Quincy Dent (258 points) by Steven J. Owens

Description:  Quincy Dent is a quiet, unprepossessing man who looks
	like a college professor or accountant or possibly both.  He's
	slightly disheveled, wearing normal clothing and possibly an
	overcoat if the weather or climate warrants it.  Caucasian
	a bit past than 30-something but not by much.  Eyes that can
	look deranged, normal, distracted, or jaded as necessary.  In
	short, he looks like most people do.  What'd you expect him to
	do, wear a sign saying "Superhero here!"?

OCV  4      PD    10      ED    10      Combat levels:  +3 Overall
DCV  4     rPD    --     rED    --      Defenses:  1/2 rPD/rED Damage
ECV  5     Total  10     Total  10                 Reduction

 13  Str   3            Secret Agent Skills Package Deal (3 pts)
 13  Dex   9            --      PS:  Intelligence Operations
 18  Con  16             2      KS:  Occult World
 10  Bod                 3      Criminology (Int/5)     13-     16-
 18  Int   8             3      Forensics (Int/5)       13-     16-
 15  Ego  10             3      Shadowing (Pre/5)       14-     17-
 23  Pre  13             3      Streetwise (Pre/5)      14-     17-
 12  Com   1             1      FAM w/Air Transports    
 10  PD    7             3      Well Connected          
 10  ED    6             3      Contact:  Occult Spec.  14-
  4  Spd  17             3      Contact:  Federal Dbase 14-
 36  End                 2      Contact:  Agency        12-
 25  Stn                  .5    Favor:                  14-
	  90              .5    Favor:                  14-
Dex Roll: 12-           24      (27-3)
Int Roll: 13-            6      +2 All Perception 
Per Roll: 15-            6      Mental Defense
Ego Roll: 12-           30      Overall Levels +3

71       7      Elemental Control "Luck" (Act 14-, Jammed)
	15      "Rolling with the punches" 1/2 PD fr. Damage Reduction
	15      "Rolling with the punches" 1/2 ED fr. Damage Reduction
	15      "Luck" 6d6 luck
	25      "Lucky Guesses", Clarisentience, Precognition
	45      "Jinx" 8d6 Energy Blast, Variable SFX
	15      "Somebody Else's Problem", Mental Illusion, No Range, No End,
			Area Effect Radius, 7d6

30      Variable Power Pool, No Skill Roll (+1), Transport Only (-1), 20 pool


  5     Age Forty
 20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
 15     Watched 14- by Agency
 20     Hunted, Less Powerful, Extensive NCI, Very Frequently, "AVONic
		cultists" and/or the "Righteous Right"
 20     Hunted (random), More Powerful, Very Frequently, Hunter(s) desire to
		mildly punish the character (-5), "Weird Things"
 20     DNPC, Senile Uncle Ex-Champion, Incompetent, Occasional
 20     Psych Lim:  Code Against Killing
 10     Psych Lim:  Prankster
 10     Psych Lim:  Law-Abiding
 10     Reputation, Sometimes, Extreme (known to some law enforcement &
		spooks as one of "the guys who handle the weird	stuff.")
  8     Experience
---     -----
158     Total


	  When Dent's uncle passed on the mantle of the champion, he
failed to realize that he was, in fact, reawakening the decades-slumbering
conflagration between the Defenders Ultimatum Hominum and the AVONic order.
Although their ringleaders were gone, their organization destroyed, the
remaining members of the AVONic order were still sensitive enough to
recognize the manipulation of the planet's aetheric field and the use of
the Champion's powers.  They began to reunite, activating the various
hundreds of "sleeper" agents and calling them together.

	Unfortunately, the AVONic order is not what it used to be.  Not only
are the brilliant leaders of yesteryear gone, the stunningly powerful giant
technology of the 1950's destroyed, and the power of the organization
dispersed, but the agents are aging men in their 60s and 70s, their bodies
long grown unused to practicing these arts and most of their skills long
since atrophied from disuse.  As a result, while potentially deadly, they
are for the most part incompetent.  The best thing they have going for them
is that people tend to underestimate them.

	The Righteous Right is another matter.  This is an organization of
young fundamentalist christians who have decided that they are the ones to
administer God's Law to the heathens and satanic demons masquerading as
super-heroes and super-villains.  Unfortunately, they're not too good at
it yet... but they're learning.

Explanation of Powers

	As explained below, Quincy's powers are semi-mystical.  They
stem from the fact that he's the champion of humanity and the universe
tends to arrange things in his favor when possible.  Or to put it
another way, besides his own luck, he's got access to the latent luck
of humanity.  Both the elemental and the variable power pool are
expressions of that luck.

Transport Variable Power Pool 

	The variable power pool is defined as the way things tend to
work out to smooth his path as much as possible. The more common use
of this power is the way he always seems to find transportation as he
needs it (a slight bending of the vehicle perk, but since the vehicles
used are largely normal and under control of the GM there is little
potential for abuse). 

Luck Elemental Control  

	"Everybody's luck runs out sooner or later."  The powers in
the Elemental Control have the limitations activation roll 14- and
jammed.  When the roll is failed that power "jams" and is unusuable
for the rest of the adventure or until it is unjammed, at the GM's
discretion.  Possible ways the power might unjam is if the player
makes an extremely lucky roll (for example, rolling sixes on his luck
roll, rolling a 3 on an attack roll, rolling maximum damage or maximum
dice with a luck power) or is extremely fortunate in play (the villain
rolls an 18 for an attack against Quincy, or an attack that hits rolls
minimum damage, or circumstances more subject to GM interpretation).

Rolling with the punches

	By numerous coincidences and strokes of luck, Quincy tends to
not get hit a lot in combat, or to only be struck glancing blows or be
slightly singed by energy blasts.  This power might be traded in for a
No END Cost forcefield or augmented by armor or a forcefield in an
upgraded version of Quincy.


	Self-explanatory.  A talent in an Elemental Control is not
normally allowed, but considering how dependent Luck is upon the GM's 
judgement in deciding when to roll and what happens according to the
roll, GM permission is quite reasonable for this power.

Lucky Guesses

	Quincy is quite often able to make guesses about subjects or
events that he has no direct knowledge of, a version of precognition.
The power is more oriented towards knowing things that have happened
or are in the process of happening, but which he hasn't been informed
of yet by normal means.

	While precognition is a stop sign power, Quincy's ability to
make lucky guesses is less powerful than out-right precognition is,
and more subject to GM control.  It is not limited enough to warrant a
No Conscious Control Limitation, however.


	Quincy's energy blast is defined as "combat unluck."  In other
words, he makes bad things happen to people.  The exact effects of the
energy blast are variable, but the general special effect is unlucky
coincidences or simple bad luck causing damage to the target.  He
"jinxes" someone and bad things happen to them.  Player and/or GM
should be creative in figuring out precisely what happens.

	A more powerful version of this power might include the
advantage Indirect, or a variable advantage.  An extremely powerful
version might be a limited variable power pool with the exact attack
decided by the GM, for example: an Armor Drain defined as the target
being unlucky enough that attacks hit the weak points;  an Energy
Blast Drain defined as attacks only barely hitting and having less
effect;  Missile Reflection against the target's teammates defined
as the target missing Quincy and accidentally hitting a teammate;
Entangle defined as the target accidentally tripping and falling 
or stumbling into a mess of loose cables;  etc.

Somebody Else's Problem

	Somehow, when Quincy doesn't want attention people don't seem
to notice him.  The mental illusion power's SFX is defined as
"somebody else's problem," meaning that whatever that odd occurrence
is over there, it's Somebody Else's Problem and you don't want to get
involved... readers of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series
(specifically The Restaraunt At the End of the Universe) should
recognize the SEP.

	Note that the Mental Illusions are not restricted in any way,
and could be used to create other illusions or effects if they are in
concept.  In general, such uses of the illusion should not be able to
cause any sort of damage and should be oriented towards misdirection
and concealment.  

Possible upgrades:

Gremlins (in the Luck Elemental Control)

	15      "Gremlins" (jinxing gadgets), 1d6 RKA, Penetrating, Armor 
			Piercing, Area Effect 1 Hex, only vs. inanimate
			materials (-1)

	The "gremlins" in this power are not literal gremlins
(although that's not so unlikely, given this character...) but are
instead the tendency for equipment, foci, gadgets, etc, to become
disfunctional or break down.

