker body.

Disadvantages Notes:
The war paint (in the anime it's blood) is either brown are dark red and goes from under the eye, across the cheek and down to the jaw. This feature came and went depending on her mood.

The medical attention and doesn't heal body limitations reflect her mechanical body. Anyone attempting Paramedics will be at a hefty minus, while and physical damage (breaking an arm for example) is permanent unitil it's repaired.

The Psych lims seemed to best sum up her attitude. If your going to use her in a game, feel free to adjust them to reflect the image of her you want.

Her reputation is such that she is not well liked by other hunter-warriors, while her targets will often attempt to do anything to stop her.

The Character:

STAT    VAL     COST    
Str     40*     25      
Dex     33      69      
Con     25      30      
Body    15      10      
Int     13      3       
Ego     18      16      
Pre     20      10      
Com     16      3       
PD      9*      1       
ED      9*      3       
Spd     7       27      
Rec     12      0       
End     50      0       
Stun    50      4       
Char Total      201     
Power Total     264     
Total Cost      465     

	* modifications for Density Increase included
7       Density Increase: 1 lvl, 0 End, Persist, Always on,  +5 STR, +1 PD/ED, 
	-1" KB, 400lbs

40      HKA: 4d6, Armor Piercing, STR does not add (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2),
	Does not work underwater (-1/4), END 9 - Plasma Jet     

1       Martial Arts: 'PanzerKunst', Use with Knife                                             
4       Block +2 OCV +2 DCV abort                                               
4       Dodge +0 OCV +5 DCV abort                                               
4       Fast Strike +2 OCV +0 DCV STR +2d6 strike                                               
3       Legsweep +2 OCV -1 DCV STR +1d6 strike, target falls                                            
5       Offensive Strike -2 OCV +1 DCV STR +4d6 strike                                                                                                  
5       Passing Strike +1 OCV +0 DCV STR +v/5, full move

9       Hand Attack: +2d6, 0 END - cyberlimbs                                           
12      HKA: 1d6 (2d6 w STR), 0 END, +1 OCV, no KB, OAF: Knife  
29      Armor: 12 PD/ED, locations 6-18 (-1/4)          
48      Running: +14", x16 non-combat, total: 20" combat / 288" non-combat, 
	END 4   
10      Superleap  +10" (17" long /8.5" high), END 2	
30      Find Weakness: with PanzerKunst 13-

3       Ambidexterity                                           
3       Acrobatics 16-
2       AK: Scrap Iron City 11-
3       Breakfall 16-
3       Climbing 16-
5       Defense Manuver                                         
2       KS: Scrap Iron City Underworld 11-
2       PS: Hunter-Warrior 11-
3       Stealth 16-
5       Streetwise 13-
1       WF: Knife                                               
16      CSL: +2 with Combat                                             
5       Contact: Ido Daisuke 14-
1       Perk: Registered Hunter-Warrior                                         

100     Base
5       DF: War Paint
10      Phys: Requires specialized medical attention
15      Phys: Does not heal Body damage
10      Phys: Amneisac, suffers from flashbacks
20      Psych: Loves Ido
15      Psych: Protective of those she calls her friends
15      Psych: No tolerance of braggarts, cowards or fools
10      Rep:  Tough / dangerous Hunter-Warrior, 11- 
265     Hunter-Warrior bonus
(Battle Angel created by Yukito Kishiro, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)