Name: Beaumont "Beau" Nicklas Ewing-Barnes
Race: Ork
Sex, Age: Male, 37
Profession: Rigger/Decker

Attributes              Initiative
Body:  5                Matrix     6 + 4D6
Quic:  3                Physical   4 + 1D6
Stre:  4                Rigged     8 + 3D6
Char:  2                
Inte:  5                Karma Pool   07
Will:  3                Total karma  63
Esse:  2.05             

Task Pool       2       Cyberware and Bioware
Control Pool    8      
Hacking Pool    5       Vehicle Control Rig (a) 2.4
Combat Pool     5       Voice Modulator         0.2
                          -Tonal Shift           -
Skills                    -Playback              -
                        Datajack 4 (a)          0.2
Unarmed      1          SPU: MATH  4            0.25
  -Brawling  3
    -Fists   5

Firearms     2
  -Rifles    4

Gunnery      4

Electronics  4

Computer     4
  -Decking   6

  -Matrix    4

Negotioation 4
  -Bargain   6

Magical Thry 3

Car          4
Car B/R      3

Rotorcraft   6
  -Speci.    8

Rotor B/R    4
  -Speci.    5

Winged Air.  3
Winged B/R   1

Motorboat    1

American     6
Salish       4
Spanish      3
Japanese     3

Generic HMG       10S   FA   Mounted on Lulu Belle
The Bandit Twins  18D        AGM, AP Int:5 -7/m

Twin barreled Shotgun   10S    Choke 1-5
Shotgun                 10S    
Armor                   7/5    Armor jacket & body fitting

VEHICLEs (brief)
Lulu Belle           RotorCraft          HEAVY MODIFIED
Mary Lou             Ford Canada-Bison   Xtra Armor & Bdy
Blue "Maxie" Maxine  Cessna C750         2 "free" hardpoints
NameArchetypeLvl Location
Gut RippaStreet Doc2Seattle
Wild BillTechnician3Seattle
Conrad OppenheimDemolition Man1Varies with his job
HyPErjAckDecker2Mostly Seattle
Dances With NuYenFixer/Shaman1Seattle
John John WakayambiDealer1Damaskus
Mr. JohnsenMr. Johnson1Seattle
Jorge IglesiasAztech Related1Denver
Sergio CalzoneMafia Person1Seattle
Kamata YamahaYak Person1Kyoto
Chen Wang YenTriad Person1Hong Kong
Lenoid BresnjevRussian Mob1Seattle
Kenji OgiwaraCorp Fixer1Denver
Addicted to alcohol             ? (1)
Nightblindness                  ? (2)
Limp on left leg (running x2)   ? (1-2)

Hunted: Sheykuro                ? (3)
Hunted: Hydra Security         (2) (Gotten after campaign-start)

Human Looking                   1
College Education               2
MPCP     8        Response Increase       2
BOD      5        Hardening               4
EVASION  6        I/O                 1.500
MASKING  8        Active Mem          2.000
SENSOR   5        Storage             4.000