From: Michael Surbrook
Subject: CHAR: J. C. Jayewardene

J. C. Jayewardene

Designers Notes:
Jayewardene is a small man, 5'6" and 165 lbs. He is a diplomat serving the government Sri Lanka. He has the power to dream the future. Jayewardene is uncertain if he is dreaming events that may happen, or if he actually causes these events to happen. He feels burdened by his power, and would like very much to be rid of it.

The Character:

STAT            VAL             COST
Str		10		0
Dex		9		-3
Con		11		2
Body		11		2
Int		15		5
Ego		15		10
Pre		13		3
Com		10		0
PD		2		0
ED		2		0
Spd		2		0
Rec		4		0
End		22		0
Stun		22		0
Char Total			19
Power Total			58
Total Cost			77

24	Clairsentience: Precognition, 0 END, No Range, Only While Sleeping 
	(Dreaming) (-1)

4	AK: World 13-
3	Bureaucratics 12-
3	Conversation 12-
3	High Society 12-
3	Oratory 12-
12	Lang: Dutch (3), English (3), Hindi (3), Singhalese (3), Tamil (0)
6	SL: +2 with PRE Skills

50	Base
5	Age: 40+
15	Psych: Wishes to rid himself of his power, fears his dreams
7	Experience
(J. C. Jayewardene created by Walton Simons, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *