Liriel experiments... ^O^ Yep, looks like a fat angel... Sirea giggles! Sirea says "Or a fat demon/imp :D" Liriel noddies! Sirea is attacked by the imps! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^ Liriel eats the imps! *CHOMP* Liriel chew chew chew. Liriel burp. The remianing imp scurries away! ^O^; Haagenti rewards Liriel with Devour! Keri idles to get breakfast, speaking of Gluttony. [...] Imps of Gluttony flutter to surround Liriel, their new master! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^ ^O^ Liriel grins! Yay, servants! Snacks! The Imps fly off! They don't wanna be snacks... ------^o^; Liriel .oO( Mmm... They look like eggs with wings on. Mmmm...eggs.. ) Sirea giggles ^_^ [...] Sirea says "Hey, what do you think would be a good Superior to post next? Azrael of Life, Jean of Thunder, or Oannes of the Heavens?" Liriel hmmm... Thunder! Sirea says "Thunder, huh? *nods*" Sirea says "I was looking at him too. Insane tribal shaman Jean is fun" Sirea pokes Thunder Jean, who is currently screaming to the sky about God. Ain't he cute? You say "If you misbehave in any way, God will SMITE you! Yeah!" Keri >oO(Thunder-SPAM: Renounce the computer you are reading this on!!) Sirea says "Exactly ^_^" Sirea laughs! Liriel giggles!! Keri asks if Thunder can summon lightning bolts to SMITE with? Sirea says "Well... Calabim of Thunder can make their resonance physical... here" Keri SMITES the transformer, taking down the power grid for an entire town!! Keri SMITES the server, destroying all files! Sirea giggles ^^ you like Thunder Jean I take it? Keri wants either a rite or an invocation modifier for taking down large chunks of vile Technology? Keri likes Thunder, yes. Sirea posts the Rites Sirea -Destroy 10 technological devices, not necessarily all at once Sirea -Create 50 points of disturbance Sirea says "This Jean is also very Disturbance heavy -- not subtle at -all-" Keri yays! Likes 'Destroy 10 technological devices, not necessarily all at once' very much. Keri SMITES MIT! Haru has connected. Haru waves Sirea huggles and greets! Liriel pounces Haru and HUGS! Keri SMITES Haru "Hello!" Haru hugs everyone except Keri, who kills her. Sirea says "Probably ^^; thus why I'm going to tone down the Thunder-mimic effects" Haru X_X Keri says "Bonus to disturbance makes the Rite awfully easy." Liriel POINTS at Keri. "Oh my GOD! YOu killed Haru!!" Sirea says "Good point. Natural disturbance then, not aided bny thunder powers?" Keri explains that Haru is a cyborg, incorporating far more than 10 technological devices. Essence, please? Haru blinks. And sits up. Zach zooms in to Sing corp. Healing on Haru and deliver mouth-to-mouth first aid!" HaruO_O Liriel snicker! Zach .oO( Drat! Wrong vessel... ) Sirea giggles ^^ Haru eek! Jean commends Keri's actions, and gives her Essence! Keri posits the existence of Thunder Servitors named Donner and Blitzen, with reindeer vessels? Zach apologises to Haru and zooms off! Keri loves ThunderJean! Haru says "Who WAS that masked Malakite?!" Liriel hee! Sirea says "Ack! Pun damage! x.x" Keri says "Or winged-reindeer celforms." Sirea reasons Djinn of Thunder? Donner, reindeer-Djinn of Thunder!! Jean makes Keri a Honorite of Thunder! Go forth, Warrior, and Smite all who do not fear the Wrath of God! Keri has disconnected. Ryukage has connected. Haru points at Ryu like! YOU! HI! Sirea says "Maybe Jean shouldn't have made Keri an Honorite of Thunder... she can;t use the comp now! ;-;" Ryukage waves! Slept later than she thought. ^^; Sirea huggles Ryu! Haru thoughtcha might have. ^_^ Keri has connected. Sirea says "Ah! Your back :D" Keri's computer just crashed! Sirea greets the new Honorite