From: Michael Surbrook
Subject: CHAR: Dr. Maxim Travnicek


Designers Notes:
Travnicek is tall (6'2") and thin (165 lbs), with graying blond hair and thick glasses. He is ill tempered and a misanthrope, who really can't stand most people.

His wild card power has turned him into a brilliant cyberneticist capable of building amazing inventions (see Modular Man). Unfortunately, his creative process seems geared to creating one-of-a-kind devices and he has yet to produce the Modular Man series of robots like he originally planned.

Note: Travnicek's point total is a bit misleading, since well over 500 of it comes from having Modular Man as a follower.

The Character:

STAT            VAL             COST
Str		8		-2
Dex		8		-6
Con		13		6
Body		11		2
Int		30		30
Ego		30		50
Pre		10		0
Com		10		0
PD		2		0
ED		2		-1
Spd		2		2
Rec		5		0
End		26		0
Stun		22		0
Char Total			81
Power Total			551
Total Cost			632

501	Follower: Modular Man (Base 100 Points)

10	Eidetic Memory
3	Computer Programming 15-
11	Electronics 15-
3	Inventing 15-
2	SC: Biochemistry 15-
2	SC: Chemistry 15-
2	SC: Mathmatics 15-
2	SC: Metallurgy 15-
2	SC: Physics 15-
2	SC: Robotic Engineering 15-
3	Scientist
8	Lang: English (4), German (4), Slovak (native)

100	Base
5	Age: 40+
20	Normal Characteristic Maxima
10	Phys: Bad Sight
15	Psych: Absent minded
15	Psych: Bad tempered and prone to hold grudges
15	Psych: Greedy and possesed with a certain degree of meglomania
5	Poor
447	Experience
(Dr. Maxim Travnicek created by Walter John Williams, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *