Logfile from SSO. Liriel griiiiiiins at Beth's Evil Idea. I LIKE! Keri giggles at the Vapubits. arcangel beams at Liriel! You say "So we really /can/ have Andretoes skittering around!" arcangel says "Well, they'd probably have an Andre attached! Or, well, a remnant one..." You say "But what if it's one of those Schlong of Song cases? ;Pp" arcangel SNRKS. Liriel will stop here. Yes. arcangel says "Clearly one of her lesser-used vessels..." Longstrider groans. Liriel blames Moe. Liriel POINTS at Moe. His idea. Keri . o O (Moe = Uriel??) Longstrider says "But it's so easy to blame Moe" Liriel o.0 You say "Oh, Keri. That is so mindhurtingly Wrong! I love you." Keri takes a bow. Keri has... a bigger idea. Liriel o.o; Keri says "(Moe = Uriel) + Beth's Evil Idea = Moe is the Remnant of Uriel" Liriel ded. Liriel zombishuffles over to the Altar and gives up her Essence. You say "Should we tell Moe? Or would that be dangerous to the world?" Longstrider thinks Moe's too twisted to be Uriel's remnant. "Now a fallen Uriel on the other hand..." You say "The one bit who didn't go Malakite?" arcangel dies. arcangel says "Moe is a Balseraph?" arcangel says "A remnant Balseraph?" Longstrider says "Can you get your mind around Purity writing and running the stuff Moe does?" You say "It fits." Keri says "Yes!" arcangel says "Clearly Uriel himself smote the traitor part that ................" arcangel pauses. arcangel is STRUCK by INSPIRATION. Liriel YES! arcangel says "All the Malakim, you see, divided in two, then. The part that was Fallable (literally!), the part that had that speck of Free Will that could do the ultimate rejection ... expelled that part. (Even the non-Superiors!) Not all of them had vessels, of course, so the little speck of Fallen-ness/Fallen-potential just vaporized. But those who _had_ vessels..." arcangel says "So, somewhere, there is the remnant of Djinn David." arcangel says "Balseraph Uriel." arcangel says "Etc." Longstrider says "Ohhhhhhh" arcangel says "Now, you can get even MORE twisted..." Keri says "But did the Fallable parts all choose to Fall?" You say "I love you. Keri, LS, Beth. I am in Love!" arcangel says "Well, the parts that loved the Divine weren't part of the Fallable part, so having it NOT Fall is kind of hard to justify." arcangel says "It's all the bits that _could_ Fall, and none of the bits that don't want to..." arcangel says "Now, to get more twisted..." arcangel says "What if this happens every time a reliever fledges?" arcangel says "What if Lucifer harvests these bits, to make dmeonlings?" You say "Oh. My. God." arcangel says "What if every Malakite who's fledged has, somewhere, a literal Evil Twin in Hell?" Keri says "Are there no bits that could Fall but would rather not? What is Free Will, if it can choose naught but Falling?" Liriel bwahahaha! arcangel says "(I'm postulating that the part being expelled is the Dark Underbelly of the angel-changing-to-Malakite, so while it's theoretically possible it wouldn't Fall, practically, 99.99999999999% of them will drop like a stone.)" arcangel says "(It's a heresy, it's supposed to make people stare in horrified awe, not analyze it. O;> )" Keri wants to go redeem the Fallen Malakite-molt now. arcangel says "Awwww!" arcangel says "So, after the final battle... Will the Malakim be reunited with their lost bits?" Liriel eyes her DI with renewed distaste. Longstrider laughs. arcangel makes a Will roll and does not make a real MalaLiriel. You say "Please don't tell me I was for a moment reunited with my Malakite self." Liriel phew. You say "The image of Laurence being my 3/4 brother was bad enough!" arcangel cackles! MalaLiriel peeps out from Dominic's closet for a moment, and then goes back into hiding. Longstrider says "So the converse may also be true... Every time an Angel falls, that bit that could *not* fall remains a Malakite or proto-malakite in Heaven." arcangel says "I'm sure Laurence feels the same way..." Liriel 0.0 arcangel says "Hmmmm!" Liriel raspberries Laurence. She has NO NEED WHATSOEVER for an uppity little brother! Longstrider says "So somewhere ther's a unFallen bit if Luci running around..." arcangel cackles!!!!!! Liriel dies all over LS! Longstrider hugs Liriel. Liriel hugs, gorily. Sirea has connected. Sirea waves afternoon to everybody. Liriel grabs this crack in log. arcangel beams at Liriel! Longstrider beams. arcangel says "I was wondering if I could post it to the list..." arcangel says "Though if you link the URL..." Sirea says "So what's everyone up to?" arcangel says "Bad Idea Crack, Sirea!!" Sirea says "Oooo." Keri greets Sirea belatedly, and hides the theory that Moe is what was left over when Uriel grew blackwings. Sirea o.O Sirea XD !!!!!! Sirea says "Oh GOD you people are SICK." Longstrider says "It's so much sickness it took all of us working together to come up with it }:->" Liriel beams! >:) arcangel says "It was soooooooo good." Sirea gives much applause. Is sure Moe will feel honored. ;) Longstrider says "And of course the converse that there is an unFallable Malakite bit of Lucifer still running around." ....