Chapter 5.  Webapp / GUI

Default listening port is 8180. The webapp is pretty basic. You can choose a market under get market, then set the wanted date, reset the date (then it will choose the most recent day), or reload (in case date reset, or new data loaded). If getting stats, all elements in the markets will be statistically compared. There are a number of parameter settings. The control panel have options for choosing whether to show plain movements, MACD or RSI. Note that for graph results, the values are not normalized to start at 100.


Then, below, there is a possibility of choosing elements from different markets, and the displaying them, as best as is possible. When choosing a market, it is possible to choose an item from that market, and add to a list that is to be displayed by clicking choose graph. There is a choice for equalizing the graphich table for price and index in an additional table, setting each max value to 100%. This is to ensure a more meaningful comparison, since the meanings/scales for each dataset may be different. The merge choice is not yet in use.