Ryukage hugs. And offers Haru paperclips! Allan takes the paperclips away. Dammit, woman! At least give them to a professional! Ryukage tells Allen, "But...but...you weren't /here/ when we were going to use them on < edited out >!" ^_^ Allen EYES Ryu. And goes back to work radioactifying the paperclips. Ryukage says "I quoted you when explaining, though! ^_^" Allen's genius is clearly finally getting accepted in the scientific community! WA HA HA! Caleb says "Allen?" Ryukage says "Allen, Balseraph of Technology, from DGC1. ^^" Caleb says "Oh dear." Ryukage says "Famous for his Bubble Gun and his line about 'you have raped this machine with a paperclip'. ^_^" Caleb O.O Allen rolls his eyes. "It's NOT a Bubble Gun. It's a matter destabalizing construct relating Allen coughs. Ryukage giggles. Allen clears his throat then finishes, "to the abstract etherbounderies for superidegoidentification." Ryukage says "...to the abstract boundaries of superidegoidentification?" Ryukage says "...Yes! ^_^" Allen says "Yes. Exactly." Ryukage only missed 'ether'! :D Caleb says "And what does that do?" Allen looks shifty. "If I tell you, you'll attempt to steal my fame." Caleb says "Dude, I'm a Creationer. We like giving *other* people ideas." Caleb says "It's the Word, man." Allen blinks. "Oh yes? What Choir?" Caleb says "Malakite." Allen goes "...I see! Well, that's very interesting. You like to give other people ideas, you say?" Ryukage heeeee hee hee... ^^ Keri has connected. Ryukage *heart*s Allen so much. ^_^ Ryukage waves to Keri! We have a Vapulan Balseraph in the room! Allen .oO($#!+) Keri blinks. Haru waves to Keri! ^^ Keri asks her trademark question: it it cute?