Liriel hopes she won't have to have sushi with Terry... Or have his gremlins. :) Ryukage giggles! Haru POINTS. "you FLIRTED with TERRY! You dirty girl!" arcangel snickers! Ryukage says "But...but...BabyTerrys! ^^" arcangel says "BabyBals!" Liriel withers and DIES! "BabyTerrys! NOnononononoNOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (Bal)Jude peers into the nutshell, blinking. The BabyTerries run up to Liriel, crying, "MommyMommyMommy! We wrote COMMERCIALS for you!" Ryukage beams at Liriel. "More Terry to go around!" Ryukage /snrk/! Liriel points back at Haru! "And you egged me on! You were having porncorn!!!" The Baby Jesus cries. Ryukage says ".../WOW/." Haru POINTS at Liriel! "You FLIRTED with him!" The Aztec God of Cruel and Unnecessary Bloodshed gets drunk and listens to country music! Demiurge snickers. Demiurge pats Terry and gives him fresh eel sushi. Haru wants sushi now. -_- Dammit. Liriel flees the BabyTerries! Those ain't mine!! Demiurge says "That's a point. Given all the older celestials we have in this game -- have any of them ever produced offspring, or donated Forces for offspring?" Demiurge asks innocently, then ducks for cover. Liriel informs Haru that she was trying to get info from him, and succeeded. Via PHONE! Ha! Liriel runs after Demi with a Big Stick! Haru points out that she's so gonna be roped into giving Terry head now. Keri says "Y'all silly!" You say "Don't Give Beth Ideas!!!!!" Haru says "She being LIRIEL" Ryukage /snrk/! Demiurge hides behind arcangel. Liriel is not getting roped into anything! Haru says "You're gonna do it willingly?" Liriel baps Haru. "No!!" (demon) Diamante peers in. Balseraph head? Where? Haru says "In Terry's pants, presumably." Diamante says "Ooo." Keri isn't an older celestial, and thus has no babies to worry about, Demi. :P arcangel has reconnected. arcangel has partially disconnected. <> arcangel has ascended. <> Ryukage snrk! Haru says "And Chad is very much NOT an older celestial. ^_~ Not that that means much with Creation's bunch." arcangel lagged and died at... The BabyTerries run up to Liriel, crying, "MommyMommyMommy! We wroteCOMMERCIALS for you!" Liriel phews at Beth. "Good!!" *waves Big Stick in a threatening way at Demi* arcangel says "Hmmm?" Liz falls over laughing. Liriel's head is firmly fastened to her shoulders thankyou! Demiurge grins at Beth. "I was just innocently wondering out loud if any of the older celestials here had ever produced, or donated Forces for, offspring . . ." Demiurge hugs Liz. ;) arcangel laughs! Demiurge says "Zebina. Teraphim. It is Dest- er, Fated." arcangel snrks. arcangel .o O (The Terry who was at Shannen's place was kinda keen...) Liz says "Mmm, no. Sorry. Not falling for any bals." Demiurge says "(Besides, we all know that Terry goes for redheads.)" Demiurge says "(Em said so.)" Liriel groans and....just groans. arcangel says "Liriel's in a red-haired vessel?" arcangel . o O (Is this why he's working for Nybbas? The hair?) Ryukage ...O_O */dies/!* Demiurge grins happily. Haru .........................GRINS. Nybbas has a box full of love-notes from Terry. Liriel is dark-haired! and has Evil Plan to sic Terry on Bethany as soon as she finds out she's a redhead! arcangel cackles! Bethany "..."s. Haru says "My God. THe cruelty." Ryukage .oO(...Terry was Rex's other parent! No /wonder/ Rex is a Bal!) :D Magog says "Yes?" arcangel admires Ryu! Ryukage ^_^ Haru PAIN. PAIN. PAIN. TWITCH TWITCH. WRITHE. PAIN. Demiurge | Jason scanned a page, and then stared at the Viscount Jeremy Tarquin Temporal-Lobe, his simple soul shocked to the foundation by what he had seen within. "Is that really possible?" he said. "With the gene-spliced heifers, the electrodes and the pair of wellington boots?" Ryukage says "...Vapula?" arcangel blinks at Demi. Liriel stares at Demi. arcangel pauses, remembers Bal of Media, and chokes. Demiurge looks innocent. arcangel chokes! Ryukage .../peers/ at Beth, and drags out S2. You say "what? WHAT???" Demiurge is reading a science fiction novel (Dr Who offshoot) by Dave Stone, and that section is a part of the novel that's supposed to be an exerpt from a badly written sensationalist thriller. You say "Wellingtons?!" Demiurge says "Which, as arcangel so well points out, suits the Media admirably." Demiurge says "Precisely, Liriel." Ryukage says ".../Wow/. *snickers*" Haru snickers. Liz says "Dave Stone is a scary, scary man." Liz says "As evidence, i produce the concept of a Pocket Universe used as a Killing Jar." Haru ...fears. Demiurge sees you read Oblivion, iirc? Ryukage .oO(...David writing Vapulan fiction? ...Haru, I /told/ you! :D) Liriel for some sick and twisted reason envisions Sir David Attenborough. In wellingtons. With microphone. Creeping toward a pair of mating warthogs... Keri wonders if anyone else finds the name "Dave Stone" a leetle bit suspicious? Demiurge pauses. Demiurge starts snickering. Ryukage points at her thoughtbubble. Haru ....GIGGLES. Demiurge says "If that really _is_ a pen name for the Archangel David, then he has a far more warped sense of humour than I ever realised. :)" Liriel looks at Keri. Mm-hmm... Ryukage nodnods! ^^ Keri giggles. David says, "Surviving bad humour builds character." David looks stoic. Kobal .oO(Oh /really/ now...) arcangel idles. The toddler demands sugar cookies. Demiurge snickers.