Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 11:48:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael Surbrook
Subject: CHAR: Ezili-je-Rouge

EZILI-JE-ROUGE (Red-Eyed Ezili)

Designers Notes:
Ezili is very beautiful light-skinned black woman from Port-au-Prince Haiti. She's 5'6" in height and weighs 125 lbs, with red eyes with a black iris. Her hair is thick wild mane that falls to her waist. She is chief among Ti Malice's mounts and is totally devoted to him.

She will do anything Ti Malice asks, and is often the one who acquires new mounts for him. She is totally amoral and will do whatever she must to protect Ti Malice, regardless of the cost.

The Character:

STAT            VAL             COST
Str		11		1
Dex		15		15
Con		13		6
Body		10		0
Int		14		4
Ego		14		8
Pre		18		8
Com		24		9
PD		3		1
ED		3		0
Spd		3		5
Rec		5		0
End		26		0
Stun		23		0
Char Total			57
Power Total			64
Total Cost			121

3	+1 with Perception
5	Contact: Ti Malice 15-
5	Perk: Wealth

7	Disguise 13-
7	KS: 'Karma Sutra' 16-
5	KS: Posions 14-
5	KS: Posion Brewing 14-
9	PS: 'Karma Sutra' 18-
5	Seduction 14-
3	Streetwise 13-
1	WF: Knife
7	Lang: English (3), French (4), Hatian Creole (0)
2	CSL: +1 OCV with Knife

50	Base
15	DF: Very beautiful, has red eyes
20	Phys: Addicted to Ti Malice's 'kiss'
5	(15) Phys: Addicted to various narcotics
0	(0) Phys: Illiterate
20	Psych: Protective of Ti Malice
5	(10) Psych: Amoral lecherousness (very bisexual)
6	Experience
(Ezili-je-Rouge created by John J Miller, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *