Champions from the B-Man
From: halcyon!
Subject: B-Man Champions: WW2 and The Forces of Liberty


Hi, and welcome to what I hope to make a regular series of organizations and campaign enriching NPCs. The following organization is based in the time period between 1942 and 1945, although some of it's members were independently active as early as 1938. The Forces of Liberty can be used as PCs or as NPCs in a World War Two campaign, but more likely they'll be useful to Game Masters of current day Champions campaigns as a "ready made history". The entire text is (c) Brannon Boren. Certain names are credited to the following: The names "American Weapon" and "Blue Beacon" were created by Graeme Smith. "The Phantom" name and concept was created by Joy Jakubaitis. "Captain America" is TM and (c) Marvel Comics. "Red Glare" was a PC at the 1989 Origins Champions Tournament. I'm afraid the original author's name is not known to me.

Statistics are not provided, but the brief descriptions given for each member should allow individual GMs to create suitable sets of powers.

Without further delay: The Forces of Liberty!


Organization Name: The Forces of Liberty

Founding Members: The Phantom, Protector, The White Disk, American Weapon, Blue Beacon, Victory Siren.

Current Leader: The Phantom

Current Members: (January 1943) The Phantom, Protector, The White Disk, American Weapon, Blue Beacon, Victory Siren, Red Glare, Doctor Dimension, Captain America, and Lady Liberty

Base of Operations: "Liberty Hall" Washington DC

Scope of Operations: Strike and rescue operations in the Pacific and European theaters. They often clashed with foreign supervillains.

Purpose of Organization: To defend and uphold the United States of America

Financial Assets: Funded by the US government

Other Assets: Any US government facilities necessary to their mission


Doctor Dimension - Dr. Lawrence Green was working on the US Navy's invisibility screen project. When he was put in charge of the project, a jealous rival arranged a lab accident for him. He gained powerful magnetic warping abilities and was able to teleport over short distances. He dedicated himself to stopping evil, power-hungry men like his rival, and Adolf Hitler.

The Protector - A pre-war crimebuster, Protector worked with the Police and a gang of teen volunteers. He was called in by the President as a founding member of the FoL. He always felt that he was out of his league, but he served with distinction throughout the War. He retired in 1945 to marry Lady Liberty.

The White Disk - Philip Colt found a mysterious amulet in the jungles of Mexico. While bringing it back to civilization he was accosted by bandits. He discovered the amulet's mystic speed powers and defeated them, but decided that the amulet was too powerful to be put in a museum. He vowed to use it to stop men like the bandits who'd almost killed him.

Lady Liberty - A normal girl till she drowned in a boating accident, Mary Morris was revived, but found that the experience has given her amazing mind powers. She rushed to join the FOL and fight the Axis. After the war she retired and married Protector.

The Phantom - Randolph Wilkins was a famous adventure movie actor of the late 30's who turned his swashbuckling alter ego into a real persona to fight corruption. A forceful, almost overbearing, man. He was the leader the FoL throughout it's existence.

Red Glare - Seana Crawford was an FBI agent chosen to head a raid on a secret VIPER lab, where a devastating "warp cannon" was being built. During the firefight, the weapon got set off, with Seana at the center of the "warp cannon"'s spectacular effect. The blast gave her superpowers and sent her back in time to early 1942, where she joined up with the FoL. Red Glare and American Weapon were best friends, both being women who'd struggled to make it in a predominately male law enforcement and espionage community, (albeit almost fifty years apart). After the war Dr Dimension was able to devise a way to recreate the accident that had transported her, and send her home.

American Weapon - War Department Agent Roberta "Bobbi" Marshal, was the first recipient of the mysterious Dr. Sorenson's Super Serum. Late in the war the serum apparently became unstable in her system and drove her mad. She was killed by Red Glare to prevent her from detonating the experimental Atomic Bomb developed by the Manhattan Project. (see also my post "B-Man Champions: The Super Soldier Project")

Blue Beacon - American scientist Gretchen Blanchard found an amazing blue power suit in the wreckage of an alien spaceship crash in 1938. With the help of her physicist husband she was able to repair the suit and use it's blue force shields and energy blasts to fight the Axis in Europe before America officially joined the war.

Victory Siren - Ginger Banks was on a ship that was torpedoed by a Nazi submarine in the north Atlantic in 1940. Most of the passengers and crew died, and the ones who didn't soon succumbed to the chill waters. Ginger was the last to go down. Suprisingly, she didn't die. The surviving crew had been rescued by an Atlantean Prince and set on the shores of a nearby island, (without any memory of him of course). The Prince was so impressed with her determination, that he kept her safe till she awakened. Ginger wanted nothing more than to return to the surface, though. She couldn't stand the thought of abandoning her world in the middle of a war. Once again impressed with her, the prince ordered the mythical Sirens to bestow magic powers of the voice on her, then returned her to the surface. After the War, Ginger returned to the sea and married Prince Corin. Eventually he gained the throne and she became Queen.

Captain America - Every group must have a "Cap A" fanatic. In this history, Cap was the second and last recipient of the Super Serum. By this time Sorenson had developed his "vita ray" treatment, so Cap never suffered from the effects that killed American Weapon. Following the war, Cap continued to work for the US govenment for several years before he mysteriously dropped out of sight. (see also my post "B-Man Champions: The Super Soldier Project")

The Forces of Liberty consisted (at it's fullest) of five men and five women. This ratio might seem liberal for the time, but left to random chance, half of all superheroes will be female. Superheroes were a precious resource that couldn't be ignored on the basis of sex.

The five female members of the group were poularly known as "The Fighting Furies"

Our Golden Age of Champions game was never actually played. It just grew out of the history that we came up with over the course of the campaign, and out of things that we thought would be good catalysts for WW2 adventures. To tell you the truth it was every bit as vivid as any game I've ever played in, it was just created in narrative form, instead of playing form. Hopefully this will be helpful to anyone who want's to explore the history of their Champions Universe.

As always, I'd apreciate your opinions and other feedback. Drop me a line at (monorail@halcyon.uucp).


Next up in Champions From The B-Man:

Can Supervillains really change their stripes? Meet the employees of Castle Security Inc, a very special company that claims to have the REAL inside track on supervillain thinking.

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Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk