Introducing TerraGuard, Lord of Nature


TerraGuard's powers involve a magical control of the classical 'elements'. That is, he can evoke the strengths of earth, fire, water, air, light, dark, electricity and flesh. He has fashioned an animated suit of enchanted granite which provides great physical protection and strength.
cost char stat  In armor
      str  10    33
 12   dex  14
 10   con  15    25
  6   body 13
 13   int  23
  8   ego  14
 10   pre  20
  4   com  18
  6   pd    8    21, 8 resistent
  5   ed    8    17, 5 resistent
 16   spd   4
      rec   5    10
      end  30    50
____  stun 26    39

  6   Elemental Control, Granite armor(10), OIF, -1/4 real armor.
  4   1) 2 levels Density Increase,  0 end , always on.
  5   2) Life support, self contained, immune to heat/cold, disease, extra
         Dimensional energies
  5   3) 8 rpd, 5 red Armor
  6   4) +10 con
  5   5) +13 str, 0 end.
 75   30 point VPP, elemental powers.
Typical powers:
6d6 Cold EB, 6d6 water blast vs pd, 2d6 RKA flame or electricity, Flight
Flight usable against others, cone explosion(wind blast), +10 def Armor,(earth)
Heatwave NND, 2d6 area effect, 5d5 HtH NND, electricity,  3d6 Ice entangle,
+10d6 HtH, only for shockwave when striking earth or rock.  Area TK, flood.
Swimming, tunnelling, mold(transform) rock, darkness, flash vs sight and or
sound, healing: can heal only 1/2 the damage taken, ExtraDimensional Travel,
Alter Enviroment.
  5   8 mental defense
  4   +2 w/ego roll vs mental powers.
  5   Discriminating smell
  6   microscopic smell, good for tiny concentrations
 10   Tracking scent
  8   Detect Lie, ranged
  3 PS Sculptor 14-
  3 KS Toxins   14-
  3 Paramedics  14-
  3 Oratory     13-
90 char, 75 VPP, 31 EC, 50 Skills= 246 pts.
TerraGuard is a charismatic enviromental activist, incidentally from another dimension. In his armor he can duke it out with the most evil of villains, but isn't defenseless without it. His team roles are: Durable, People person, sensor, versatile offense, special movements, and clean up.

Disad Ideas: Hunted, extradimensional villain, (he has Extra-D travel) DNPC, first friend on earth type, romantic Secret or Public ID, 3d6 Stun if in a polluted enviroment per minute. LA bad smog days would do this, gasoline fumes, toxic waste water etc...

Michael Sandy

Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk