arcangel says "Nybbas dotes on the Princess of Cute, clearly." You say "Oh, there can be no doubt about that. :)" arcangel giggles. You say "He might try to get her help the day Lucifer 'drops by' to ask him about Liriel's "progress" in the Media organization....." arcangel GIGGLES> Liriel | Nybbas: "Er, well... You see, we're doing this new detective series, and she's the MYSTERY that the detective must solve!" .oO( After finding her first... ) arcangel cackles. Liriel | Lucifer eyes Nybbas beadily. "Right. So the rumours I've heard about you managing to _lose_ her, aren't correct then?" arcangel giggles like crazy. Mmmmmmm. Liriel | Nybbas .oO ( Gulp. ) "Nonono! It's all part of next season's crowdpleaser, Dread Lord." arcangel meeheeheehee. You say "Imagine Nybbie calling Lucifer 'baby'..." arcangel dies. Liriel | Lucifer frowns and hands over a small envelope with a nice, red bow on. "When you see her next, please give her this. It's for her birthday." He rises and stalks off. "It had better be _very_ pleasing, Nybbas." arcangel says "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww." Liriel | Nybbas takes the envelope, which is a very NICE envelope with a nice, cute, red bow on it, grovels to Lucifer's retreating back and whimpers softly to hiself. "......he's gonna go SPARE!" Keri . o O (And Nybbas defects to S-L, just so that he doesn't have to explain to Lucifer...) arcangel snickers even more. Liriel | Nybbas decides to make this a certain Teraphim's Problem, since he apparantly knows the thrice-damned little hussy.... You say "Oh, that works too, Keri. Liri'd be horrified! :)" arcangel dies. arcangel says "First he makes it Terry's problem. Then Terry defects to S-L." You say "Make that horrified squared." arcangel says "THEN Nybbas decides he has to, uh, FOLLOW THEM AND GET THE STORY! With, er, ALL HIS CAMERAS!" arcangel says "Yeah, that's the ticket." Liriel HOWLS!!! :D Keri snickers. "Liri is the anti-Amariah. Anyone who encounters her Must Join Shangri-La." arcangel chortles!!! arcangel | Lilith and Jean confer. Then Lilith grabs Liriel up and plops her in the middle of Notre Dame. Liriel | Lucifer . o O ( Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Time to go be creative... ) Liriel o.0 Liriel scream? arcangel | Michael stares at Liriel. . o O (Must... resist... must... not... leave... Heaven....) Liriel hands Mike a pic of her in celform. arcangel | Michael wolf-whistles. Shows it to the nearest people next to him, who happen to be Dominic and Laurence. Liriel .oO( Whimper.) arcangel | Dominic says, "I will take her into protective custody." Liriel ogles Dominic furtively, then meeps! "But I already AM in protective custody!" arcangel | Dominic resonates that statement... Liriel believes it's true! S-L is a protective environment, and she's signed herself over to Lilith's custody of her own Free Will! arcangel | Dominic says, "But it's not _my_, er, _Judgment's_ protective custody!" Liriel um. "You can come over and set up shop in Shangri-La? To tell you the truth, we need a real Judge. The one we've got is a bit....batty." Liriel | Laurence tries to get a closer look at the pic while Dominic's busy arcangel | Dominic blinks several times. "Perhaps I should... visit. And see what's going on." arcangel | Michael shows Laurence the picture, and nudges him in the ribs. Liriel beams and looks at Dominic with big, blue eyes - all happy and stuff! "Oh, would you? That would be /wonderful/, my Lord!" Liriel | Laurence oofs and then goes all quiet, staring. "What excuisit horns she has!" he whispers awestruck. arcangel | Dominic clears his throat. "Yes, well. Clearly someone needs to keep an eye on you...r situation!" Liriel | Michael groans. "The tail, man! The TAIL!" *megasigh* arcangel cackles. Liriel nods in wholehearted agreement. "Exactly! We're one Seraphim Archangel's short and could use some ogllllooking after!" Liriel | Laurence doesn't understand the tail thing and looks slightly confused. arcangel | Dominic takes Liriel's arm and escorts her out of the middle of everything while the others are busy with the pictures. Liriel laughs! arcangel | David comes and leans over Laurence's shoulder. "Huh. Good scales." Liriel | Michael grits his teeth. Philistines! Liriel takes Dominic to Shangri-La. .oO( Er, Lilith? He followed me home. Can I keep him, please? ) arcangel | Lilith . o O (Does he look good in leather pants, when in vessel?) Liriel eyes Lilith. .oO( Okay, okay. I'll go back and see if Larry wants to follow me home too... *sigh* And Mike, yes. ) Liriel doesn't want to think about Dominic in leather pants. It's just wrong. Suit and tie for that one, thank you! :) arcangel | Lilith beams at Liriel. "I'm sure we can find a spare room for him to stay at whle he's, ah, 'visiting.'" arcangel | Lilith says, "I think there's a spare right above your apartment, don't you?" You say "Of corse there is." Liriel .oO( Or at least there will be, now. ) (Funny -- Liriel could've sworn she was on the second-floor of a two-story building...) Liriel could've yes. But there's this thing with Lilith being All Powerful in S-L.... (True, dat.) Liriel isn't going to swear on something that'll make her Dissonant in a jiffy. (Good point.) Liriel returns to Notre Dame after showing Dominic around, and explained the lack of Order and Judgment in town. arcangel | Dominic busies himself moving into the apartment. . o O (Let's see, we can fit the archivial files here, the main courtroom here...) Liriel | Lucifer watches from afar and composes many new and interesting curses. .oO( Had I known she could do THAT.... Grrrrrrr. ) Liriel giggles at Dom. arcangel | Lilith . o O (I wonder if it would work if I sent her to the Lower Hells briefly. Would have to put a safety line on her...) Liriel | Jean elocoughs. arcangel | Lilith says, "Whaaaaaat?" Liriel | Jean suggests that it might be suboptimal to go Luciferfishing at this point. Seeing as he _made_ Liriel, he's probably immune. Or he'd be here already. arcangel | Lilith ponders this. "Oh. Hmmmm..... True. But there wasn't a Shangri-La to _come_ to at the time, right? Maybe he just has a high tolerance." Liriel | Jean says, "In that case I suggest that we give it some time. If it is so that those of his Forces still withing Liriel call out to him, he will come. And leave Hell to the Second Avatar. We need not unnecessarily rile his pride." arcangel | Lilith pouts mildly, for form's sake. "Oh, all right." arcangel | Meanwhile, a lot of very confused Servitors of Judgment discover that their offices have doors into... an apartment? Liriel is BLISSFULLY unaware of Impending Doom, and admires some Notre Damian artwork. .....well, he's in Notre Dame, and he's definitely a work of art!! arcangel giggles. Liriel | Jean elosmiles and leads Lilith into the kitchen, where he's been prepping a special dinner. In Heaven, Yves smokes. Like a chimney. Lilith hangs a No Smoking sign outside the Tether locus. The fine print reads, "Exceptions Made For Bright Fire." arcangel giggles, too, at the notion of a lot of very confused Judgment Servitors peeking out the apartment's door and windows and trying to figure out who's going to be brave enough to venture out to find out where the heck their new door leads to... Liriel dies sniggering! arcangel says "And after she comes back home, there's going to be this dire-wolf Cherub sitting on her doorstep, waiting to attune to her." You say "And they keep seeing green lilim all over the place! And....ANGELS! :::)" arcangel cackles. Liriel stares at the Cherub. arcangel | Judgment Angel: "I don't think the Lordship's office is in Heaven anymore..." arcangel | The Cherub extends a wingtip to brush her on the very nosetip and attune. You say "You got that right, bub. Now would you kindly withdraw that wing before I yell rape?" arcangel | The Cherub says, "Sure. Attuned to you now." You say "No WAY!!" Liriel slithers around in horrified circles! arcangel | The Cherub watches this. "Why not?" You say "The only Cherub who gets to attune to me isn't a Cherub any more and he isn't HERE!" arcangel | The Cherub blinks. "Hey, if he minds, he's gotta come tell me. I'm just protecting you, that's all." ZAP! Dissonance hits Liriel. arcangel | The Cherub winces. "Hey, don't do that!" You say "Ow! When the bloody hell did he go and redeem 'is sorry self?!" arcangel | The Cherub says, "Huh! Good for him. 'S better being a Cherub." Liriel mutters and grumbles. "Personally, I think it's a bit over the top when Someone starts hitting me with the Ouchies over a fact I DIDN'T KNOW, 'cause he bloody well didn't bother to tell me!" She curls up. "So, I suppose Nick told you to do this, eh? Did he also tell you to not let me into my appartment?" Liriel .oO( If he intends to interfere with the Free Press, he's got another thing coming... ) arcangel | The Cherub coughs. "He did suggest I should keep an eye on you. But you can go into your apartment. Can I come in too?" Liriel <-- Gets short-tempered when just Ouchied. :) arcangel | The Cherub says, "Or should I got get the Boss, to get the bad-stuff pulled off?" You say "Well, you didn't need to bloomin' well attune to keep an eye on me. You could've just hung around. Cell phones and Jeantech PDAs work well too. And sure, you can come in. Just don't mess with my computer, ok? And Salva will have an absolute FIT if you shed into her....techie stuffthingies." arcangel | The Cherub says, "But how can I keep track of you if I'm not attuned? 'Sides, I don't shed unless I want to." arcangel | The Cherub follows Liriel into her apartment. You say "Good, then there won't be a problem with her at least. .oO ( God knows I've enough on my plate without the BossReliever yelling at me too... )" arcangel | The Cherub curls up near Liriel's desk, quietly. Liriel resists mightily for all of an hour! Then she breaks down and scritchies it. Big Fluffy Cherubim tend to do that to people... The Cherub makes a purring noises. <> Liriel says "Beth! We have a Fou-Lu.... >:::)" <> Sirea toddles in and waves hello. <> Sirea says "o.o;" <> arcangel snickers. <> arcangel says "Ah, yes. Fou-Lu discovers that the 2-story apartment building he's in has a 3rd floor, and there are confused angels, wearing Judge robes, are peeking out of it.," <> Sirea ...?! Liriel uncoils from her balchair and heads upstairs to talk to the new neighbour. You see, there's a REASON the hallway's full of air fresheners of various kinds. A Very Harried Looking Mercurian in the foyer asks, "Do you have an appointment, er, um, Most Unholy?" You say "No, but I have cake." Liriel brandishes the "Welcome to the new neighour"-cake. The Mercurian squints at Liriel, resonates, and looks even more confused. Liriel is the downstairs neighbour and FNORDFNORDFNORD. <> Caleb wonders if the Mercurian picked up (1) Lilith Fuzz, (2) Grigori tension and (3) the at least two Malakim- Keri included here, I believe- who are Interested in Making Her Life Better.