From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: CT (Starshine)
(Justin Bright)

Designers Notes:
Starshine is a huge imposing figure, well muscled, who stands 6'4" and weighs 234 lbs. He has a solid, square jaw, green eyes and wavy, yellow-blond hair. His costume consists of a yellow bodystocking with an orange sunburst on the chest, and green trunks, gloves and folded over boots.

His powers are the manipulation of light itself, allowing him to generate bolts of pure light energy, create a protective field, exist in space and transform himself into a beam of light. He is very arrogant, and opinionated and will quite gladly lecture anyone on the evils of Everything.

The Character:

Str		40		30
Dex		18		24
Con		23		26
Body		13		6
Int		18		8
Ego		18		16
Pre		23		13
Com		24		7
PD		8		0
ED		8		3
Spd		5		22
Rec		14		2
End		46		0
Stun		45		0
Char Total			157
Power Total			221
Total Cost			378

30	EC: Light Control
30	12d6 EB, END 6
32	25 DEF Force Field, 1/2 END, END 3
24	Teleport: 30", Line of sight targets only and not through smoke,
	tinted glass etc (-1/4), END 6
24	Teleport: 5", x2048 noncombat (10240"), Line of sight targets only
	and not through smoke, tinted glass etc (-1/4), END 1

20	8d6 Absorbtion vs Energy, to END, Visible light attacks only (-1)
30	Full Life Support
10	FTL: 1 light year a year
4	KS: Literature
1	KS: Poetry 8-
3	Oratory 14-
3	Persuasion 14-
4	CSL: +2 OCV with EB
6	CSL: +2 with Block, Haymaker, Punch

100	Base
10	DF: Large, muscular Adonis figure
15	Psych: Dislike of 'bad elements'
20	Psych: Must pontificate before any confrontation
15      Psych: Stubborn and very opinionated
218	Experience

(Starshine created by Victor Milan, character sheet created by Michael

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *