Liriel is going to make a WeirdStuff thing with Andrekitty from yesterday. :) Ryukage blink. Andrekitty showed up yesterday? Haru says "That was coooooooool." Andrekitty looks up at Ryu. "Mew." Ryukage peers at Andrekitty. Andrekitty is cute. There's a fine gold-linked chain about its neck which looks to be irritating it. Ryukage knows better than to remove the chain! Andrekitty drat. Ryukage awws. ^^ Caleb wonders why the all the focus on captive Superiors. Haru goes to read back. Caleb says "wait, wait, DO NOT EXPLAIN THAT." Caleb says "No explanation necessary!" Ryukage tells Caleb, "Because they're /fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun/..." :D Caleb can't see the response. PERIL SENSITIVE SUNGLASSES! Almost as good as the Technology Stick. arcangel says "The idea of having a very cute, previously-established-and-known-to-others personality, entity in a form that you can scritchie with impunity is appealing." Ryukage ponders Asmodeuskitty. arcangel SNRKS! arcangel says "He'd look like Greebo!" Saminga turns himself into a (dead) kitty too! He wants scritchies! Ryukage says "...Greebo?" arcangel does not scritchie the dead kitty. Keri says "Discworld ref." arcangel says "Greebo, from, um...right." Ryukage has not read Discworld stuff. ^^; Andrekitty notices Caleb wearing Peril Sensitive Sunglasses. And contemplates Caleb's leg. Saminga lies unmoving in a cutely appealling manner? You say "Greebo is a Real Bad Cat!" Andrekitty's nails itch. You say "Greebo RULES!" Haru says "Greebo kicks ass! 'waaaaaaaaaaaant miiiiiiiiiiillllllk." arcangel plucks Andrekitty away from Caleb. Andrekitty looks cute and innoecnt. He wasn't gonna do nothin, nope. Keri agrees. Greebo /rocks/. Greebo courts she-bears, among other things. Andrekitty scratches pathetically at the gold chain. Sirea has connected. Sirea is home! arcangel tells Andrekitty, "Leave my Malakite alone, please." Then sets him loose elsewhere. Andrekitty bounds up to Sirea! arcangel has Keri and Sirea and Ryu and Liriel! Sirea pets the kitty? ^^; Ryukage yay! Samingadeadkitty lies there some more and waits for scritchies .oO(Hey, it worked for Andre...) Andrekitty purrs. He's wearing a gold chain which looks to be bothering him... Sirea greets all ^^ seems she's wanted then! :D Ryukage tells Sirea, "Don't take it off! ...the chain, that is." *winks at Caleb* Andrekitty makes cutewhiskers at Sirea. Sirea pets Andrekitty o.o Samingadeadkitty lies on the floor hopefully at Sirea? Andrekitty purrs. And scratches at the gold chain pathetically. arcangel warns Andrekitty that if he scratches that too much, we'll have to put an elizabethan collar on him, and then he'd be a funnelhead. Sirea pulls at the chain? Andrekitty assists Sirea in the chain-pulling. A link starts to give. Ryukage giggles! And tells Sirea, "Don't pull at the chain!" Andrekitty hisses at Ryukage. Sirea picks the kitty up and HUGS her! ^____^ Ryukage hides behind Elikitty. Samingadeadkitty just lies there. .oO(Why does Andrekitty get all the hugs?) Haru doesn't think there IS an Elikitty... Ryukage says "Eli might want to be a kitty! ^_^" Andrekitty O_O. ...Snuggle. Purrs. Nudges the chain hopefully at Sirea's hand. Samingadeadkitty stiffens cutely? Sirea stares at SammyKitty T__T Andrekitty looks offended like 'Don't look at HIM while I'M here!' Samingadeadkitty is just as cute as Andrekitty! Really! Sirea gives the Andrekitten a lovenoogie ^_____^ arcangel bundles Samingadeadkitty and Andrekitty to a table. Andrekitty sniffs and washes his manlykitty parts, then sits to watch RP.