Entropy - Air Form

Val  CHA  Cost        OCV: 9                    STR Roll: 10
---  ---  ----        DCV: 9                    DEX Roll: 14
 5   STR   -5         ECV: 5                    INT Roll: 13
26   DEX   48         Phases: 3,5,8,10,12       PER Roll: 13
19   CON   18                                   EGO Roll: 12
 8  BODY   -4              
18   INT    8         Run:  6"                  PD/rPD: 15/0
14   EGO    8         Fly: 20"                  ED/rED: 15/0
13   PRE    3         Leap: 1"/1"
10   COM    0       
15    PD   14       Description: Female, 5'8" tall, with sky blue hair 
15    ED   11             skin, and eyes.  Her costume is a darker shade 
 5   SPD   14             of blue.  When desolid and visible, she appears
10   REC   10             as a hazy blue mist with human features.
30   END   -4        
35  STUN   11        
Cost               Powers                                      END
----               ------                                      ---
 20                Elemental Control - Air Powers
 27                a) 3d6 NND, Continuous, Affects Physical     7
                      World (+2), only when desolid (-1/2),
                      no range, defense is 10pts Life Support
 13                b) 20" Flight, only when desolid             4
 13                c) Invisibility to Sight Group and Normal    4
                      Hearing, No Fringe, only when desolid
 13                d) Desolidfication (affected by wind         4
                       attacks), cannot pass through walls
 21                END Battery for Elemental Control           
                       (160 END, 5 REC)
  2                +1 Level with NND
  9                +3 Levels with Flight

100+               Disadvantages
----               -------------
 20                Accidental Change when END Battery reaches 0,
                     (common - back to human form), 14-
 20                2xSTUN from air attacks
 15                Hunted by DEMON (as powerful, NCI), 8-
 15                Hunted by an evil sorceress (as powerful), 11-
 10                Watched by the Circle (more powerful), 11 -
 20                Psych. Limit.: Code against Kill (Common, Total)
 15                Psych. Limit.: Must think carefully before acting        
                      (Common, Strong)
 20                4d6 Unluck
 15                DNPC (Younger Sister - Normal), 11-

Characteristic Total: 122              100 Base
Powers Total        : 128              150 Disadvantages
                      ---              ---
                      250  Total Cost  250