Drunken Fist Kung Fu

	The "Drunken Fist" martial arts style incorporates staggering,
drunken behavior designed to make the martial artist's maneuvers
unpredictable and possibly even disguise the fact that the artist is
fighting at all, leaving his or her opponents quite confused and
unsure of themselves.  In this particular version, the style would
not represent so much a deliberately learned martial art as it would a
tendency for Quincy to stumble aside just as his opponent attacks
(martial dodge), or bend down to pick up something just as his
opponent tries to take him out with a flying crescent kick (martial
throw), etc.  See the Ninja Hero rules for more information on this.


	Quincy Dent was a quiet, dedicated, patriotic man, spending his life
in the pursuit of Evil and the defense of his country as an agent of
[CLASSIFIED].  His speciality was urban "field work," hitting the streets
and talking to people and finding out information.  In the vernacular of his
profession he became known as a top-notch "pavement artist."  It was not
until relatively late in his life that he was approached by his uncle, an
ancient man nearing (so he said) death of old age, and asked to take an
extended leave. 

	The reasons for his retirement from active field work were much
deeper than it would appear, however, because his uncle had asked Quincy to
set aside his law enforcement work and take up the mantle of the champion of
an ancient society that called itself only "The Ultimate Defenders of
Humanity."  This society, of which Quincy's uncle was the last living member
and previous champion during the Second World War and Korean war, devoted
its energies to stopping the Evil and Insidious Plots of the Ancient and
Venerable Order of Nihilists (AVON), a cult of demon and devil worshipers
intent on no less than the summoning up of Rashmaphtooie, a grand demon of
inhuman and preternatural origins who would destroy the world.

	For centuries, perhaps millenia, the Defenders Ultimatum Hominum
(as their latin name read) had stopped AVON's evil plots, aided chiefly by
their powerful magical champion.  Then several decades ago, the champion, in
truth Quincy's uncle, smashed the core of ringleaders of the AVONic cult and
forever eliminate the threat of Rashmaphtooie.  Or so they thought.  Of
late, Quincy's uncle had begun to felt disturbances through the magickal
senses of the ether, changes in the warp and weft of the world.  He knew
that it was time once again for the Champion to rise.  

Using Quincy as an NPC

	In terms of personality Quincy Dent really isn't suitable for
use as a villain, but the power structure and skills could easily be
used for a character with a different personality.  The use of Luck 
based powers can be especially annoying to the players if Quincy seems
to use their own powers against them.  Quincy could be used as an
inadvertant villain - not so much working against the heroes as
working at cross purposes to them - or as an NPC "guide" in adventures
that involve more of the occult or the truly weird than the characters
are set up to handle.

	Quincy tends to wander on to the scene and wander off without
much fanfare.  If he becomes involved with the heroes it will likely
be because they wonder who he is and what he thinks he's doing with
that Tibetan idol or because he approaches them and introduces himself
as an investigator of the occult or possibly simply as an "interested
observer" and advises them for/against a certain course of action "As
an interested observer I just wanted to suggest that you might think
about returning that amerindian medicine pouch to the Sioux before
anybody else gets transformed into a large owl by mistake..."  

	If the players embark on a journey into the supernatural, they
might encounter Quincy quite by accident.  If so, he'll feel somewhat
obligated to advise them if possible.

AVONic Demons:  deep ruddy skinned beings with four large, strong arms (two
in place of the legs), no head (just a smooth spot where the neck should
be), mouths (and gnashing teeth) in the palms of their hands and eyes in
their chests.  One favorite tactic of the AVONic demons is to grab and crush
a victim with all four arms, at the same time using their teeth to dig in
and bite gouts of flesh out of the target.

Identifying quote:  "Hmmm.... Did you know that your aunt's brass
aardvark is really a Tibetan demoning summoning idol? Better not drop
any bean dip in front of it or we'll be... oops!"

Sample Encounter:

    "Hey, let's take this car here.  The owner left the engine running.
We can catch them before they hit the expressway," said Quincy. (VPP: 
Standard car, see Champ III p.X for description). 

    "But that's not legal!" she objected.

    "And kidnapping my poor uncle is?" he replied as she climbed in.
He gunned the car (Combat driving) and dodged septegenarian shoppers
who shuffled their grocery carts across the parking lot.  "I have a
hunch that they turned right...  Look!  Up ahead!  They rear-ended
a police car!", he chortled.  (Luck 7d6 rolled, with three 6's). "I hope 
that cop doesn't open the trunk.  Uncle is bound to be a bit feisty..."