From: Michael Surbrook 
cc: Hero Character Adaption ,,
Subject: CHAR: The Astronomer
The Astronomer

Designers Notes:
The Astronomer is (was) one of the most evil beings to exist in the Wildcards universe. He is an old man (born in 1925), who stands 5'5" and weighs all of 110 lbs. He has thinning white hair, wears glasses and is best described as 'mole-like'. He is usually confined to a wheelchair, although the proper use of his powers can allow him to bypass that problem.

The Astronomer practices a horrific form of death magic, gaining immense energy through the ritualistic slaying of his victims (usually young women).

Once the ritual is completed, The Astronomer is blessed with an huge energy reserve allowing him the utilize the following powers: astral projection, clairsentience, minor precognition, mind control, the ability to selectively erase memories, flight, invisibility to visual and mental senses, ego attacks, hand killing attacks, suppression vs any wildcard power, force fields and minor force walls, telepathy and an assortment of energy blasts. The Astronomer is a very dangerous opponent.

The Character:

Str		3/18		-7
Dex		10		0
Con		8		-4
Body		8/23		-4
Int		30		20
Ego		36		52
Pre		20		10
Com		8		-1
PD		2/4		1
ED		2		0
Spd		3		10
Rec		3/6		0
End		16/216		0
Stun		14/36		0
Char Total			77
Power Total			629
Total Cost			706

150	150 Point Variable Power Pool: Telepathic/Telekinetic Powers
300	VPP Control Cost: No Skill Roll Needed, 0 Phase to Change Powers, 
	Limited Special Effects (-1/2)

33	+200 END, Requires extended bloody ritual to use (-2)
10	+15 STR, Linked to END bonus (-1/2), +1 STR per 7 END
13	+15 Body, Linked to END bonus (-1/2), +1 BODY per 5 END
18	Mental Defense: 20 DEF, Hardened

3	Enhanced Perception +1
10	Wealth
10	Eidetic Memory

3	KS: Egyptian Freemasons 15-
3	KS: Occultism 15-
7	Interrogation 15-
3	Oratory 13-
3	Persuasion 13-
2	SC: Astronomy 15-
2	SC: Mathmatics 15-
2	SC: Physics 15-
2	SC: Psychology 15-
13	Ancient Greek (3), Cuneiform (1-literacy only), English (native),
	Eygptian hieroglyhics (1-literacy only), French (4), German (4),
	Latin (4)
3	Linguist
3	Scientist
20	CSL: +4 with Variable Power Pool
16	CSL: +2 with Combat

150	Base
5	DF: Short, old man with glasses and a mole-like appearence
10	Hunted: Fortunato (AsPow) 8-
10	Phys: Bad Sight
10	Phys: Lame, must use a wheelchair (sometimes)
15	Psych: Bad Tempered
15	Psych: Bloodlust
15	Psych: Meglomania
15	Psych: Sadistic
10	Rep: The Astronomer: evil leader of the Masons (ext) 8-
451	Experience

(The Astronomer created by Lewis Shiner, character sheet created by
Michael Surbrook)

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *