Quotes from Brass & Steel

2002 | 2003

June | July | August | September | October | November | December


"You know - if this dish had existed when Moses climbed that big piece of rock way back when, this," he points at the ice cream with his spoon, "would have been mentioned in the commandments in a very severe way."
--Zach preaches about ice cream

Sarah shrugs "Hey thats ok, enthusiasm is what counts really. She grins slightly "On the dancefloor and...other places."
--Sarah reassures Zach re. dancing...?

"What brings you through town this time? Or are you just late for the funeral?"
--Duke is happy to see Zach, too...

"...and it takes a New York City Shylock to keep the dream alive. The Lord do work in mysterious ways, boys."
--Duke complains about the sorry state of jazz these days

"It's a lot like handling women. You have to know whitch knobs and nuts to twist and fondle, and whitch ones to leave alone. Be gentle and sure while you're at it and never, ever hurry or be sloppy."
--Zach on the art of fixing engines.

He raises his glass. "To women in leather. May their behinds bring sustenance to sore eyes everywhere."
--Zach celebrates femininity

"Nah, just one of my quirks. Next time you'll remember me as "that girl who kissed my hand."
--Ada is suave

"So tell me about yourself, Zach of the flame-red pants and finest ass in Kaycee."
--Ada on the prowl

"I even do plumbing on occation. When it is....needed."
--Zack reveals delicate Secrets

Ada: "I was hoping for a moonlit walk, but..."
Zach: "I can do that too. I am nothing if not versatile."
--Zach shows off his many talents

"I have been known to occationally enjoy moments of high speed, yes." He glances at Roger. "Absolutely legal, I assure you."
--Zach tries to convince policeman Roger of his virtue.

"Ah legal of course, I'm sure you've never gone over the speed limit."
--Roger employs Irony and remains unconvinced.

"Such service. I feel like I should tip you."
--Roxanne is happy to accept a beer from Roger.

"I'd rather have them breeding then knocking over liqour stores. At least sex keeps them busy."
--Roger's views on the restlessness of young people in the 'hoods.

Ada pouts. "You limit my options so," she whines, looking Zach up and down.
--Ada hungers for more than food

"Er... Um. So meeting me makes you doubt your girlfriend's feelings? Or am I utterly lost here?"
--Zach is bravely facing Female Logic of Doom

"Well nothing. Sometimes I'm allowed to fondle and sometimes I get yelled at and kicked out. I try to ensure that it's mostly the former."
--Zach talks about his hobbies?

"Is there.. some problem with your friend, Ada?"
--Hachilah upon being gaped at by Zach

"It's a long story, actually. And... it wasn't a misunderstanding. He was _lying_... and being quite irritating actually."
--Hachilah about meeting Ada and a university professor

Hachilah scrunches her nose slightly, but smiles eventually, seduced by Zach's carefree attitude. Or perhaps it's his hot ass?
--Zach's ass continue to amaze and impress

"I like ducks, they seem very happy to just be ducks."
--Sarah is profound

"And we like happy ducks."
--Sarah clarifies the 'feeding ducks' concept to Hachilah

"I'm afraid I fail to interpret the duck impression of happiness."
--Hachilah, however, isn't all that impressed

"My finger is fully functional. It takes more than one duck to kill it."
--Zach calms everyone down after having been nibbled by a duck

"I've spent a great deal of time learning how to make pleasant sounds with a bucket."
--Hachilah explains how she became a bucket virtouso

"Did you hear that? Rox thinks you'll look good in leather too. Now there's two of us. A few more, and we'll have a public opinion thing going!"
--Zach gives Roger fashion advice...sorta.

"I have been known to enjoy reading dictionaries. They are very entertaining."
--Hachilah confesses to having a hobby

"Excuse me. You allow tag teams?"
--Roger the obvious cop is optimistically making enquiries to the announcer at a semi-illegal Fight Night.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. What you're implying would be the equivalent of an illegal public boxing match. I can't allow that, especially since I have reason to believe there is at least one officer of the law present here tonight."
--The Announcer is not bloody stupid

"Im stuck with idiots.. The curse of my life."
--Alyson tells it like it is

"And err don't all the angels get along? I mean they're *angels*?!"
Roger is shocked to learn that angels argue

"Angels are people too, Roger."
--Arguing angels explained

"Heaven has Mr Spock working for them?"
--Roger's reaction the first time he heard about elohim

"And besides - going around being all virtous and nice gives you bigtime chickmagnet fu! It's so rare, see."
--Zach gives a new spin on virtuousness

"You just end up feeling like a wet, washed-out, limp sock. All flat and dead inside."
--Zach elaborates on 'Out Of Essence Error'

"This night is sucking quite a bit, first my date says she won't be able to see me for weeks and now I find out that I may have been sleeping with a demon. I really, really, need a drink."
--Roger is having a very long night


"Clearly one of your hobbies is flirting."
--Sarah's got Zach number!

"You look very inverted."
--Ada tries a new viewpoint on for size

"Er... Children usually don't come into being like that. It kinda, you know, involves a man, a woman, body fluids, hard work, blood and tears and stuff."
--Zach explains babymaking to Ada

"I can't even imagine you as a kid, Zach my love."
--Ada lacks imagination

"Eh?? Why not? I'm young still. I've got the boyish charm thing going, don't I?"
--Zach objects to being seen as an eternal grown-up

"It's not healthy to not eat!"
--Zach is amazingly wise again

"You can clean my pipes anytime."
--Ada employs generosity

"So, what do you look like when you're in Heaven?"
--Roger is curious about malakites

Zach grins. "Why I look totally cool, dude!"
--Zach willingly satisfies Roger's curiosity

"AWOL? How can an Archangel be AWOL? Doesn't God know where he is?"
--Roger employs Logic on Heavenly politics

"I don't know who she was working for. It was some kind of talking program."
--Hachilah is a techno guru

"You sleep in your truck, so you /dare/ not lecture me."
--Hach issues a smackdown on Zach

"Were you not aware that people might not love the people they have sex with?"
--Roger the Cop is faced with Innocence

"I just hope we can help her..."
Roger pages: even if we have to kill her :)
Zach paged Roger with 'Damn straight!'.
--All about Traci...

"She likes milkshakes? Oh. And candy."
< OOC > Hachilah tries to be helpful. >:)

"Are you human? Like, at all?"
--Zach is being quite the subtle diplomat with Hachilah

"He's a Soldier of the Sword and has misplaced his angel."
--Zach gives Hach the short 'n' sweet on Roger

Roger looks blankly at Zach "What's a Tether?"
Zach smiles to Roger. "A tether is like a Star Trek transporter between Earth and the Celestial realms."
--Tethers explained

< OOC > Hachilah is subtle, like Michael's hammer.
--Says it all, really..

"He started to welll glow, and then he told me about serving Heaven and how I could make a difference, a reall difference."
--The angel who recruited Roger had clearly seen one too many episodes of Touched by an Angel

Sarah: "Hey I think you'd look nice in a tux.
Zach: "I try to avoid being trapped in one of those.
--So much for giving a mechanic some friendly fashion advice

"Hey, that's sweet. Do you invite any stranger who walks infrom the street to buy your stuff? Or is it just the ones who go for the red leather pants?"
--Zach the Diplomat flirts with Sarah

Zach: "I wonder what that was all about.."
Hachilah: "A leather emergency, perhaps?"
--Zach wonders why his date ran out on him, and gets Wisdom in return

"There is the matter of sticky fingers and having to clean them off... napkins are so inferior for that purpose. And licking one's fingers is... well... it's rather undignified. It just feels... wrong."
--Hachilah prefers unSticky food

"You'd think that... with two angels looking out for her... we ought to be able to help her out....not make things worse."
--Angelic Angst over Ada

"You must get -so- much fruit to add to your diet if you have a habit of singing in public like that..."
--Goldie is impressed with Traci's vocal skills

"I'm sorry. The Man made me do it, I had no choice."
--Zach tries to avoid Ada's wrath

Quackquackquack..QUACK!! quacknibblenibbleQUACK!
--The savage ducks of Huron Park attack

"Horny is slang for lusting. Has nothing to do with cattle unless you're really sick..."
--Zach explains things to Hachilah

"I prefer loving over fighting, but sometimes a 'kite's gotta do what a 'kite's gotta do, yaknow."
--Zach tells it like it is

"If you don't go easy on me I shall be forced to refer to you as "Most Holy" at all times from now on."
--Zach makes horrible threats to Hachilah

