From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: The Sleeper
(snicker) This guy was easy! Reminded me of the DC Heroes write up for the Phantom Stranger in that Ambush Bug adventure...

The Sleeper
(Croyd Crenson)

Designers Notes:
The Sleeper is so named due to the nature of his power; when ever he falls asleep, his body changes into a new form. Usually, he sleeps for several weeks, and then awakens, remaining awake for several weeks. The Sleeper has a new body each time he wakes, often with a few joker features, and is usually a powerful ace.

His typical powers are great strength and enhanced dexterity and speed. Due to the nature of his powers, the Sleeper fears sleep. He is terrified of eventually waking up in a hideous joker body that will either die before he sleeps again, or that won't need to sleep at all. He pops pills constantly, and will usually turn into a ravening, paranoid maniac before crashing at the end of his waking period.

The Character:

Str		varies, but usually is 30+
Dex		varies, but usually is 20+
Con		varies		
Body		varies		
Int		14		4
Ego		14		8
Pre		varies		
Com		varies		
PD		varies		
ED		varies		
Spd		varies, usually 4+
Rec		varies		
End		varies		
Stun		varies		
Char Total			na
Power Total			na
Total Cost			na

	Powers vary from waking cycle to waking cycle.  The Sleeper is
often very strong and resistant to damage.  His other powers (if he has
any) vary greatly.

Standard powers and skills:
3	Life Support: Immune to aging
2	Running: +1" (often more)

10	Wealth
5	AK: New York City 14-
7	Gambling 13-
?	Lockpicking 14-
?	High Society 12-
5	Security Systems 13-
9	Shadowing 14-
?	Sleight of Hand ?
?	Stealth ?
?	Streetwise 16-
15	CSL: +3 with HTH combat

100	Base
20	Phys: Addicted to Amphetamines
15	Psych: Addicted to Amphetamines
15	Psych: Reckless
15	Psych: Terrified of Sleeping
15	Rep: The Sleeper, a violent freelance criminal and plague
	spreader, Ext 11-

(The Sleeper created by Roger Zelazny, character sheet created by Michael

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *