Report: New Soldier in service to Heaven.

Name: Harriet Davis
Date of Birth: November 30, 1975 AD
Position: Artist, specializing in sculpting
Recruited by: Arethas, Malakite of Creation, serving the Wind.
Rectruiment period: Fall 2002, introduced to celestial matters 11/1-2002
Became a Soldier: 1/14-2003
Serving: Primarily furthers the Word of Creation, but assists and cooperates with servitors of Trade, Fire, Stone and Children.
Overseeing angels: Arethas of Creation/the Wind and Kosimeo Malakite of Trade.

Harriet Davis came to Kansas City at the onset of September 2002. She was immediately approached by a servitor of Lust who owns a leather goods store downtown. I was at that point still not entirely certain about what this celestial was and who it worked for, so I kept a close eye on her. Thus I met Harriet and became aquintained with her. Unfortunately I was unable to prevent her falling in love with a (unknown to her at the time) Balseraph of Factions, and to this day she is emotionally vulnerable to it. She is fully aware of this, however, and her exceptional purity and integrity of heart has kept her from falling prey to any demonic influences.

Personalitywise Harriet displays an uncanny affinity with the ethos of Flowers as well as Creation. She is a complete pacifist and strongly disapproves of any form of violence, be it physical or psychological. Refusing to let go of the belief that anyone can change if given enough love and affection, she has on several occations stood up to demons trying to "talk sense" into them. Even more amazingly, she has been able to walk away from these incidents mostly unharmed. Lately she has become better at retreating and avoiding confrontation, but there is still much to be done.

Special note: Harriet Davis is a very free spirit. Any attempts to order her around will either be met with a strict talking-to, or a dogged attempt to "cheer up" and "care for" the one who tries to be boss. If one does not wish to be lectured or run the risk of having one's garments embroidered with rhinestones and bright floral patterns, a "please" and a smile will usually be more than enough. (Further evidence of her deep spiritual ties with Creation and Flowers, in my humble opinion.)

Harriet is using her talent, skill and success as an artist to great effect by actively supporting (and in some cases arranging) art festivals in the area, and volunteering for workshops. She plans to take this further by setting up a new studio with room for classes, so she can take on students and nurture their talents.

In deepest respect,
Malakite of Creation, serving the Wind.

Additional report and assesment from Kosimeo of Trade.