"I indicated to one of the townspeople that it was very interesting that they chose to do without the amenities of modern living. Of course, then it was explained to me that this place is a replica of early American civilization..."
--Hachilah's first time at an out-doors Museum

< OOC > Hachilah says, "We need to order a Celestial Cleaner ;)"
< OOC > Zach says, "I'd love one of those! I'm overdosing on Responsibility here!:)"

The tone of her voice couldn't quite strip paint, but it would likely do a good job of scouring pots.
--Goldie isn't very friendly

"She doesn't seem like she's from this planet, if you underdstand me."
--Goldie states some Truth about Hachilah

Ada says, "What sort are you, O my angel?"
Zach grins. "The nice, hot and cuddly kind?
--Qs and As

"Well that does it! I'm lured!"
--Zach is led into Temptation with a offer of italian food

Sarah looks slightly horrified "We are not puting ginger ot cinnamon into my sauce."
--Sarah is being conservative and boring

"If Brother Laurence doesn't send someone to complete the work soon, do it yourself and apologize later."
--Duke tells Zach to go poaching


"Don't tease. Zach is a virtuous and chaste man."
--Ada get things Wrong

"I'm a What?!"
--Zach has trouble beliving his own ears

Speak of the devil. Around a corner and up the path comes Professor Lucian Szabo himself, resplendent in his usual well-tailored outfits (how DOES he afford this on a Professor's salary?), he's smiling broadly, favoring all with the smile that only sheer, unadulterated, overwhelming self-importance can provide.
--Lucian Szabo, undisputed king of entering the crowd!

"I could catch a fish!"
--Ada insists on being an out-doors person

"You should see him at home. When he gets done with those cars and trucks, he turns into a frilly maniac. He has a catwalk in his garage!"
--Ada telling Tall Tales about Zach

"I've seen them amazingly enough. He wears them in public."
--Roger disses Zach's red trousers

"What is it with the men in this town? Red leathers should be cumpulsory wear for all guys!"
--Zach defends his pants

"I would look awful in leather. I mean do you really want me looking like I'm about to start singing YMCA"
--Roger insists on being a conservative prude

"The cloakies and Creation doesn't go very well together. They are a bunch of pokerspined, over-conservative, overzealous pricks who constantly bother us.
--Zach comes clean about Dominicans

Lucian pages: Oh, christ. You're a Malakite.
--Lucian got resonated

And so the two clandestine lovers have a very pleasant night, and pretend to go to sleep at some undefined point in the wee hours...
--Keeping up appearances - celetial style

"If I could bottle all this dislike then I'm sure that I could find a buyer -somewhere- for the high quality stuff."
--Goldie upon seeing daggers being looked all over the place

I mean, you can't greet and talk to butts." He pauses. "Much."
--Zach once again offers amazing Wisdom

"The problem with religion as we see it in the world is that thinking bit. People think entirely too much. Make simple and straight foreward stuff into utter gibberish."
--Zach on religion

"The world is a rotten place. It only WORKS because it's a rotten place."
--Ruby is being bleak

"There were people all over the damn place, so I couldn't do anything but watch and loom a bit."
--It's hard to be a 'Kite in this busy town

"You are... offering ME... a doobie?"
--Professor Szabo is very surprised

"See this is why /you/ are a professor and I'm not. You catch on very quickly indeed."
--Zach confirms the offer

"He did say that he was going to have *words* with you about not mentioning that most angels like to be subtle."
--Roger is happy to inform Zach that he's in for a chewing out

"If he shows up here tonight the plan is to get him well and truly stoned and talk with him. If that fails, I kill him."
--How to neutralize a demon - Creation-style!


"A mechanic with musical talent," he says, dryly. "Will wonders never cease?" ... "Lower-class menials are not frequently known for their talents at arts and culture,"
--Lucian is yet again taking pot-shots at Zach

"I always thought that too much education narrowed your mind anyway. Seems I was right."
--Zach answers back

"Last time I checked, I wasn't God," he decides. "I think I would have known if I was."
--Zach does some self-searching

"Now, what you do is quite straight-forward. You put the slim end of the doobie in your mouth and then suck in air all the way down into your lungs. You might wanna give it a coupla 'dry tokes' first, cause it's about to go out. Oh, and go gentle on the first coupla tokes if you've not smoked before."
--The professor gets a lecture on weed-smoking

Lucian: "I wonder where you heard THAT story from, hm?"
Zach: "Yes you do."
--He who shouts in the forest...

"A man of low moral fibre."
--Ruby's got Zach's number

Ruby: "Yeah right. And pigs fly."
Zach: "Well they /do/ sometimes... And often they tend to swarm at around 4 in the morning. Usually the blue and green ones...""
Ruby: "Oddly enough usually on saturday mornings, correct?"
--No comments...

"Yep thats me...I'm the Man."
--Roger is indeed the Man

Lucian smiles, allowing himself a faint chuckle as he looks around the crowd again. He raises an eyebrow - perhaps he spots Roger and Zach. Then again, it's a big crowd. Maybe he thinks he saw Elvis.
--Lucian, starring as...Lucian

He reaches with his pen and goes to fill in another answer [in his crossword puzzle]... and oops! He tears a hole in the top of the page. What a pity. Nothing to do now but unfold the newspaper and read it. Curiously, the hole is near eye level.
--Lucian, starring as Smiley

"It wouldn't make that much difference to you after either of them rendered you two dimensional. There is little difference between the common or garden variety of squashed dead person and the automotive variety..."
--Goldie commenting on trees and cars falling on Zach

"Oh, I must clarify. I don't enjoy the feel of wearing leather. In fact, I admit, it does feel rather nice on another person. ... Er."
--Hachilah has this thing about leather...

"So, can't we try and all be friends now?"
--Adonia tries to reconcile Traci and Hachilah

"Roge, pal... I hate to tell you this but... You're a /cop/. You're not supposed to run around and get innocent people drunk!"
--Zach lectures Roger, the suddently maveric cop

"...it's gotta be due to some really big bugs concidering that there was SWAT people about earlier."
--Goldie commenting on the police raid at Sweet Delights

"Maybe they had to take out evil terrorist cookies too?"
--Zach has his own theories on that

"Infecting chocolate with anything, including that horrible cherry-flavored paste, should be considered a mortal sin."
--Ain't nothing like chockolate-abuse to make Harriet go all Old Testamently and Righteously Stern

"The cutaway mortal sins: Infection of chokolate with horrid Stuff, Infecting ice cream with horrid Stuff, keeping plush dice anywhere in or near your vehicle/mount..."
--Zach resites from the original, pre-snippage Pamphlet of Original Sins

"I suppose it's double damnation if they're pink and sparkly?"
--Harriet admits to having a fuzzy-diced car

"You sure? If you ever need to, I can find somewhere that rents chainsaws in a hurry if you needed to prune yourself down a little?"
--Goldie thinks Roger is too tall

"It is concerning the use of vectors in a matrix notation and fitting them into the standard formulae used in forced percepctives by most graphics packages... and I think I've lost you already, haven't I?"
--Goldie explains a mathematical problem to her friends

"No offense, my minority-equipped police friend."
--Toland tries to endear himself to Roger

< OOC > Harriet says, "ARGH! I give up. I'm just going to sit here and brood."
< OOC > Lucian says, "Better than sitting here and breeding, I guess. =p"
--Harriet has a bad night typing

"Never much liked the taste of .38. Always gives me an upset stomach."
--Toland complains about his diet

"I don't feel like being moderate with my drinking at the moment which, experience tells me, is exactly the time that I should be."
--Wise, wise Harriet..

"I vote for 'The Bucketeers'!"
--Zach suggests a name for a band consisting of Harriet on maraccas, him on guitar and Hachilah on bucket

"I swear, everyone in this city worships the 'cue. Do they put aphrodisiacs in the stuff, or something that I'm not aware of?"
--Harriet comes up with an Interesting Theory

"It means that I'm about to get a headache. And so are you, when I'm done talking."
--Zach interprets a Clue(tm) for Roger

"So, Mr. Ellis, since we've obviously agreed that you are not only a wonder of fashion, but also an amazing detective, what can I do for you?"
--Toland flexes his rude muscle to great effect

"The man is stark raving mad, and that's the kindest thing I can think of to say about him, you know?"
--Harriet ain't all that fond of Toland Morris

"Nice pants," she says, grinning. "Buy them from the Crowne Royale?"
Harriet has disconnected.
Harriet has connected.
< OOC > Harriet says, "I think your pants crashed my connection. ;P"
--And once again the Red Leather Pants of Coolness cause shortcircuits in the female population on Brass & Steel!

"I'd probably even like Trenchcoat if he'd stop hitting people with signs."
--Harriet tries to be generous about Toland

"He's a charming, stylish fella with Good Hair and intelligent to boot. What's not to like - when you don't /know/..?"
--Zach sums up the horror named Lucian

"I have recently decided that you undertake too much responsibility."
--Hachilah tries to mother Zach

"I'm just worried about you, you unreasonably stubborn oaf."
--Hachilah gives Zach a piece of her mind

"Have you ever come across the saying 'That's the pot calling the kettle black'?"
--Zach returns the favour

Hachilah blinks and sniffs. "I am not unreasonable."
--Hachilah wins the discussion by fighting dirty

Zach: "No, I'm on lease to Janus."
Ada: "On lease? Ten years or ten thousand demons?
Zach: "Until Eli decides that I need ot do other stuff."
Ada: "Oh. So Eli's the real boss, and Janus is the temp supervisor?"
--Zach reveals the inner secrets of the Heavenly job marked to Ada

"Well, well, well! Look who comes here, if it ain't mister asswiggly prince of charm!"
--Roger was spotted dancing by the Mechanic

"Well, there were a lot of ladies that needed to be exposed to my many charms."
--Roger on the subject of wiggling his ass

"...now they've sent their token sane person to KC, just as a PR stunt. But don't quote me on that!"
--Zach spills the Truth about Judgment (and doth verily get quoted)


< OOC > Zach says, "Wonder what kind of Intervention a 444 is..."
< OOC > Harriet says, "The most feared of all: IRS!"
--The dice aren't being helpful

"Anyone who calls people 'peachblossoms' definately has serenaded at least once in his life, you know?"
--Harriet is on to something

"I know excactly what to do to get back at the damnable bird. I shall challenge him to a Duel to restore my Honour and to win back your favour!"
--Zach isn't reacting kindly to being upstaged by a duck. Not when the issue is Harriet's favour!

"I don't think God would like it if we ate the Holy Grail."
--Harriet argues the point of chocholate cake not being the Holy Grail

Lucian pages: See, we WANTED a Stonie Malakite, and got a StoneR Malakite... =p
--Lucian tells the Truth for once

"As ancient as the bootprint on the Lightbringer's ass."
--Zachism meaning 'old'

Harriet: "Just let me show Lucian how to shake his tailfeathers first, you know?"
Zach: "Sure thing, doll! He could use some feather-training!"
--About Professors and dancing and....stuff...

Zach: "Oh yes. Everyone's getting along..."
Zach . o O ( In all sorts of interesting ways... )
Harriet pages: ...like rabid cats in a wet sack. :)
--Comments on a gathering of white and black hats, who all want to please the peace-loving Harriet for some reason

< OOC > Zach says, "Are we signing off now? If not, Roger and Zach will try to follow Lucian and Harriet... :)"
< OOC > Roger says, "we will?"
--Dear, sweet Roger. A policeman by profession, but no detective..

"I am a man of literature and learning. Certainly I provide a somewhat... different... viewpoint."
--Lucian in a nutshell

"You have spoken with Christ right? I mean he's there in Heaven, sitting at God's right hand correct?"
--And this boys and girls, is the question all angels really, truly fear

"Do you belive in Christ, Zach?"
--Roger follows up with an even worse one

"You're going to make him dress in green, scaly spandex from head to toe and stick batwings onto his back?"
--Zach makes careful inquiries about Harriet's latest fashion project

"Do you know who Taz is?"
--Harriet treats an unsuspecting Zach to the 'are you a space alien'-test

< OOC > Zach pokes Lucian's connection?
Lucian has disconnected.
Lucian has connected.
< OOC > Lucian mrfs.
< OOC > Harriet says, "See what happens when you poke a man's connection!"
--No comment!

"So no angry group of matrons are going to track you down and beat you for ruining their gardens?"
--Harriet gets flowers from Zach and is all suspicious

"I could so do damage, if I wanted to!"
--The same Harriet is also a Jackie Chan wannabe (not that we belive her)

< OOC > Zach burns his bra and demands that the celestial Song of the Pill be made available to all!
--The "breeding" in-joke boldly goes where no in-jokes have gone before

"...your're the kind of sweet, gentle spirit that makes all philosophers shine their shoes up and straighten their metaphorical ties."
--Zach is still pursuing Harriet, this time with compliments sweet

"I'd like the philosophy talk more if I didn't get the feeling that everyone else is talking about something slightly different than what I think we're talking about, you know?"
--Harriet isn't all that fond of "philosophers"

"I know darn well what you had in mind, you dirty-winged gigolo!"
--Lucian is calling the mechanic names

"Your friend forces you to ice skate? What, you're trying to pick up on Tonya Harding or something?"
--Boh gets all curious about Cosmo's latest date


"I'm an angel. And no, most of us don't come with the funky spotlight effect they use in that tv show."
--Zach reveals himself (no, not that way you dirty-minded pigs!)

Harriet: "..an /angel/? But, Zach, you flirt! You do more than flirt!"
Zach: "I'm an angel, not a frickin' monk!"
--Some clarification was needed

"You would forgive me, Mister Ellis, if I would rather not see you anywhere near the cooking, hm?"
--Lucian has no faith whatsoever in Zach's cooking skills

Harriet nods at both of them, then makes a little sound that might have been a laugh...after being thrown in a wood chipper and danced on for a while by a rhino.
--The Artist known as Harriet is stressed out

"Let the record show that the hostess has reserved said rights of salad-bowl enforcement."
--Dinner at Harriet's can be quite interesing

Harriet: "And why do I get the feeling that we're not talking about just the sexy sound of your voice when you refer to 'talents'?"
Zach: "Because he ain't Saruman, thet's why.."
--So what are Lucian's talents then? And why can't he be Saruman when he's already got the white hair down pat?

"Of all the Djinn joints in all the towns in all the world, he had to drive into mine."
--Lucian notices the unwelcome sight of the Zach

< OOC >"Please. I'm a Demon. I've got lawyers on speed-dial..."
--Lucian explains things

"If you simply MUST have the answer to your terribly pedestrian question, I spent much of that decade and the succeeding one busy assisting in the management a rather extensive development project that involved a great deal of my direct, personal attention in my homeland."
--Lucian again, this time explaining what he did during WWII...

1) She's the First Ofanite. It won't last as long as a whole night. 2)She's Divine Fire. That's bit too hot even for us 'kites. Larry or Dave might be okay, but we're smallfries. (At least we will be after a tryst with Gabe.;)
--Zach has to caution an enthusiastic Cosmo

"Roger, tell Zach that Nitrous Oxide is illegal for street vehicles before he gets any odd ideas."
--Cosmo tries, unsuccessfully, to stop ideas from happening

Cosmo: "I should be able to pick the locks to his place relatively easily."
Zach: "Allright. You might want to try his keys first though..."
--No reason to make B&E any more difficult than necessary

"Enjoy your Heart, Lucian. And remember - the Truth is up there..."
--Zach's final gift of Wisdom before Lucian enters Trauma

< OOC > Cosmo says, "Never use anything exotic. Way too easy to find exotic stuff. But buy it from Wal-Mart/Target/K-mart and you're golden."
< OOC > Lucian says, "Wal-mart: Serving Murderers Everywhere."
--How to commit a successful murder

"Good point. I'm a horrible murderer. Zach, you want to make sure you do that?"
--Is Cosmo wimping out or what?

"Um. I wouldn't want to work it while your head remains within it.."
--Zach won't fry turkeys while the Head of Harriet is in the fryer

It eventually reaches through the lizard brain to Harriet that not only is she having no effect with the spirited attempt to turn Zach into Malakite Pulp, but he's /hugging/ her.
--Bloody frustrating, ain't it?`

Harriet . o O (I need a new vocabulary for death. How freaky has my life become?)
--Harriet is trying to adjust

"There's nothing wrong with my fuzzy dice. They're pink and sparkly, you know?"
--Harriet defends her dice!

"I would ask of you to lay your Judgement upon me, Power. I will accept any punishment you see fit to issue."
--Zach surprises the living daylights out of Delia (and probably her Boss too whenever he recieves her report...)

In the meantime, the student watches the two hug. It's immoral!
--Brynn, local member of the Order of Illuminated Non-Huggers

Harriet lets Zach take care of most of the worrying. He's taller, after all.
--Yet another brilliant piece of Harrietlogic!

"Dude! I didn't know who she was! I woulda never, ever tried to chat up one of Dominic's folks! ....I think..."
--Zach admits to a leetle mistake he made

"There are quite a few really powerful angels in Heaven - Archangels. Each of these represent a big 'ol chunk of the Symphony on an almost infinite number of layers. The Archangels and their chunks - we call 'em Words - are one and the same, and then not quite."
--Zach lectures Harriet in Heavenly Matters 101

"It's perfectly safe to drink, unless Eli's been tinkering in my closet without telling me."
--Zach about his home-made liqueur

Upon hearing the magic h-word, [Zach] lifts Harriet up a little and arranges for a massive hug sandwiching her between him and Cosmo. Cosmo offers a faint smile as he reaches out to put his arms around Harriet and Zach on the other side of her. The hug is not so much enthusiastic as it is fierce. "Thank you for your forgiveness." Of course, he'll do some form of penance whether she names it or not.
< OOC > Zach says, "Imagine how many lilim who would have killed, maimed and geas themselves to be the filling in a malakim sandwich! :)"
< OOC > Zach says, "...and survive..."
< OOC > Harriet says, "Yup. She is the envy of Lilim all over the world. Brights are tearing their hair out in Heaven as we speak! :P"
< OOC > Cosmo imagines they'd want more then a hug though. *ahem* Now returning you to usual pure thoughts.
--Say no more...


"And whenever I try to lie, I stammer incoherently."
--Harriet, every seraph's dream date!

Harriet pages: You know, one day she's going to meet a Malakite of the Sword, or of War, and she's just going to be /dreadfully/ confused.
Harriet pages: Or possibly the 'Kite will, wondering why this human knows what they are, and still expects them to be...cuddly. :)
--Harriet is musing about the damage Zach may have done to the reputation of the Dark Choir by excessive cuddling.

Zach raises his eyebrows as he reads through what looks like some sort of youth subcult version of masonic mumbo-jumbo writing.
--Zach has a brush with old geezerness as he fails to understand da slang

"He's just learning how to party without a necktie."
--Roger explained

"I play music, I cook wild and improbable food, and I tinker with pieces of machinery."
--Zach admits to the occational creative outburst

"Aww! What if I got some more poker in my spine? More starch in my upper lip? Suit and tie?"
--Zach still ain't gettin' any from Harriet and is now getting desperate

Harriet gives Zach a bit of a stern look. He is supposed to be the upstanding and moral one around here...oh, wait. This is /Zach/. Nevermind.
--What? What?! Hmph...

"It takes a special kind of incompetence to get that hurt."
--Brynn, commenting on Ann's accident at the ice rink

Harriet is Authority! Harriet is Responsibility! Harriet is...apparently the only person in the room who gives a damn about the laws for underaged drinking.
--Harriet, serving the Voice of Reason in a Djinn joint near you!

"...about as stable as fifty year old dynamite in a bad Western, and Bad Things happens.."
--Harriet describes Brynn

"It occurs to me that being immortal means that you have lots of time to build really intense grudges, you know?"
--Harriet offering Insight yet again

Gasp! Will Zach and Harriet stand between Brynn and the Apoidea's carpal joints? Never! She strides onwards! Verily will the air be hers!
--Brynn the juggernaut on another rampage

"If those things [that you have to do] involve bleeding to death, I'd say that's a waste of a perfectly good body."
--Zach offers advice on time management

"I doubt that the knife itself is heretical. I mean, it's not out preaching against barbeque or anything. It's more of a tool of evil, like the idol to the idolater, you know? Is that the term? Idolater? I always get confused on the more obscure sins."
--Boh is musing over obscure theological problems

"I think barbeque has to be on the evil side. It's messier, more indulgent, and definitely tastier. I think that sweet tang would have to be the mark of sin. Steak, especially when well done, is clearly more like goodness. It's adequate, and satisfying, but not all that exciting."
--Boh brings more light to the question of Good and Evil as related to food

< OOC >"Ouch! I'm not gonna see her, even if she paints herself yellow and does the cha-cha on my table!
--Zach fails a perception roll to spot Hachilah

< OOC > Cristobal passes Duke a drink and explains the scene. "The jailbait is up on stage singin' the blues, tall blond and burly is dancing with short bespectacled and Freudian, and Warren's over there with a poor cryin' dame. And me? I've got a bad case of Film Noir and a double whiskey."

Warren finds himself in the awkward position of nearly having his tux cried upon now, after Hachilah's sad sad song.
--The price of being the local agony unchle

"They give you cookies for caroling, eh?" He ponders this. "Well, I suppose it is better than thrown bricks..."
--Cristobal learns something new

"So you're the Che Guevarras of the theatre world, surprising people with guerrilla performances?"
--Zach tries to understand modern street theatre

"Oh well /that/ goes without saying. Pleasant surprises are the best, closely followed by surprising surprises and annoying surprises that forces you to bend your brain a bit."
--Zach proves that he has a Master's degree in Surprisology


January | February | March | April | May | June | July


< OOC > Mick says, "Oh. Zach's pretty old. ;P"
< OOC > Harriet steps up in Zach's defense. "But young at heart!" :D
< OOC > Zach says, "Hey! Am not old! Just....matured a bit. :)"
< OOC > Mick grins.
< OOC > Harriet snorts. Mature? Zach? ...no comment.
< OOC > Zach says, "HEY!!"
--And here we go again..

"The ducks obviously have no taste in music," she murmurs. "Perhaps they'd prefer the triangle?"
--Harriet wonders why the ducks aren't fans of Zach's music

Mick chuckles softly, in spite of himself. And then he notices he's chuckling and stops.
--It's not always easy to keep up the sullen teenager act

"That might not have been the cleverest thing I've ever done..."
--Zach on the topic of drinking pitch-black coffee with heaps of sugar before bedtime

"Yep. Met him. Still don't like him."
--Zach commenting on the return of an old 'acquaintance'

Ahhh, Malakite mating rituals. Invite your sister along to slaughter a demon; it's better then jewelry.
--Did we really need to know this?

"Yup. Oh, do you think you could tell if my new mirror's evil, you know? Cosmo says it might be, but I think it's just a mirror. (...) It hasn't done anything naughty, but I thought I'd ask."
--Harriet gets such interesting gifts

"sorry...fell asleep and ...." He looks around. "this isn't the YMCA...."
--Eli emerges from Harriet's bathroom

"Hey, you're that guy. The one with the hair."
--Eli, this time pinpointing Zach

< OOC > Fidelity says, "Just don't let her dive behind you firing a Celestial Song of Light, Zach. Trust me on this one."
< OOC > Zach says, "Yeah that's just what I need. My ass on fire! :)"
--Wouldn't that have been an interesting SFX scene, though?

Harriet pages: You realize, of course, that your Archangel is a complete loon...
--Zach gets an OOC message in the middle of battle

< OOC > Harriet thinks we all need a snuggle. Including Eli.
< OOC > Hachilah whispers, "The horror. The HORR -- whee, snuggles? :D"
--And this ladies and gentlemen, is Hachilah in a nutshell!

"Oh, I should intervene, I just know I should, but somehow," and with this, the Fallen Lord of Light simply smiles, "I think I'd rather just watch."
--Lucifer intervenes, employing blatant smarminess!

Cosmo eyes widen a bit as he is lifted into the air. He knows this isn't his forte'. Knew it going in. Doesn't make it any less embarassing when he hears the splash of the duckpond and feels himself crash intot he water.
--Somebody tried to fight a grumpy ex bully-sargent from the Groves..

Cosmo works his jaw silently, up and down. That's...well, that's something else, isn't it? "I..."
--Cosmo's rather eloquent response upon being informed that his fellow Virtue's dissonance came from suffering Lucifer to live

Brynn isn't a Lustie! [FNORD]: "You're just drawn that way."
--Well, as long as we're all agreed on that...

< OOC >Zach smiiiiles enticingly to Harriet and starts the seductive hula-wiggling. "You know you want to.... Deep, down inside..."
--Zach uses Dark Desire on Harriet to get her to hula!

Brynn goes all vanishy-like! Like a ninja! ...who uses the door like an ordinary person.
--Brynn makes such exits!

"Don't beat your head against the floor, dearheart. There's no reason to do that."
--Harriet tries to talk some sense into Zach

< OOC >Harriet's eyes shine with Possibility. Quantum Weather Butterflies! Wielded by armies of Harrim...
--Harriet gets ideas involving Transubstansiation and Janus-powers