From: Michael Surbrook 
Subject: CHAR: Ti Malice
Ti Malice

Designers Notes:
Ti Malice is one of the more... horrific creations of the Wildcards universe. Born in Haiti in the early 50s, Ti Malice is a mere 2' 6" tall and weighs only about 30lbs. He (it?) has no chin, a single tooth, pale, white skin, large black eyes and no hair. He can't speak, can't eat and can only survive by feed upon someone else's blood. This feeding uses his host's blood to supply oxygen and nutrients, but doesn't kill them. While feeding, Ti Malice can contact his host telepathically, as well as control their actions. He speaks (and acts) via his mounts. While feeding, he secretes a highly addictive substance that stimulates the brain's pleasure center. One 'kiss' from Ti Malice and your his forever.

Note: Ti Mailice's telepathy powers are bought with the 'No Range' limitation. Depending upon GM's choice, a further limitation (such as must touch subject) could be added. Also note that Ti Malice's mounts should be expressed as followers, and can range from normal humans to powerful aces.

The Character:

Str		0		-10
Dex		6		-12
Con		7		-6
Body		7		-6
Int		26		16
Ego		30		40
Pre		10		0
Com		2		-4
PD		1		1
ED		1		0
Spd		1		0
Rec		2		2
End		14		0
Stun		11		0
Char Total			21
Power Total			159
Total Cost			201

13	Shrinking: 1 Level, 0 END, Persistent, Always On
	2'6", 30 lbs, +2 DCV, -2 PER, +3" KB
-12	Running: 0"

30	EC: Telepathy, No Range (-1/2)
75	18d6 Mind Control, Telepathic, 0 END
30	12d6 Telepathy, 0 END

21	Transformation Attack: 1d6 Major, Cumulative, Penetrating, 0 END,
	Works vs Ego Defense instead of Power Defense (-1/4), No Range,
	Linked to Mind Control - Turns target into willing slave (ie
	'mount') of Ti Malice

10	Eidetic Memory
10	Wealth
3	Contact: Assorted Mounts 12-

100	Base
20	DF: Stunted, skeletally thin humanoid.  He lacks a chin, teeth,
	hair, has fish-belly white skin, no genitalia and large
	protuberent black eyes.
15	Dependence: Fresh human blood, per minute, 1d6
20	Phys: Crippled Legs (Effective Running of 0")
15	Psych: Addicted to sensations of *all* kinds
15	Psych: Meglomaniac, desires to have as many 'mounts' as possible.
15	Psych: Sadist, enjoys new sensations, regardless of what they are.
1	Experience

(Ti Malice created by John J Miller, character sheet created by Michael

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*               Michael Surbrook /                * 
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *