Ill Advised Ideas and Technologies
By Trained Monkeys
Who Aren't Afraid of Fire...
But Should Be.

In here you will find Rules Mechanics. Mind you, a GM shoould always feel free to modify these.
The Following are some Ideas for equiptment that I have either rejected as to dang bizzare or used with NPC's that any reasonable player would just give me a blank look for if I made it available.
I'm expecting a lot of Blank looks. But its up to you, the GM's out there to decide if you want to use this stuff, for NPCs or PCs...

Effect:Changes the aura so that no form of astral tracking or Identifying will work versus the "natural" aura.
Duration: Essence (5) Test. 10 minutes per success.
Special: Essence (6) Test. 4 success results in being astral sensitive for duration. 5 success means that you are an adept of some sort (GM's Choice) & 6 success means that you are a full mage. Everyone does this test, including those that are already spell slingers. Oh, and all ones means your are permanently mundane, short of eating more beets.
This, friends, is a para-natural form of wild sugarbeet. THe particularly odd thing about is that it has a semi-psychotropic effect. Not due to any particular chemical in the beet, but due to its mana field interaction with the consumers aura. Simular to peote, it induces a "variation" in the user's aura, destabalizing it for a short time.
Now I know you're wondering why we are wasting your time with this... well, let me repeat and clarify. It destabalizes your aura, while the effect is not enough to render you immune to magic, it is enough to seriously frag anyone (or thing) tracking you by aura, including ritual sorcery.
On the down side, I have yet to meet a mage who could use this crap without loosing the mojo, though I knew one mundane who did this stuff and swore he went active, spell casting and all. Never had a chance to check it, he went poof in the middle of the next run...

Effect: +2 Bod, +3 Str, +2 Qui, & +6 Reaction.
Duration: Body (4) every day. If no successes, you are dead. Permanently. Increase target# by 1 every 5 days (3 days for trolls and orks, 7 days for elves).
Special: This proccess is particularly nasty to bioware, so just burn those out within a week, not test involved.
This nasty cocktail came out of the Tir a few months ago, literally. Seems some slob got nailed by some creative types in Seattle. They managed to get this crap out of his blood supply and started to sell it. Needless to say they met a rather brutal and wet ending, but not before Rush got out and about.
What we have is a custom tailored bacterial symbiot that upon kicking off, leaves behind a synthetic andrenaline. The result is an almost permanent rush of chemical speed. The downside is that the body is running on overdrive almost twenty-four hours a day. Yet to here of anyyone living more that a month after doing this stuff. The longest lived appear to all be elves, with humans running a fast second. Considering the source, hardly suprising.
Your best hope if you do this stuff is to get enough cash fast, do a transfusion and replace just about every organ in your body.
Use a bullet instead, its cheaper, and gives the rest of us a corpse with resale value.

Effect: Every DeciLitre of this stuff heals one block of damage, mental or physical.
Duration: Exactly twenty-four hours. After that, the wounds return.
Notes:Additional drinking can forstall the return of the wound indefinity. In addition, it just kinda peps you up, kinda like tanking a 12 pack of Dew. FLuid is identical to water, but if mixed with anything it will have no effect.
Thystonius' Grace
No one is really sure where this sick shit gets its name, much less where it originally came from. They just know that its kinda good, and kinda bad. All at hte same time. The first documented uses of it where in the hadns of some Black Hand terrorist back in 52'. They had taken a cruise ship of the coast of Japan. No matter how many troops the Diet through at them, thedamn orks never dropped. Camera footage afterwords showed them drink heavy amounts of fluids and dumping it on thier fallen commrades. The Japanese troopers joked about the healing properties of ork water. How little they knew. In the end the captured one of the terrorist. Had him in custody for nearly a day, trying to break him. No matter what they did, he wouldnt crack. It was like he was waiting for something. He had the entire base on alert and nervous as shit. Then suddenly, he dropped dead. Not just dea, he started falling apart as wounds just started opening up on him. Apparently the morgue reported the same thing happening to the corpses.

The only real connection between the various sources that we have heard about are they stress physical action and fitness. Its been found in sports cooler, berserker waterjugs and corporate gymnasiums. Its almost as if someone is trying to encourage people to burn themselves out in the name of action and endurance. Queer.

Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk