You say, "Poor Vaina, I hope he found happiness back in Heaven."

You say, "Yet another wonderful thing that came from Summoning Janus."

arcangel hopes so as well!

arcangel says, "Yup!"

arcangel says, "Liriel makes Janus happy."

Unni . o O ( Liriel should totally work for Destiny. )

Cythraul says, "Amariah should work for Destiny."

You say, "...Janus makes Liriel happy, too."

Unni >_>

You say, "Well, when he's not giving her a coronary."

arcangel says, "Liriel was worried that Janus just wanted to take her to cheap love motels!"

You say, "Liriel doesn't do cheap love motels, omg! Gah, that would just be unCool. And /common/. Ew."

arcangel says, "Liriel totally weirded out a Destiny Malakite and a Destiny reliever, at one point. ^_^"

You say, "Who were those?"

Unni cannae remember!

arcangel [to Unni]: When she was looking up Divine Interventions in the Library...

You say, "OH! Oh, that guy! XD"

arcangel says, "He hauled a book around for you!"

You say, "Liriel weirds out a lot of folks."

arcangel says, "Well, the other weird thing is that Jediael's Library has a few connections to a bigger Library, BUT NO ONE KNOWS THAT AHAHAHAHA. Except Yves and two of his people. >_>"

Unni | Liriel approves of buff celestials hauling stuff for her. Yep.

arcangel says, "And maybe Jediael. Not that she's mentioned anything."

arcangel | Zeke is... slightly nonplussed to be hauling things around for a polite Balseraph.

You say, "I would have been very surprised if her library didn't connect with The Library. I mean, the Archives connect, so... :D"

You say, "Doesn't meet many polite Balseraphs, does he?"

Lilith shrieks in a private instantiation. Dammit! She thought she sprayed for other Avatars last week!

Unni sorries to Lilith. Thought she knew. >>;

arcangel | Zeke does sometimes! But it was kind of unexpected!

Lilith grumbles. It's not Liriel's fault. She'll just have to go........ nail some doors shut or something.

Unni | Liriel mourns the lack of etiquette classes in Hell. Young demons simply do not learn proper behaviour anymore.

arcangel | Zeke would encourage Liriel to start some up, but that would require her going to Hell again, and he thinks she's better off... elsewhere than Hell.

Unni | Liriel agrees. Vehemently. Not returning to Hell, thank you very much. That place is /wrong/.

arcangel | Zeke beams at Liriel! Oh, hey, speaking of Z-named Malakim, they've got a new recruit, ex-Purity...

Unni | Liriel . o O ( And it's all Kobal's fault! Hiss. )

arcangel giggles.

Unni dies laughing!

arcangel says, "I was trying to figure out what Zair-Z and Philologus would do! And ZZ wanted to _learn how to be Redemption-squad_ with Destiny!"

Unni | Liriel stares. "Excuse me you what?!"

You say, "I wonder whose fault /that/ is. XD"

arcangel | ZZ smiles hopefully at Liriel.

arcangel says, "LIRIEL'S."

arcangel says, "Her and that Divine Intervention!"

arcangel says, "That made the Elohite cry."

You say, "Oh, Liriel. You and your crazy."

Unni | Liriel recovers and inclines her head politely to ZZ. "Well met, Virtue. I trust you are well?"

arcangel | ZZ grimaces a little and shrugs. "Classes are hard. The relievers are all very sympathetic, at least."

Unni | Liriel also gives him a polite elevator once-over, looking for The Geas.

arcangel | ZZ is not Geased! (Whew.) ZZ is being polite, though! Really!

Unni | Liriel nods. "I can imagine you have much to catch up on, after your extended stay in the Far Marches. Have you moved to our realm, or are you merely visiting?"

arcangel | ZZ is just visiting! Zeke showed him this little back hallway in the Library, see. ZZ is... not going to stay long, because he hears there's a grouchy Princess around.

Unni | Liriel . o O ( I suppose that as long as he stays out of sight of the Lilim, he can get away with being non-Geased. )

arcangel | ZZ says, "But I wanted to make sure you were doing well! And the instructor says it's good practice for me."

Unni | Liriel raises a couple of eyebrows. "I am doing very well indeed. There is much work to be done here, and the work is satisfying. What are you practicing, exactly, if I may ask?"

Unni thinks ZZ is a totally adorable Malakite of Purity. Which is a very surprising thing to say about one of those. o.O

arcangel | ZZ attempts an innocent look, and comes out a little sheepish. "Um, not smiting people with, um..." He eyes Liriel's God-touched wings. "...former residences in a bad neighborhood."

arcangel <to Unni> likes ZZ, too. He is _trying very hard._

Unni | Liriel clears her throat very quietly. She is a celestial, she has no pulse here, therefore it did not rise. So there. "Ah, I see. That is a commendable project, Virtue Zair-Zaccheus. And I trust you will find it a useful ability in your future endeavours."

Unni feeds ZZ virtuous cookies. <3

arcangel | ZZ says, "The instructor says that patience is a virtue. It says that a _lot._ So, well, it's good practice. Especially since, well..." He holds his hands behind his back. "It's good to know people you don't _want_ to smite."

ZZ noms cookies experimentally!

Unni | Liriel smiles just a little. "And some of these people you would never learn to know, including that you do not want to smite them, if you did not practice patience. I for one am glad you try."

arcangel | ZZ works on a crooked smile. "Yes, well, I was... inspired. Er."

arcangel [to Unni]: (Liriel *saved* him! >_> )

Unni | Liriel does not preen. Quite. Her smile does grow a bit. "Strange things happens to strangers in strange lands, no?"

arcangel | ZZ says, "After a very long time of intense boredom and irritation, anyway..." He looks genuinely wry. "It was a nasty trap."

Unni | Liriel . o O ( Well, /yes/! At that point he was part of my group and therefore my responsibility. He should thank Fou-Lu for that, by the way. )

arcangel | ZZ . o O (I'd rather thank a God-touched Balseraph than a Discordant Outcast, actually.)

Unni | Liriel says, "Aye, that is was. I hope the world you have re-entered is an improvement."

arcangel | ZZ . o O (I know which way the Balseraph is going. I'm not so sure of the Outcast.)

arcangel | ZZ says, truthfully because of angelic, "I miss my Archangel, and Philologus is kind of grouchy about a lot of things, but it's good to be back in Heaven."

Unni | Liriel . o O ( If Fou-Lu hadn't insisted, you might have remained trapped. Until Jean & co decided to clean out the Celestials in that place. )

arcangel | Jean is remarkably blase about leaving the demons trapped in that maze, actually.

arcangel | Jean may not have mentioned them to Lilith, though. >_>

Unni | Liriel's smile softens. She misses her Archangel, too, but that is probably not a prudent thing to say in the presence of Malakim. "I am sure your Elohite friend just needs more time to gather all the facts and analyse the situation properly. The Powers do so detest making guesses."

arcangel should make a note over on the Big Mac.

Unni | Liriel could not care less about the demons trapped there. They were barely sentinent anymore! Ew.

arcangel | ZZ nods. "That, and it's still kind of upset with its Archangel, but can't remember why now. Neither can I." He frowns. "But I remember it was a very honorable upset."

Unni | Liriel coughs. "It was. It is. I am sorry I cannot discuss it with you, but rest assured you left your memories with Lightning for good reason and cause. One day, you will have them back, of that I am certain."

arcangel | ZZ says, "Oh, definitely Lightning, then? Archangel Dominic will be glad to know that Archangel Janus isn't hiding the Pearls. That's good to know!"

Unni | Liriel actually giggles. "Oh, dear me. I couldn't possibly make any guarantees, you know that. For all we know, Janus is hiding the blessed things in Lightning's attic!"

arcangel | ZZ drats. "Well, it's at least _some_ reassurance. So... _You_ know why we handed over the memories, then?"

Unni | Liriel says, "I do. And I do not expect you to trust me, especially in questions regarding your honour, but it is my firm conviction that you did the right and honourable thing leaving them in the Archangels' trust for now. I would stake my own honour upon this."

Unni | Liriel . o O ( It was my blooming quest, of course I know. But I can't tell you that, either. Just in case. )

Unni ......oh! XD

arcangel | ZZ takes a breath and says, "I trust you."

You say, "Liriel's Quest, indeed. Like the knights of old. And her honour certainly got tested along the way! XDDDD"

arcangel says, "YUP!"

Unni squints at Jhediael, but she probably didn't mean for it to be like that.

Unni squints at Yves, instead.

arcangel | Yves is always bland. Offers Unni a jelly baby.

Unni | Liriel bows just a little. "I thank you for your the gift of your trust, Virtue."

arcangel | Jediael... may've known, but she'll never tell. >_>

Unni squints at them BOTH! Ha.

arcangel | ZZ looks wry. In what is probably not a non-sequitor at all, he says, "So I couldn't go work for the Sword, after all that."

arcangel | Jediael attempts to look innocent? She's not as good at looking bland as Yves is.

Cythraul says, "(Yes, that's right; Yves is the Zeroeth Doctor.)"

Yves is. Also, he doesn't offer cigarettes, because they are bad for people.

Steven says, "Even celestial cigarettes from Flowers tobacco?"

Yves does not like to set a bad example for mortals.

Unni | Liriel tilts her head. "Did you want to work for your Brother?"

arcangel | ZZ says, "I had expected that I would, when the topic first came up, but..." He shrugs uncomfortably, hands still behind his back, and shifts his wings.

Unni | Liriel nods thoughtfully. "If you wish to approach the grey and the damned with less, ah, martial impact, then I suppose his terms would be at odds with your path."

Unni awws at ZZ. Awwwww!

You say, "Poor Laurence, I bet he was a mite disappointed."

arcangel says, "A touch -- though he can hardly argue with _Destiny_ as a destination. Not like Flowers or Animals or even Dreams."

arcangel says, "(ZZ is not mentioning that he was considering Dreams a little. For... reasons. >_> )"

You say, "Hey! Animals are as Pure as life gets in the corporeal!"

arcangel | ZZ says, "I'd never really thought I'd... want to. But..." He shrugs and looks wry. "The Lord moves in mysterious ways, or so a lot of Destiny Servitors say."

Unni | Liriel snorts a tiny laugh. "They always did."

arcangel | ZZ says, "I'm going to find _myself_ saying it one day, probably."

arcangel | (Meanwhile, Zeke has found a Helltongue book and is holding it upside down, possibly pretending to read.)

Unni | Liriel laughs. "I have no doubts. That will be the day you are truly ready to bind yourself to Destiny."

Unni | (Assuming he hasn't already.)

arcangel | ZZ says, "Pretty much, they tell me!"

Unni | Liriel asides to Zeke, all helpful and stuff, "You are holding the book the wrong way up."

arcangel | Zeke asks, "Does it get any better if I hold it right-side up?"

Unni | Liriel smiles. "Well, I must take my leave now. I have many things to do. It was lovely seeing you again, and that you are well. May your future endeavours shine a light into the dark places. And please give my respectful regards to Philologus, when you see it."

arcangel | ZZ bows in an old-fashioned way, wings spreading out like shadows in the Library. "I will do so. And I hope to be able to speak to you again, Liriel!"

Unni | Liriel turns to look at the book. "That one? No."

arcangel | Zeke turns the book sideways. "Do I _want_ a translation?"

Unni | Liriel tells Zeke no. No, he does not. It is the worst kind of mass-produced drivel; angel porn with no skill. And the spelling is atrocious.

arcangel | Zeke sighs and leaves the book behind.

arcangel | Zeke gives Liriel a salute and heads back to the Brighter Side of the Library with ZZ.

Unni | Liriel bows, also old-fashionedly, and bids the Malakim au revoir.