Harle ...es at INLudi. Haagenti EVIL. You say "..." You say "Well, he's a Demon Prince. Whaddaya expect? :D" Harle giggles. Harle says "Evilness? :)" Harle says "I do hope he goes for it. And that Larry doesn't brush him off." Eli says "I /don't/." Harle pats Eli and grins. Evilly. Unni tickles Eli. Oyvind says "Tickle Eli-bear? Poor thing :)" Eli grins and tickles Unni back! Eli tickles Oyvind for good measure. ;) Unni eeks and tickles Eli's wings too! Eli giggles madly and writhes to avoid the tickles, and also to reach the soles of Unni's feet. Harle .oO(There's an Archangel in my brain. Yes, and he's currently engaged in a ticklematch. Wait! Where are you going?!) Unni screams and curls into a fetal position, to protect her sensitive soles. This calls for REVENGE! Eli snuggles Unni. "Revenge? You started it, my dear." He grins charmingly. Unni smiles at Eli. "When did logic and facts ever figure in love and war?" Oyvind says "Well, they're the things you need to do a good War, you just don't want the footmen to know about it :-)" Michael and Baal says, "Damn right!" Eli pauses, taps his chin thoughtfully. "Love... never, I'll grant you that. But logic works well in war. Almost as well as illogic does." Eli eyes Michael and Baal. "When did you two show up?" Michael and Ball says, "Well, we sort of snuck in. Covert ops you know, very hush-hush." Oyvind laughs. Oyvind says "Ball. He's going to kill me." Unni stares. Oyvind locks door before it's too late. Then attempts to summon Novalis to have a mum figure to hide behind. You say "War is anything but logical. Anyway..." Eli hoists an eyebrow at the pair. "Covert ops. Is that what they're calling it these days?" Eli eeps and hides from Unni. Unni giggles at Oyvind, and ...damnit! Eli snuck away. Well, that only gives me more time to Plot. Michael and Baal stares at each other a short while before looking down at their feet, "We were just comparing... you know... guns." Unni listens to the yaoi-alarms going off loudly. Eli mmmmhmmmmms from hiding, the sound saturated to the dripping point with disbelief. Harle giggles. Eli moves to another spot, since he gave his location away with the 'mmmhmm'. Unni will just sit back and inflict Liriel on Eli. That should be sufficient. Eli offers to touch-up the dyejob on Liriels wings! Oh, that's not dye? Oops, sorry. Liriel follows Eli around to do featuers and documentaries about him. While hating her player so much. Eli is rather cheerful about being followed, really - more time spent with her, the more brainwashing he can do. XD Offers to paint Liriel's portrait! Liriel declines as respectfully, and painfully formally as she can. And she is GOOD at formalities. See, she's scared to death of Eli. Liriel . o O (He's Skeeery! And that poirtrait might steal my soul! ) Eli looks dissapointed. He does dissapointed /very/ well. Still, after a moment, he smiles and does not pat her shoulder. Continues his business. Is not skeery at all. Liriel paranoids. Oh no! Now he's offended. This is not going well. .oO( I'm doomed. ) Eli radiates harmlessness as well as he possibly can. Being Eli.... Just a cute fluffy Mercurian with paintsmeared wings, chattering with other angels, singing, hugging. Liriel .oO( He's trying to lull me into false relaxation. Must watch how I behave, so I don't anger him even more. I do not particularly desire a portrait of Liriel Grey. ) Eli .oO(Tough cookie. Time for the big guns.) Oh, it's time to rehearse the Reliever Choir! He spends the next two hours playing with, singing with, and praising the cute little tykes while Liriel sulks in the corner. He /does/ extend the invitation to join in on any songs she knows... Liriel ....ANGST! Unni giggles. "Given the fact that Liri has Singing/6, but has forgotten this..." Eli deliberately does /easy/ pieces. The choir is past these, but, well, he /is/ trying to draw Liriel in. Harle grins. "Eli /knows/ she has a very good singing skill." Eli knows ALL ABOUT Liriel. Advantage of being a Superior. ^_~ Unni nods! "And he would remember, from ye olden days as well." ^^ Oyvind says "Eli has cameras too?" Liriel gets this strnage expression on her face, as she listens to the Reliever Choir doing a song that she dimly recalls. It seems very familiar. Too close for comfort. *angst* But old, mean Balseraphs don't sing. Everyone knows this! You say "Of course he has! :)" Eli has cameras. Eli has /everything/. If he can just find it in the rest of the Stuff he shoved under his bed. >_> You say "The cameras are probably edible." Eli does /not/ grit his teeth in frustration. /Balseraphs/. If they didn't make such lovely Seraphim, he wouldn't bother with them. Continues to lead the choir through basics. /Anyone/ could sing these, really... Oyvind says "Cameras are nice :)" Eli agrees. He really likes those Polaroid ones - they look so cool as they dry. All the colours fading /in/. Great effect, man. Lirie frets to herself. Damnation, there's another familiar tune. She /made/ that song, she remembers! It's one of hers from way back in obscurity. Argh. Must...get..out of here, this isn't good. Eli's getting Creative all over her, and it HURTS! Eli hmms and wraps up pactice for the day. .oO(Don't want to hurt her!) He snugglepiles with the relievers. Eli .oO(I'm not an Ofanite - I can afford patience.) Liriel films and takes her notes, as she's been doing all the time. She's nothing is not a diligent trooper when in service to the Realm! But the music of the relievers keep ringing in her ears, annoyingly and hauntingly. Eli is a meanie, but she already knew that. One of the relievers flitters up to Liriel's shoulder to peer curiously through the video camera. Eli leans back on his elbows, mostly buried in happy relievers, and laughs gently at the curious one. Liriel lets is do so. She isn't anywhere NEAR stupid enough to brush off a reliever in front of its Dad. (Or any others who might take offence, like say, Malakim who are just -waiting- for an excuse to smite.). Besides, it's Wrong to be mean to children. The small reliever, no more than three or four Forces, giggles under its breath as it sights on Eli and its friends through the camera. After a moment, it settles back on Liriel's shoulder, letting her have the camera back. "'M Hiel." Eli has no need to restrain a smile - he's been smiling all along! ^^ Eli smiiiiiles. Liriel, being a snake and all, manages to nod a polite greeting to the proto-angel on her shoulder. "Hello there, Hiel. Have you used a camera before?" Liriel would break out in cold sweat, only you can't do that in celestial form. Hiel thinks for a second, leaning against Liriel's scales. "...n... wait, yes! Still, not video. Marachiel said I overexposed the image. I thought it looked good, though." Harle hates to end this, but has to go to bed. ;_; Liriel eventually manages to flee back to the Balcave, then. :)