of Thunder. Sirea says "Hah! Jean has blessed you then :D" Ryukage says "...Nice timing! ^^, on your return, not the crash. Crashes suck. *waves to Keri*" Haru says "That's what happens when you try to use Thunderpower around nearby computers." Haru attempts to avoid Thundercats jokes. Keri doesn't like Thunder anymore. Wants to Redeem to someone who likes computers. Jean lays many curses upon Haru, and blesses his new Honorite. Sirea says "Uh oh :D better run to Vapula or Nybbas then!" Liriel patpats Keri. "Your 'puter crashed because Jean made you a honorite. It sulked." Haru cries. Liriel comforts Haru. Ryukage patpats Haru. Jean is enraged that his Honorite has turned tail already! Filthy heathen! SMITE! Sirea huggles Haru, and sics Science Vapula on Jean ;-; Keri runs to Vappy! Liriel tells Keri, "You should get back to Stone post-haste. It has protected you from boot-offs so far!" Haru snuggles cute Liriel and cute Ryukage. Twitches from Jeancurse. Vapula looks up from his work at the Honorite. "Yes?" Liriel tells Terry to make jingles that will cause Jean to implode and die! Keri says "Help me?" Keri huggles her computer. Sirea says "In INverse, Terry is now a Seraph of Communication you realize ^_~" Ryukage giggles! Haru ......starts giggling. Liriel hee! Liriel fears!! Vapula nods, and stuffs the Honorite into a beaker. Redepmtion is a precarious procedure. Keri considers Liriel's point, and flees the INverse altogether. Ahh, canon! h Ryukage notes that /she/ cast Terry as Seraph of Communication IST Valor, for /her/ AU-IN, but... ^^ Vapula flicks a few switches, turns some nobs, and blasts the now Redeemed Malakite back into canon! Canon welcomes the wayward Keri back and comforts her. Keri happy happy Stonie! Haru does homework, vaguely. Canon tells Keri to not do that again, or there will be spanking! And David never suspected a thing. Keri ooh, spanking! Sirea would do homework... but that's for tomorrow :D Sirea o_O Ryukage .oO(And after the spanking...WAIT.) THE ORAL SEX. INverse now wants NOTHING TO DO with the Malakite. Haru coughs on her tea! Ryukage .oO(...With the Canonverse?) Sirea laughs XD Keri loves watching the God voice. God says "THE ORAL SEX! YAY!" Sirea can go clean up, eat breakfast, and stuff! She will be back in a while. Laurence O_O God jumps Laurence. Keri has the only Superior who's naked more often than Andre. Laurence O_O! Ryukage .../hee/! God stuffs Laurence in a closet in the back corner of the Symphony somewhere and sucks him off. YAY! Ryukage says ".../Woooooooooooow/." Haru giggles madly. Haru says "...and either there's massive lag or God/Laurence got me disconnected."" Sirea has disconnected. Sirea has connected. Haru says "Ah, massive lag." Liriel stares. Liriel blinks. Keri cheers! Laurence really needed it. Liriel takes the plane to LA. Keri blinks. LA?? Haru says "Demonland R Us?" Terry says "I told you she wants me." Laurence just sits there. God asks, anxiously, if it was good. God seems to have performance anxiety. You say "Rather you than a sex-crazed God!" Laurence weeps! Abused by God. Waah! Terry says "Babe, I AM a sex-god. Wanna come and worship me?" Laurence was going to save himself for Lilith! Ryukage /hee/! God ... apologizes and restores the Symphony to the way it was meant to be. Lilith already has Jean, thank you /very/ much, dear. AND THUS...THE BIG BANG. Ryukage giggles /lots/. Laurence sniffles, without knowing why. Then pouts as the UnHunky Jeean takes off with the Lady. Terry reverts to Seraph-hood. "I really want to have sex with Liri, but I'm not very good at it." Terry claps his hands over his mouth in horror! Liriel eyes Terry. "That's okay dear, I used to serve Lust. I can teach you some." Terry O.O Liriel refrains from snickering. Yep. No giggles. Nuh-uh. Liriel smiles to Terry and raids his fridge. Andrealphus, the Archangel of Love, smiles at Laurence. Poor Laurence. Here, have a drink, let's talk about it. Terry says "It's Truth! Please, please, Lirry, teach me!" Ryukage must ask. "Andre? Is the drink a Corona?" Laurence perks up and pads after Andrea. Andrealphus looks innocent. Corona? Why would any archangel with personal dignity drink *that*? Andrealphus offers Laurence Crown Royale, and a shoulder. Ryukage eyes Andre. And /how/ much leather are you wearing today? Andrealphus looks down. Mostly silk, it seems. Liriel raids Terry's fridge and comes out with....A CARROT! Ryukage ...awwws and pouts. Ryukage says ".../Heeeeeeeeee/!" Laurence snuggles up to Andrea and spills his guts. Andrealphus puts an arm around Laurence and listens, making symapthetic noises. Terry looks at the carrot. "Are carrots part of advanced sexual techniques?" <> Haru snickers. You say "It this all you have in your fridge?! Geez! No wonder you ain't gettin' any. And no. They're not. I just wanted some snacks." Liriel sighs. Terry offers to go grocery shopping for Liriel. Laurence feels it deeply unfair that nobody loves him for /him/. All they do is lust and covet and snicker at him behind his back! Liriel smiles. "Wanna get kinky in the supermarket, Terry?" Andrealphus says that s/he appreciates Laurence! Why, he works so hard to command God's armies, and rarely gets time off to relax, giving his *all* for Heaven... and that Laurence deserves better than lust-and-giggles! Terry says "Oooh, yes please!" Laurence stifles a sniffle and looks up at Andrea with with big puppy malakite eyes. "You do?" Andrealphus nods, seriously. "Of course I do!" <> Ryukage awwwwwwws. It's like RelieverLarry! Liriel takes Terry to the supermarket and shows him a trick involving yoghurt, vaseline and a toothbrush. All in the open and without anyone realizing. Exept Terry... ;P <> Haru points out that we'll all have to run and hide when arcangel gets back. ^^ Terry O.O Terry says "Thank you, Liriel. May I try it on you now?" Laurence slides down anto one knee and proposes. This is too good to pass up! "Will you do me the Honour of marrying me, noble Lady Andrealphus, Archangel of Love? My Heart will be yours for Eternity." <> Ryukage looks innocent. She's not @eming anyone any more! <> Ryukage .../dies/! Liriel sighs and reminds Terry that that trick doesn't work well on female Vessels. Andrealphus blushes! "I cannot claim to love you alone, for my nature demands me to give my love freely, but I do love you, and would be honoured to be your partner, for now and ever, if you would have me!" Terry frowns. "Oh. What about celforms?" Liriel shakes her head. Nope. "But I'll show you some knot-pattersn for that." Terry gazes at Liriel adoringly. "Really? That will be wonderful!" Laurence ohs, but is Noble and Unselfish! "Of cource I would have you, Noble Archangel." <> Haru laughs at the scening. ^^ So cute. Liriel takes Terry home to teach him a few things about the uses of human vessels. After filling his fridge with groceries and snacks. Andrealphus leans to kiss Laurence. "Then yes! Gladly!" And the Heavens rejoice, becase the Archangel of the Sword is FINALLY getting Romance, Love and a Real Good Bonk! After the ceremony of course. Andrealphus wonders, why wait? Terry discreetly fades to black. Laurence is saving himself for the Wedding Night, that's why. It has to be.....perfect. He gazes adoringly at Andrea. Liriel fades with Terry. Andrealphus agrees, and the scene closes on the two lovers. Liriel awww! How cute! [...] Ryukage .oO(Andre/Larry /and/ Liri/Teri--er, Terry!) Liriel fears the WeirdPage... Haru adores the Weird Page. Ryukage *heart*s the WeirdPage. ^^ Keri loves the weirdness page. Liriel .oO( Easy for you to say! It ain't living on /your/ websites. Growing. Pulsating. Weirding.... ) Imps attack Haru for no real reason! ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ Haru gets attacked by imps! ARRGH! The Imps zoom away before they are made snacks! ------^o^ Liriel looks for relievers.... Oh there! ^$^ Wow! A Proto-seraph! Ryukage giggles! ^@^ ^S^ ^^ Proto-Kyrio [...] Liriel wonders where the Glutton is hiding.... >:( Haagenti is right here, oh loyal imp-eater! The Imps flock! ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ Ryukage looks for the Chocolate Reliever... Ledenyca opens an eye lazily at the mention of her attuned. Sirea is also hungry! ;-; Liriel definitely ponders dinner now that Haagenti is back. Yay! Sirea says "Waffles... berry smoothies... grapejuice... apples... so much to choose from." The Chocolate Reliever is sleeping on Mommy's shoulder. Shh! Don't wake it up. Liriel awww! Ledenyca humphs and goes back to sleep. Liriel looks at all the lazy folks. "Ey, Boss? I thought you ate Mesarch?" Haagenti belches happily and pats his belly. Mmmn, Meserach. Liriel eyes Keri's brain! Sirea giggles Liriel .oO( Fascinating... ) Keri's brain pulsates temptingly in her skull. Mmn, brains... Haru laughs. Join Us. Sirea says "Neither is it's every angels Fate to Fall." Legion coughs. Keri waves hihi to Legion! Name set. Solas waves from within the Legion Ubermind! Solas snuggles Legion. Raphael says "..." Legion absorbs Unni. Solas is already absorbed! Legion panicks! A part of them can't snuggle as an individual! Legion disbands. Ryukage hee! Sirea says "Oh, great work Unni. You made Legion disband! ;D" Solas giggles and wonders if she forgot to bring the concept of self-cuddling into the HiveMind. Ah well... Solas oopsie and all that. Jean .oO(Raphael could have defeated him by cuddling?) Jean nooooooooo! Raphael was saving her cuddles for Jean. 9 out of 10 Elohim agree that cuddling is objectively a Good Thing. The last Elohim is actually a Habbalite, so her opinion doesn't count. So there. Jean could have gotten more cuddles in the long term! Ryukage giggles! It's all Jean's fault. Haru laughs. Haru ...stops laughing and pouts. Jean makes Big Elohite Eyes. Solas falls over! Thunder Jean cackles. He and INverse Raphael are very good companions. EVIL! Jean says "..." And now Jean's seeing someone else. Had Raphael but known... Thunder Jean pokes his canon counterpart. Weakling. Jean says "/.../" Thunder Jean goads Lightning Jean on. Come on. Give in to emotions. You WANT to be angry. Jean /eyes/ Thunder Jean. Lilith patpats Jean. There's no use dwelling on might-have-beens. Only Yves knows for certain, and he's ineffable. Thunder Jean buzzes like an out of control power plant. What? He's perfectly rational in his thinking. Jean ...sighs. Raphael died from loyalty to Jean, and now he's shacked up with Lilith! Shame on Jean! Jean "/.../!" Haru thought Raphael died to save all existence from the force of Legion? Thunder Jean cackles, and pokes the Elohite. Feel -angry-, feel -guilty-! Pay no attentoin to the Kronos behind the curtain. Kronos attention, even. Jean eyes Thunder Jean and wonders, objectively, if Generator would affect Thunder at all. Kronos hushes Haru. AUGH! IMPS! ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ Keri giggles. <> Ryukage giggles! Solas watches the Superiors with some bemusement. Oh! My imps! Thunder Jean is quite immune to lightning, thank you very much. Haagenti mmn, imps. Andrealphus mmn, imps. Solas pets Haagenti and feeds him imps. The imps make a break for it! ---^o^ ---^o^ ---^o^ Ryukage eyes the S2 Imp Plotseed. Sirea says "What was that one? o.o" Sirea says "I fear to ask." Haagenti eats imps happily. Andrealphus tucks an imp in his pants and strolls out idly. Is that an imp in your pants, or...? Ryukage says "The one where Every Shal-Mari Superior wants imps. Simultaneously. ^^" Thunder Jean stares at the canon Superiors. What is -wrong- with those people? It IS an imp in his pants. But he's also happy to see you! Solas .oO( Figures. His is so small that he needs proaestethics to compensate. ) Sirea says "Ooooouch! XD" Kobal sneaks a reliever into Andre's pants. Ha! Andrealphus figures imp or reliever, as long as they perform... [...] Sirea finishes INverse Lucifer! HaruIdle waves and goes. Ryukage yay at Sirea! Nybbas cleans and polishes Lucifer, preping him for his debuet on INverse. "Your gonna be beautiful babe, a bright star! Shining babe, simple shining!" (thank my own Lucifer for these glasses... yeesh! Bright!) Ryukage hee! Solas cheers!! Sirea says "And..." Sirea says "Sent!" Sirea yawns happily. Three Superiors in two days! If only she was this good about her homework... Ryukage giggles. Solas hugries... And yays at Lucifer landing in her inbox! Lucifer oofs. Solas points Lucifer to the inverse folder. "Off you go, the others are all there. Waiting." Lucifer goes like a good little Seraph. Sirea says "I love Lucifer :D" Ryukage nods! ^^ INverse Dominic leads the welcoming committee. Sirea giggles ^^ INverse Dominic Condemns INverse Lucifer to an eternity in Hell! Now, INverse Asmodeus makes the welcoming committee. INverse Lucifer tells Dominic, "Wrong Lucifer." Sirea huggles her Cherub Archangel of Justice Ryukage giggles at Solas. Bethany blinks a lot at INverse Asmodeus. Justice Asmodeus is a good Cherub. Why, here are his pals Beelzebub and Lucifer! Solas blinks at her inverse folder. How the heck?! Solas points at Asmodeus. "Hod did YOU get here?!" Bethany blinkblinkblink. You say "How, even." Justice Asmodeus looks upon canon Bethany, and tsks. Bethany raises an eyebrow. Justice Asmodeus points the Game Lilim over to Condemnation Dominic, who is currently screaming at a glass of water on a stool. Bethany ...twitch. Justice Asmodeus: "Take your pick." Bethany eyes Condemnation. "...not that one." Condemnation Dominic froths at the Lilim like a rabid squirrel. Bethany .oO(Is he really a Balseraph and not a Habbalite? ...or an obsessive Djinn?) J.Asmodeus offers to Redeem the Lilim? Let Justice be served? Bethany looks blankly at Justice Asmodeus. "...why would I want to Redeem?" Litheroy points an accusatory finger! Dark Dominic eyes the non-Redemptive Lilim. A Renegade? DELICIOUS! Bethany /eyes/ Dark Dominic. "I am not Renegade." Bright Asmodeus: "So he doesn't eat you, and you stay in the job. Same deal really." Bethany considers. Asks, "Why not just send me back to Hades? Hades." Dark Dominic never said anything about being in the right state of mind. He is a Balseraph afterall. Dark Lilim are very tasty. They scream real good. Bethany .oO(...) Bright Vapula crams Bethany into a test tube, and begins the procedure! Bethany .oO(/.../) ...tries to escape? She doesn't like test tubes. Bright Vapula: "This will hurt. A lot. But you'll live. Good day!" *blasts Bethany back to canon* Bethany .oO(Ah. Not Redeeming.) *boom* Dark Dominic awwwws. He wanted Lilim screams. Ryukage offers Dark Dominic another random Lilim? Dark Dommy wanted -that- Lilim though. He has Condemned her. *pouts and gnaws on the water glass* Ryukage awwws. ^^ Bright