Sensory Augmentation

See also:

EM Field Induction pickups

This sensor technology is installed either in the implantee's palm, fingertips, or forearms. A processor and sense interface listed below allows the pickups to act as a natural sense, giving either an increasingly `hot', or `tingling' sensation as the magnetic field increases, while the bare bones setup can only interface with a display link/Vision SPU.

With the Induction Loop SPU, and by generating a current in the loop, the loops can act as an erase head for magnetic media. The forearm version erases magnetic media out to aproximately 30 centimetres, and radio frequency jamming to around 2 metres, while the palm loop can erase to 10 centimetres. The fingertips can erase only at touching range. A precision version of the loop comes in a retractable probe 2 centimetres long that emerges from a finger.

The fingertip version allows for a much finer resolution of magnetic fields, while it's erase capacity is limited.

        Version         Essence         Cost       
        --------------- --------------- -----------
        Fingertips      0.20
        Palm            0.30
        Forearm         0.50
        Probe           0.20

SPU (Induction Loop)

This provides processing power for the induction loop sensors described above. With the appropriate programs, signal processing may be performed on raw data from the induction loops. The SPU provides output as either a sensory feeling, such as `tingling' or a temperature sensation - depending on the electromagnetic field intensity; or digital data for display to a display link.

The SPU also handles the application of current through the loops, to generate a precision magnetic field for erasure, or even with the Finger Probe, to emulate a Maglock Passkey, with the appropriate software.

Magnetic Compass Software

Designed to run on the Induction loop SPU, this software provides optical sensory output to the Vision SPU in the (user selectable) forms of - compass, `HUD', or decimal readout in the corner of vision. Note - this system uses the earth's magnetic field, so in the presence of large magnetic fields the readings will be incorrect.
        Size        : 2 Mp
        Cost        : 500 nY

Signal Locator Software

This code is the cybernetic equivalent of the hand held signal locator, enabling the user with a SPU(Induction loop) to be able to track tuned signals. It will provide information about what direction, distance and strength radio signals are coming from.

If an Orientation System is present, the actual location of the signal can be superimposed on any maps.

This is fully compatible with a Tactical Computer.

        Cost        : 5,000 nY