stat  value  cost |Character Name: Blazing Blue   secret id: Jack Saunders
STR    40(15)  5* |  base OCV:7         base DCV:7              base ECV: 5
DEX    20     30  |       DEX:20             SPD:4
CON    20     20  |    Phases: 3 6 9 12
BOD    11(10)  0  |    PD/rPD:28/20          ED/rED:24/20
INT    13      3  |       END:20             STN:41
EGO    15     10  |       BOD:11      STN Number:21
PRE    20     10  | 
COM    17      3  |       STR roll:17- / 12-
 PD    8/4     1* |       DEX roll:13-
 ED     2      0  |       EGO roll:12-
SPD     4      10 |       INT roll:12-
REC    11/7    0* |       PER roll:12-
END    40      0  |       Run:20"   Climb: 
STN    41(29)  0* |      Swim:      Fly: 
Total Cost: 92    |      Jump: 8"   (Vert:    ) 

126 OIF "Blazing Blue" Armor
40 Armor 20 PD 20 ED
13 +20 STR
5 5pts Growth, 0 END Persistant. x2 Mass,+5 STR,-1 KB,+1 BODY,+1 STUN
22 +14" Running
13 End Reserve 100 END 10 REC
3 5pts Power Defense
3 5pts Lack of Weakness
10 Regeneration 2/5 minutes

30 OIF "Blazing Blue" Gun Activate 14-, 16 charges Multipower 60 Active
3(6)u 12d6 EB: Laser Fire
3(6)u 2d6 ERKA, +2 Stun Multiplier
3(6)u 2d6 Flash, All sight, AE Cone

13 OIF Comm Helmet Multipower 20 Active
2m IR,UV vision
1u High Range Radio Hearing
1m Mental Awareness
1u Radar Sense
3m Telescopic Sight x5
3m Telescopic Hearing x5
3 5pts Sight Flash Def
3 5pts Hearing Flash Def

Total cost:178

0 Policeman Package
Fam w/ Small Arms
Fam w/ Billy Club
KS: Criminal Law 11-
CK: East Los Angeles, his precinct area. 12-
Combat Driving 13-
Concealment 12-
Forensics 12-

3 Criminology 12-
3 Persuasion 13-

Total cost:6

0* Local Police Powers

Total cost:0

2 Absolute Time Sense (Digital readout in helmet)

Total cost:0
Total points: 195

Experience spent: 2
Experience unspent: 1

10 Watched, Local PD, MP, NCI, 8-
5  Distinctive Features (cop)
3  Package Bonus
15 Distinctive Features: Power Armor
5  Berserk, Armor Dirtied, 8-, 14-
10 Enraged, Cheap Shotted, 8-, 8-
10 Enraged, Litterbugs, 11-, 8-
10 Enraged, Observes Cheating, 8-, 8-
10 Enraged, Wimp Makes Speech, 8-, 8-
10 Hunted, Mafia, As Pow, 8-
10 Hunted, Random Gang, Less Pow, 11-
10 Hunted, Shadow, As Pow, 8-
10 Watched, City Government, More Pow, NCI, 8-
10 PL: Dislikes Wimps (C,M)
10 PL: Hates Macho Women (U,S)
15 PL: Obeys Superiors (C,S)
15 PL: Watches TV Sports
5  Reputation, Cop, 8-
5  Rivalry, Invincible Ice (Another Power Armor Project at another precinct.)
15 Secret ID: Jack Saunders

Total points:  =(100+195)

Height: 6'4''                   Weight: 225
Race:   Caucasian               Age   : 24
Sex:    Male			Hair: Black		Eyes: Brown
Scarier than Robocop while in Power Armor, and a tall, muscular, weightlifter type as a cop. Little kids have no reason to fear him any more than any other cop, and he happens to make a great role model; just don't set off any of his psych lims, or you may find yourself cleverly stuffed in a trash can, or some such terrible fate, though not as bad as what Sledge Hammer puts people through...oh, most importantly: DON'T INTERRUPT A SPORTS SHOW ON TV!!!!

Jack Saunders led the typical american life, modified by growing up in East L.A, and having to deal with gang violence. He was lucky enough to have parents who didn't divorce, and had a good home life. Continually digusted by what he saw on the streets, he finished high school, and joined the Police Force.

Besides busting the heads of gang members, he took night classes for detective work, because he didn't plan to be an officer forever. Some months after he finished his work, and while waiting for his promotion, he got an offer from the Police Chief to "try out" for a hush-hush S.W.A.T. experiment. His devotion to duty led him to accept, and, as it turned out, he was one of the few officers whose brain was compatible with the encephalic control circuitry for The Blazing Blue Armor.

After a few days, he was informed that he was the one the department wanted, and, seeing a chance to really take down the gangs by day, and study their moves by night, he accepted. (Little did he know he was selected because his paycheck was the smallest, and the monetary benefit for running the armor is doubling one's paycheck) Now all the gangs of East L.A. know to fear him, and if you, the good citizen, see him in action, he's your tax dollars at work!!!

Odd special effects:
The voice scrambler in his helmet makes him sound like Robocop.