Asmodeus eyes Dark Dominic, and sighs. Dark Asmodeus would do the same thing probably. Bethany .oO(No he wouldn't.) Dark Asmodeus would sigh and shake his head that is. Bethany .oO(...that he /might/.) Dark Dominic raves at the water glass, because it doesn't love him. Then he drags Dark Litheroy into a closet and has his way with him. Ryukage ...yay! Balslash! ;d Ryukage, :D. Ryukage did not mean to wink and lick her lips. Really. Sirea giggles ^^ Ryukage ^^ Dark Asmodeus twitches and thaks canon Lucifer he's not in INverse. Terry pops up with a camera. "Balslash? Where?" Liriel peeks out of her Sock. Ryukage points Terry at the closet! "Have fun." ^_^ Liriel follows Terry and takes notes. Dark Dominic stops having his way with Litheroy for a second to send the Sword of Dark Judgment after Terry. Terry Takes a pic of Liri-peeking. Aww, isn't she CUTE! Liriel yanks Terry to come hide in the Sock. Dark Sword BAAAD! Terry flees! And hides behind Liri. Ryukage awws at Liri. She cares about Terry! ^^ Dark Dominic: "That'll teach em." *goes back to abusing poor Accusations Litheroy, who yelps as the door closes. Liriel does not!!! Liriel hmphs! The Sword of Dark Judgment gently thwaps Terry on the head, and falls over. It's bored. Ryukage beams at Liri. "But you brought him into your Sock to save him and everything!" Liriel did not! Sirea giggles ^^ Terry huddles at the toe of the Liri-sock. Ryukage says "Then why did you pull him into the Sock to hide? ^^" Fou-Lu stares at the closet containing Dark Dominic, curls up into a little ball, and cries. Liriel did it so he'd owe her a favour! Ryukage awwwwwwws at Fou-Lu. It's not /your/ Dominic, really! Ryukage giggles at Liri. "But you're not a Lilim, and /he's/ a Balseraph so he doesn't have to /believe/ he owes you..." Dark Dominic opens the door, and drags Fou-Lu in. Fou-Lu o_____O;;; Ryukage eeps. Liriel .oO( Oppsie.. ) Liriel .oO( Dar goes the grig.. ) The Sword of Dark Judgment gets up and does a little dance. It just wants to be loved, really. Liriel turns her head and tells Terry, "I think that Dark Sword fancies you! ) Fou-Lu comes out a few minutes later, walking very upright and slowly. He doesn't like INverse ;____; Ryukage patpatpats Fou-Lu, wincing. Fou-Lu cries into Ryu's shoulder. The Symphony hates him, it does. Liriel grabs Terry by his tail and pulls him out of her Sock. "Come on prettyboy, go make the Sword happy!" The Sword of Dark Judgment turns into a spoon. It always wanted to be the Spoon of Dark Judgment. Did Dominic let it be though? Nooooo, of course not. Meanie. Ryukage hugs Fou-Lu. Ryukage says ".../Heeeeee/! :D" Ryukage .oO(Spork of Dark Judgement!) The Spoon sits idly. It wants a new master that won't use it for unpleasant closet-related activities. Humph. No respect. Terry snugs the Spoon of Dark Judgement. Ryukage will also BRB. ^^ Liriel cleans out The Sock. The Spoon clings to Terry. Least he isn't insane. Terry tries out Lirry's trick with the yoghurt, the vaseline, and the toothbrush on the Spoon. Fou-Lu aoids sitting down, and lies in a patch of warm grass to contemplate soul-suicide. Or maybe eating some pudding. The Spoon does not like anything to do with vaseline, thank you. It jiggies over to Lir, and pokes her in the back. Ryukage returns! ...heeeeeeee! Terry pouts. Lirry said she was teaching him about sex! Hmph. I suppose that the trick only works on Humanoid male vessels, not on Spoons. Liriel picks up the Spoon and uses it to eat yoghurt with. .oO( Honestly! He is /such/ a slow learner... ) She licks yoghurt off the Spoon slowly. The Spoon decides it likes Liry MUCH more. It allows lickage. Sirea heeeee ^^ Haagenti urges Fou-Lu to eeat thhe puddinng... Fou-Lu decides that he could go for a good angel chocolate sundae. Liriel waggles a few eyebrows at Terry. Terry slithers over to Liri. "Yes, my sweet?" The Spoon requests that it has nothing to do with vaseline or a certain part of Terry's anatomy. God please NO MORE. Dominic was bad enough. Ryukage hee! Liriel calms the Spoon down and tells Terry, "See, this here is elementary. Spoons go in mouths. Ok? Anything else is just filthy and unhygienic." The Spoon Judges this to be a Good Thing. Ryukage giggles /lots/. Terry nodnods, and takes notes. Spoons. Go. In. Mouths. Liriel licks the Spoon adn scoops up more yoghurt with it. The Spoon is liking it's new career already! Fou-Lu walks over to a ice cream vendor, and instead of getting some ice cream, he sits in it. Ahhhh. Relief. Ryukage .oO(Balseraph Tongue > Balseraph Other Parts? ...well, /duh/. ^^) Ryukage heeeeee at Fou-Lu! Valefor zips by to steal the closet! You never know when extra superiors can come in handy! Ryukage says "...Wow." The Closet has no objections. It's doing the noble thing, really. Valefor carts the closet away. --ZIIIP-- arcangel has connected. Ryukage waves to Beth! arcangel blinks! Woah, people! arcangel waves. Fou-Lu waves to Beth from the ice cream! Haagenti sighs, aggrieved. Ice cream is for mouths, not other parts. Take notes from the Bal, why don't you? Liriel hugs Beth and is INNOCENT! Fou-Lu giggles madly! arcangel hugs Liriel and doubts this statement. Ryukage says "Liiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiii... *holds up Terry and the Spoon* ^^" Liriel pouts but hi5s Haagenti! The Spoon sees the Archangel, and is relieved that someone sane has arrived. Now get back to the licking, Bal. Liriel, roll to resonate Beth. <> Arcangel rolls the d666 and gets 5 4 CHECK: 6. Liriel will do no such thing! arcangel, being an Arcangel, has a very high Will... Liriel is intelligent and knows a GM whan she seens one! Ryukage thinks that's a Good Idea, Liri, with /that/ will roll... ^_~ arcangel smirks. Fou-Lu toddles off holding his rear, grumbling about a job-change... Terry coils aroung Ryu's arm. Ryukage puts the Bal /down/. Ewww, slime. arcangel eyes Fou-Lu. "Oh dear." Haagenti's hi5s Liri, and reminds her that she now has Devour. Sirea says "Fou-Lu was... violated by INverse Dominic and Litheroy :D" Liriel devours the log from all this madness! IMPS! ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ Terry not Bal anymore! God put things right, remember? Liriel devours the IMPS! arcangel patpats poor Fou-Lu. Oh dear. Ryukage says "Still! ^_^" Haagenti applauds Liri! If you ever want to change jobs, look me up, kid. The Imps are devoured. Liriel burps. Ryukage tells arcangel, "This was after Bethany went '...' at INverse Dominic and Asmodeus. And Azzie tried to Redeem her. Then Vappy sent her back to Canon in a test tube. ^^ Ryukage says "It was also before the Sword of Dark Judgement turned into a Spoon and fell in lust with Liri/Terry. ^^" INverse Vapula coughs. It's a delicate procedure, you see. Terry says "My name is Terry, and I'm not very good in bed. But I'm working on Liri's trick with the yoghurt, the toothbrush, and the vaseline." Liriel covers arcangel's eyes. The Spoon objects. arcangel blinks, with her eyes covered. What's the yogurt for if you already have vaseline? You say "The yoghurt's for /eating/!" Terry would demonstrate, but it only work on male vessels. He looks around. Liriel just /had/ to open her mouth.... Liriel eats her yoghurt. Primly. The Spoon of Dark Judgment (formerly the Sword of Dark Judgment) edges away from Terry, and stays near Liri. She wants yogurt, you see.