King Size

King Size


King Size runs the illegal fight rings in New Orleans. He himself is reigning champion of the Crescent City Death Duel, a bi-annual event lasting several days which rich people from all over come to watch gladatorial death matches. King Size, real name unknown, came from Brazil where he reigned supreme in the Vale Tudo competitions (Vale Todo=Port. for "Anything Goes") but no one would fight with him anymore as he had a nasty habit of permanently crippling or killing his opponents. It was obvious also his massive frame was not natural, the fact that he augmented his work-outs with steroids didn't help either. He resorted to gladatorials and challenge matches held by rich sponsors who wanted to put "their man" against others. High Step saw one such match and talked to the fighter after the match. He convinced King Size to fight and kill such meager opponents was little challenge when in the states, he could rule his own stable of fighters and maintain his fighting prowess by defending the title in a little event High Step cooked up called the Crescent City Death Duel. For some reason (usually blackmail, coercion, kidnapped relatives) several martial artists from around the area wanted to compete and King Size saw hish chance. The truth of the matter is, High Step never thought King Size was special and had only the intention of gathering one more fighter for his event. High Step collected millions for the fight due to the way King Size handled his opponents: letting the crowd decide which limb to crush, making speeches on why what bone was breaking and why, and challenging his opponents so mightily, some never recovered from the shout. High Step saw a cash crop. After King Size won the tournament, High Step sank a good portion of his profits into King Size and his body: steroid baths, electro-dermal protien treatments, skeletal enhancements and the like. High Step saw in King Size a winner. High Step likes winners. High Step gave King Size women. Women had never treated King Size well. King size liked his new toys. High Step also liked his new toy.

King Size

STR     33      Skills:
DEX     18      Breakfall, 13-
CON     23      Climbing, 13-
BDY     23      KS:Analyze Style, 13-
INT     19      KS:Bones and Joints, 13-
EGO     18      KS:Martial World, 13-
PRE     28      KS:Street Fighters, 13- 
COM     8       AK:Rio Dejinero 
PD/rPD  15      Lang:English 3 pts. (Native: Portuguese)
ED/rED  10      Shadowing, 13-
SPD     4       Stealth, 13-
REC     12      Streetwise, 16-                                         24
END     46      
STN     52      Combat Sense, 14-
                Defensive Maneuver                                      10
Char Cost:165   
        /197*   Vale Tudo
                Breaking     -2/-2  Grab one limb; 1 1/2dHKA, disable;  
                 Throw                   Target Falls
                Crush        0/0    15d; Must follow successful Grab
                Defensive    +1/+3  11d
                Joint Break  -1/-2  Grab one limb; 1 1/2d, disable
                Martial Grab -1/-1  Grab two limbs; 63 STR for grab
                Offensive    -2/+1  15d
                 Strike                                                 27

                +4 DC w/ fighting
                +4 CV w/ combat
                +8 CV w/ combat, only to cancel to hit penalties (-1)
                +4 CV w/ Vale Tudo if Analyze Style roll is made (-1/2) 65 

                Armor 3PD/3ED
                Damage Reduction 50%, Physical, Resistant               
                Damage Reduction 50%, Energy, Resistant                 
                Growth 1 level, always on, 0 END, Persistant             76

Total Cost:367/399*

                Berserk:If High Step is killed or at high risk, 14-, 8- -25
                Enraged:If ganged up on, 11-,11-                        -15
                Dist Feat:HUGE frightening scarred Brazilian            -25
                Hunted: FBI, 8-                                         -20
                Phys. Lim.:HUGE, Fre, Fully                             -20
                Psy Lim:Casual Killer                                   -10
                Psy Lim:Morbidly faithful to High Step                  -10
                Psy Lim:Mysoginist                                      -15
                Reputation: Killer, 8-                                  -10
                Psycho-Fucking-Giant-Death-Machine Bonus

        *=The second number is for those campaigns that have the standing
rule about Normal character maxima. The second number represents the value
of the character if he paid double for characteristics over 20.


King Size is a man about 7'7" and weighs nearly 770lbs. His short, cropped hair sits on a face of scars and broken bones. What once might have been a handsome man is now scarred greatly. To run into King Size is like walking into a tree as his skin feels like bark and the muscles and bones beneath, like wood. He dresses well enough, his huge tailored suits pressed and pristine, but it looks like someone dressed a statue of a brutish thug. King Size is again HUGE in both stature and physique and his voice is a deep, baritone which is enough to make many people tremble.

Role-Playing Notes

KING SIZE SHOULD NOT BE FACED WITH ONE DARK CHAMPIONS OPPONENT BUT A GROUP. He himself has a stable of fighters and when the players cut through them, they should face him at the end. He will of course goad people (via PRE attack) into fighting man to man but you might want to forewarn your players that its a mistake. King Size, naturally large, has still augmented his body a great deal with muscle replentishment surgery, steroid baths and electro-dermal protien treatments (hence the STR, BDY, CON, Damage Resistance and Armor). He will fight to humiliate an opponent whenever possible. He won't kill just anyone, either, prefering to permanently cripple those he deems unworthy of fighting him. He detests guns and seldomly uses them (hence no Weapon Familiarity). He is also not very nice to women at all and treats them like possessions or more like a perverted child with a new kitten. He toys with them, breaks them mentally and then physically. Women who do not do as Ms. Fortune or Powder wishes are sent to King Size and his stable of fighters.

Quote:"What you feel breaking is your clavicle, my friend. After that goes, I will be rending your arm out of its socket."

Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk