From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: Fortunato

Designers Notes:
Fortunato is a middle-aged man who stands 6'4" and weighs 170 lbs. Of mixed parentage, he has light brown skin, black hair and eyes with epicanthic folds. He normally dresses in fine suits or kimonos decoreated with mystical symbols. Fortunato's wildacard power has granted him immense telepathic powers. He can control minds, fly, create force walls, throw mental blasts, read the future (and the past), slow time (his SPD increase) and generally has a whole host of powers he can use. Tachyon states that he is Earth's most powerful mental wildcard (Starshine may be the most power non-mental). Fortunato derives all his power from tantric 'sex' magic. Tantric rituals feed his END Reserve, which then allow him to utilize his power pool.

The Character:

Str		13		3
Dex		18		24
Con		16		12
Body		14		8
Int		23		13
Ego		28		36
Pre		20		10
Com		14		2
PD		5		2
ED		5		2
Spd		4		12
Rec		6		0
End		32		0
Stun		30		1
Char Total			125
Power Total			356
Total Cost			481

100	100 Point Variable Power Pool: Telepathic/Telekinetic Powers
100	VPP Control Cost: No Skill Roll Needed, 0 Phase to Change Powers, 
	Limited Special Effects (-1/2)

53	+8 Speed, Costs End, 8 END
19	END Reserve: 120 END, 10 REC, Recovery requires Tantric Ritual
	(-2) Feeds Power Pool and Speed Increase

	MA: Karate
4	Block  +2 OCV  +2 DCV  Abort
4	Disarm  -1 OCV  +1 DCV  23 STR Disarm
4	Dodge  +0 OCV  +5 DCV  Abort
3	Legsweep  +2 OCV  -1 DCV  3 1/2d6 Strike; Target falls
4	Punch/Snap Kick  +0 OCV  +2 DCV  4 1/2d6 Strike
5	Side/Spin Kick  -2 OCV  +1 DCV  6 1/2d6 Strike

10	Mental Defense: 16 DEF

10	Wealth
5	High Society 14-
3	KS: 'Karma Sutra' 14-
3	KS: Occultism 14-
3	PS: 'Karma Sutra' 14-
3	PS: Pimp 14-
3	SC: Accounting 14-
5	Seduction 14-
7	Streetwise 15-
3	Trading 14-
1	WF: Pistol
4	Lang:JEnglish (native), Japanese

100	Base
10	DF: Mixed race (Japanese-black) man.  Very tall, thin, handsome
	with a bulging forehead.
15	DNPC: Geishas (normal) 11-
15	Hunted: The Astronomer (more pow) 8-
15	Psych: Protective of his women
15	Psych: Impulsive, tends to be reckless in combat
15	Psych: Tends to avoid the outside world, tries to stay to himself
10	Rep: Pimp 11-
286	Experience

(Fortunato created by Lewis Shiner, character sheet created by Michael

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *