Liriel oofs and snugs Hiram! Hiram snugs Liriel back! Elly eeks quietly and thinks sadly .oO(That poor Balseraph.) Liriel gently chides Elly. Malanugs are Top Quality snugs! Liriel .oO( Everyone should get them! ) Elly blinks. .oO(...) Liriel mutters curses after Valefor. "Of course, MalaSnugs are even better." Liriel .oO( Ha! Didn't steal the s this time! ) Valefor already has enough Ses. They're beginning to lose their value. Hiram grins. Liriel chuckles. Elly hides from the Scary!Malakite and the Brainwashed!Bal. Eek. Liriel eyebrows Elly and tells Hiram, "She's awfully twitchy... She proably needs hugs." Hiram chuckles. Then Sings something. <> Hiram rolls the d666 and gets 3 5 CHECK: 5. <> Hiram says "OOC Not that rolling is all that required, I just like seeing the <> tag. *G*" <> Haru snickers. Whatdidja Sing? David appears right behind Elly. <> Hiram says "Ethereal Light." Elly goes "..." <> Haru checks to see if she has the song and therefore might recognize it. Hiram takes the chance to attackhug Elly, as she is distracted! <> Haru nope! But she has Soundtrack... Elly's eyes roll up and she apparently faints at the combination shock. Elly has been under a leeetle stress lately. Liriel slithers over to help Hiram tend to the poor Elly. Awww.... <> Liriel says "Elly impudite?" <> Haru says "Yep. As in the one from DGC." Hiram gives Elly a proper Malakite Hug! Elly wakes up enough to go rigid and terrified. Elly makes a noise that vaguely resembles 'meep'. Hiram MalaSnugs Elly Elly doesn't seem to know what to do about this, really. <> Hiram is laughing Liriel gently strokes Elly with her tailtip, comforting. "He's a gentlekite, Elly. And really, really cuddly." Sirea has connected. Hiram MalaSnugs Elly some more. Sirea greets :D Hiram greets Sirea! Elly says "um..." in a really freaked-out voice. Haru hugs Sirea! Hiram says "Would you rather I Smote you?" Elly says, weakly, "No, this is good, thanks." Liriel sighs at Hiram. "Don't scare her!" Hiram shrugs. "I was just asking a simple question..." Liriel smiles to Elly. "And his feathers are really soft. Gorgeous...." *siiigh* Sirea assumes a game form, since gametime mught hopefully happen soon Elly stares at Liriel. "..." She attempts to mime 'convince him to let me flee screaming into the night?' with facial expressions. Fou-Lu , the eternal straight-man, is on the scene! Woot. Liriel thinks Elly needs more snuggles. And maybe a massage. Elly thinks she might need to go hide from the Game after this. Fou-Lu agrees. Liriel will help Elly hide from the Game. Hiram MalaSnugs Elly some more Elly isn't sure she wants brainwashed Bal who hangs out with Malakim hel... "OOF." Fou-Lu XD Liriel isn't brainwashed! Just likes snuggles. And it is widely recognized that malakim are the best source for those. Right next after cherubim. And we have no cherubim here. Elly .oO('Widely recognized' = 'not at all true'?) Fou-Lu is a Grigori... o.o Fou-Lu says "Well, /humans/ seemed to enjoy Grigori snuggles enough. S'why we were cast out!" You say "Those weren't snuggles! Those were ****s!" Fou-Lu says "All the other angels were jealous of our snugability. It's our resonance. Really." Hiram looks at Fou-Lu. "If you want to snuggle her, feel free..." Fou-Lu says "Says you! Media hug ;D" Fou-Lu says "Ah, Media hog." Liriel is in fact the very best at snuggling. Uniquely equipped with a very sinous, long body and flexible spine! Liriel is no hog! Fou-Lu pehs. His snugability hasn't been dulled one bit, despite Discord, Judgment, and 13,000 years in the corporeal oven! Elly gets snuggled by a) a Malakite, b) a Balseraph of the Media who's apparently ON THE WRONG SIDE, and c) a Smelly Grigori of Judgement who's kind of cute in a bloody way. Um. Hiram grins. "Well, here's a chance to see how much better you've gotten! Elly wonders if this is about to segue into the gang rape which she's heard about from so many YoYos. You say "Smells like a shedite pit!" Hiram grins at Fou-Lu. "Well, here's a chance to see how much better you've gotten! You say "Fou-Lu stinks of rotting and gangreene! That's a SERIOUS dampener on snuggling!" Fou-Lu thhpts -.- Hiram MalaSnugs Elly again! Liriel sighs at Elly. "We don't do that sort of thing. It's Wrong and Bad!" Fou-Lu shakes his wings, and they flop painfully. Liquid sloshes around in them. Umm... maybe these /aren't/ snug-compatible Elly trembles slightly. Um. Fou-Lu says "It's Good and Just." Fou-Lu stares down the Balseraph's six. Elly knows that the *Game* thinks it's good and just and really, Judgement's just Heaven's Game, right? Fou-Lu . o O (How /do/ you stare a Balseraph down? I mean, do you switch pairs of eyes every few seconds? o.O;) Fou-Lu says "Nope. Not Heaven's Game." Liriel eyes Fou-Lu. Fou-Lu says "We are Just and fair. Even Outcasts are treated with respect. We do not hunt. We help." Elly sags, defeated. "Well, go on, then. Have your fun." Liriel patpats Elly and offers tea and scones. Fou-Lu continues to stare at the Bal "BalPropaganda... all lies!" Elly looks at the scones and tea uncertainly. Fou-Lu says "Not the scones, the propaganda, I assure you." Fou-Lu eyes the scones anyways. It's normal scones and normal tea. <> Hiram idles. Fou-Lu . o O (ParanoidGrigori: "It's noly /trying/ to look innocent! I'm on to you...") Elly "...s" and considers trying to descend to her Heart. But dammit! Malakite here! Condemnation Dominic pats Fou-Lu. He shows good signs of being a proper Judge. He slithers off to continue screaming at the glass of water sitting on a stool. Liriel sighs at the grig and arranges cups and plates and other scones and tea stuff on the table. Fou-Lu absently stuffs a scone into his mouth, while doing the amazing task of watching the other scone, staring down the Balseraph, and smiling resuuringly at Elly all at the same time. Elly finally asks, voice perplexed, "WHY are you DOING this?" Liriel looks up. "Who're you asking?" Elly says, freaked out, "ALL of you. I should be dead, bleeding, or fleeing right now." Fou-Lu eyes/stares/smiles/munches. Fou-Lu stops his multitasking, scone hanging out of his mouth, to look wide-eyed at the panicking Elly. Liriel blinks and looks hurt. "No! That would simply be horrendously unwelcoming and unhospitable of us. We do not kill, maim or chase away guests! It's rude!" Fou-Lu coughs on some crumbs, and stares at the floor unconfortably. Never was good dealing with demons. Elly *stares* at Liriel. "Look, I dunno how you're getting away unsmited, but it's just not *normal*. I've been killed and maimed and chased away plenty of times!" Elly says "...well, chased away plenty of times, maimed a few, and killed once, but. Point stands." Fou-Lu says "Well, for God's sake, not every angel is a blood thirsty machine of war." Fou-Lu says "Despite what some would have you think *eyes Michael*" Elly gives him a critical look. "It's their job to be one to us. I don't really hold it AGAINST them, but I'd rather just be left alone." Fou-Lu shrugs, and gently sips his tea. Eyes the scone. Liriel umms and gestures vaguely with her wings and tail. "Uh... What he said. And like I said, you're our guest and there are certain manners one must adhere to. Being a celestial does not excuse lack of good manners!" Fou-Lu says "My job is to hunt down the heretical before they /Fall/ *stareLiristarestare* and bring them back into the fold, or destroy them if I can't. Demons are beyond my scope of duty, unless they place themselves in it." Fou-Lu sips. Elly says "....right. Well." Very polite. "If you'll excuse me, madame and messirs, I have an appointment I simply cannot miss." She prepares to flee screaming into the night. Fou-Lu shrugs. He's sure by now that the scone has done /something/ heretical. You say "But... You've hardly /touched/ your scone!" Liriel is shocked and concerned. Elly picks the scone up and looks around for butter, jam, and/or clotted cream. Fou-Lu sips some more. Good tea really. Though he does love a good cup of chilled wine. The table has been set with all kinds of goodies. Liriel hovers around and is a Good Hostess. Elly piles the scone high with goodies, and eats it, looking down at her knees. Every item on this table is a weapon to the (idling) Malakite. Fou-Lu pokes a bit of food. Thankfully, his Choir attunement pings nothing, and he munches on some cheese and crackers. Fou-Lu sips. Eyes Balseraph. FALLEN Balseraph. Sips. Elly swallows, wincing as if it isn't going down easily. Fou-Lu says "So, Elly. What line of work are you into?" Elly says "...I'm a newscaster. Assistant." Fou-Lu attempts to be polite. What? He does have Svoir-Faire! Fou-Lu says "Ah. Like... her. *points at Liriel*" Elly says "...Yes, very much like." Fou-Lu smiles and nods. Fou-Lu says "Well, your attitude is refreshing I must say." Fou-Lu sips. Elly says "" Liriel .oO( He's a Judge. He gets off on scared people. ) Fou-Lu eyes the Bal. Elly says " so?" MasonK has connected. Fou-Lu says "You don't spew out thick wads of heretical nonsense and self-delusional hogwash." Elly says "I try to stick to the truth." Liriel slithers around and...offers MansonK a hug, then tea and scones! Fou-Lu says "Good. The truth will set you free. Or at least remind you that you can be free." Fou-Lu sips, and nibbles on some cheese. He likes cheese. MasonK hugs, then has tea and scones! Elly says "Um, yes. The public needs to know and all that." She takes another uncertain bite of scone. Fou-Lu smiles with good cheer and nods again. Good to see a demon with a head on her shoulders. Elly is glad to have it there, too. Liriel doesn't have shoulders. Fou-Lu isn't /talking/ to Liriel -_- (^_~) Elly says "...yes, indeed." .oO(OH MY GOD HE'S GOING TO KILL AND RAPE ME. calm, be polite...) Liriel isn't talking to Fou-Lu either. So there! ( ;) ) MasonK pats Liriel. "It's okay. I think you have a good head." Keri has connected. Fou-Lu greets Keri! <> Haru is sure Liriel GIVES good head... Liriel hasn't given any!!! <> Haru waves to Keri! Fou-Lu says "May I have your hand, Elly?" <> Fou-Lu laughs! XD Liriel Kerihugs and offers tea and scones. Elly says " you want any other parts while you're at it?" Fou-Lu ...?! Keri blinks. Fou-Lu stares at Elly. Fou-Lu says "Uh... no." Elly says, weakly, "Just checking." <> MasonK | Fou-Lu " marriage?" <> Fou-Lu XD Keri Lirihugs, and wonders what she walked in on. Elly says "Um, so... why do you want my hand...?" Fou-Lu gently takes Elly's hand, and closes his eyes. Elly .oO(...meep...) Liriel makes the Media sign for 'Virgin' behing Fou-Lu's back. Fou-Lu breathes in deep, and a gentle hanrmonic *ping!* sounds. Elly... blinks. Then giggles, just a little, startled. Liriel winks to Elly. <> Haru says "Keri, you walked in on Liriel hosting a tea party for a bunch of angels and a freaked-out Elly. ^^" <> Fou-Lu :D <> Liriel says "Hiram was MalaSnugging Elly. :)" Fou-Lu opens his eyes after a moment, and shakes his head sadly. He gently places Elly's hand back in lap, and nods smiling to her. <> Haru says "And Fou-Lu and Liriel are being mean to each other. ^^" Elly says "...why did you..." <> Fou-Lu :D Fou-Lu says "Don't feel bad. She's in a better place than you think. It wasn't Wrong." Elly blinks, then scowls, turning away. Fou-Lu continues to calmly sip his tea, wings occansionaly fluttering. Elly is shaking. Liriel slithers around, making sure everyone's got enough tea and nibbles. Even the grigori. Fou-Lu is gracious, if a little cold and reserved to the host. Liriel .oO( Manners must be observed. ) MasonK nibbles on tea. No, wait... <> Fou-Lu giggles XD <> Liriel :::) Fou-Lu stretches his wings out, careful not to bonk Elly. Elly doesn't look at him, looking kind of pissed-off-but-scared. Fou-Lu looks completely calm and serene. He betther not bonk her! It's extremely rud to bonk in public! Rude, even. Fou-Lu eyes the Balseraph. Fou-Lu wonders how Liriel would react to a Malakim of Purity raid. Nya. Softy. arcangel has connected. <> Haru waves to Beth! <> Fou-Lu greets! <> arcangel sneaks back, but toddler will likely be up for nap soon. Elly doesn't slap the Grigori. She assures herself mentally that she doesn't want to, anyway. Fou-Lu doesn't notice Elly's anger. He's gotten a bit beyond that now. And a Perception of 1 doesn't help. ^_~ Liriel has seen a few Purity-raids in her time. Baal's raides were more scary. <> Haru snugs Beth. ^^ We're just random RPing. <> Liriel huggles arcangel! Liriel has never seen Purities gunning for Grigori -_- <> Fou-Lu . o O (Imagines redneck Purity Malakim in hunting gear, seraching for Grigor) <> Haru snickers. Liriel has, in fact. But from a nice distance. With popcorn available. Elly says "...that wasn't very nice of you." Her voice is even. <> arcangel admires random RP! Fou-Lu hmms? at Elly. <> Liriel will log this. :) Elly says "That's what I hate about angels. No respect for letting us keep our pasts to ourselves." <> Haru is logging too. :) Fou-Lu shrugs. "Then I apologize." Elly looks down. "...Sure. Fine." Fou-Lu says "Force of habit, if you would." Liriel offers after-tea mints to her guests. Elly snides, "I thought you didn't like lying... Oh, thank you, Liriel." MasonK says "Oooh, mints!" MasonK nibbles on mints. Fou-Lu takes the mint, and looks at Elly, rather weary and sad looking. MasonK .oO(Can you *feel* the tension, folks!) You say "You are very welcome. Please don't let him ruin your stay here, he's a He's mostly harmless. Part from the odour." Fou-Lu just depressedlooks at Liriel, and sighs a little, nibbling on the mint. Elly almost guilts about making Fou-Lu depressed, then just gets more angry. .oO(Well, it's not MY fault he chose to do that!) Liriel looks around to see where the CuddleKite went to. Hmmm... Maybe Keri can take over the MalaSnug Therapy? <> Haru notes, Beth, that if at any time you wanna run RP, we can stop. ^^ Fou-Lu angsts to himself. Angstangstangst. Nibbles on scone. Mmmm, scone. Angst. <> arcangel needs to get the toddler to nap first, probably. <> Haru nods and hugs. ^^ <> Keri is idling, pending finishing lunch. <> Fou-Lu nods. Lunch is good. Elly sighs. "Okay, look. How about I just go? Then you can all get back to your regular angel things. Kay?" Fou-Lu looks at Elly with a raised eyeborw. <> Fou-Lu says "Ah, brow. Yeah." MasonK says "Naw, stay! We need more cute demons here!" Fou-Lu says "If you wish. As you can see, there are no angelic things going on, however you define them." Fou-Lu notes that he is the only active angel here really. Caleb has connected. <> Fou-Lu greets <> Haru hugs Caleb! <> Haru says "See, Fou-Lu? Not anymore!" <> Fou-Lu says "Welcome! :D" <> Fou-Lu says "Teu ^-^" <> Fou-Lu says "Ah, true" Elly says "...well, no, there aren't, but. There could be, if I weren't here." Liriel tells Elly gently, "It's safe here, you know. Even the chain gang aren't allowed to Smite or maim here. They have to be nice." Elly's not a Shangri-Laer. <> Liriel snugs Caleb! So? <> Caleb sulks. Chain gang? Fou-Lu shrugs. Whatever the Impudite wants. <> Liriel mutters. Needs mittens! Fingers cold. :( Elly asks "So... what *are* these infamous Rules, then?" <> Fou-Lu hugs Liri ;-; is cold here also Fou-Lu says "Let me think..." MasonK says "Don't Get Cau--wait, that's the other place." You say "Oh, those are easy. 'Be nice.'" <> Haru snickers. Fou-Lu says "No forced Redemptions or Fallings... no violence at all against the other side..." Elly blinks. "Doesn't sound too bad..." Fou-Lu says "It's quite peaceful." Elly takes out a notebook and jots notes. Fou-Lu says "It is as Lady Freedom and the Lord of Thunder wished." Elly jots more notes. Hey, if she gets *away* with this, it could mean a big story! Ryukage has connected. Ryukage waves! <> Liriel idles to write a bit. <> Haru waves to Ryu! <> Liriel hugs Ryu first though! Fou-Lu has reconnected. <> Fou-Lu says "Back. Miss anytning?" <> Haru pats Sirea. What's the last you saw? Fou-Lu has partially disconnected. <> Fou-Lu says "My comment about Lil and JEan" <> Ryukage peers. Game going on? Don't see IC tag... Fou-Lu floats back down from Limbo! Ahem. That's inconvinient. <> Haru | Elly jots more notes. Hey, if she gets *away* with this, it could mean a big story! <> Haru says "Nope, Ryu, just random RP." <> arcangel snugs Ryu! Fou-Lu gladly gives Elly any information she wants. <> Fou-Lu greets Ryu! <> Ryukage ahs and nods. And grins. <> Fou-Lu Join in at your leisure! :D Elly jots notes. Hey, she's wanted by the Game *anyway*, might as well get a story to get back in her Prince's good books and get some measure of protection! <> Keri grins cheerily. There's one more bottle of IBC left! Perfect way to polish off lunch! <> Haru says "The scene is - Liriel hosted a tea party, then has (apparently) wandered off. Anyone's welcome to come join, drink tea, eat scones, and attempt to convert the damn Impudite." Fou-Lu says "If you wish, you may join. More citizens are a desire I hear." <> Ryukage giggles. <> Caleb says "IBC?" Elly says "I'll certainly think about it." She smiles brightly. Fou-Lu says "And no, as many celestials ask, there is no need to Fall and or Redeem." <> Keri says "IBC brand cream soda. It's a nice dark amber." Elly thinks .oO(I bet the rules don't apply to Archangels. I don't want to be in the same general area as a Mercurian Archangel! Especially *Creation*...) <> MasonK finishes looking at Io-chan baby pictures and demands more recent pictures! <> arcangel points at the new scanner, still in the box, in front of her. "The old one no work." Elly says, brightly, "Well, that's good!" Elly jiggles slightly at Fou-Lu. Fou-Lu looks at Elly, and ahems. <> MasonK says "So open the box! :)" <> arcangel says "That's spouse-job!" <> Caleb nosebleeds. <> Ryukage hands Caleb tissues. <> Caleb says "She's jiggling! Unfair use of cleavage! Flag on the play! ^_^" <> arcangel giggles!! <> Ryukage hee! :D <> Fou-Lu giggles ^^ but cleavage jiggling is good! :D <> Fou-Lu says "Ask Jean. He'll agree. If he knows what's good for him." The Spoon of Dark Judgments turns over in its sleep. <> Caleb hides in his MalaSock! Fou-Lu eyes the spoon, and sighs. Not /that/ thing. MasonK blinks. "Did that spoon just move? <> Fou-Lu brb again... sigh The SoDJ zzzzzzzz.... MasonK says "That spoon's snoring." Fou-Lu boots the spoon. Damn thing. The Spoon owies and is most rudely awakened. Fou-Lu stares at Elly in game. Keeps eyes /on/ the face. Elly looks Media-like right now, the fear hidden behind professionalism. Fou-Lu eyes the Impudite. Nothing gets past him and his 1 Perception! Nothing! (^_~) Elly leans over her notebook, arms pressed together slightly. Keri snickers. Beth let you design a char with 1 Perception? <> Caleb nosebleeds again. Dang you, Elly! Fou-Lu leans back and stares at the ceiling. Fou-Lu is still a little depressed. Elly finishes making notes and dreams hopefully of a Big Scoop. Not that that'll bring the Lilim back, but. What can you do. Have to keep going!