Cythraul says "Ahhhh. Then Archangel of (!War) is the only route that makes sense, to my mind - either that, or Baal was an Archangel and Michael /wasn't/. Which is..... odd." Ledenyca says "Of the Fallen, Baal was the Archangel of Valor, Andrealphus was the Archangel of Love, and Malphas was the Archangrel of X. Mal has no canon Word yet, but I say it was Diversity." Ledenyca nods. Mike could have been Wordless. Cythraul still thinks Michael should be Valour, but anyway..... >.> Cythraul says "Or the Sword, and let Larry be Valour, for that matter..." Liriel thinks Mike should be Badass! Cythraul says "YES!" Ledenyca giggles! Cythraul says "Michael, Archangel of BADASS!" Demiurge returns. Ledenyca says "I am Michael! Archangel of Badass!" Liriel NODS! Michael sharpens his axe. "You think that's changed, kid?" Ledenyca chuckles helplessly ^^ Cythraul quotes a phrase Haru loves to fondly repeat: "Where there is ass to kick, Michael kicks it." Liriel thinks War is pansy. Badass is badass! Cythraul says "Or is it 'where there is ass to be kicked'..? *can't remember*" Ledenyca says "He's War, if only to limit his power and make the other AA's feel better :D" Liriel hi5s Lede! Ledenyca hi5's! Pansy|Zha'an is a badass pansy! ^_^ Behold the Mikey fangirls in full DroolMode. Michael just... looks at Liriel, and continues to sharpen his axe. "Have you forgotten the metaphysical flux quality of archangelic Words?" he asks, rhetorically, then sighs. "No-one THINKS anymore... I'm going to go slap Belial around a bit for Gabriel." Michael's way of dealing with "hrmph, celestials today!" angst- beat the crap out of someone. Demiurge says "(Chicks dig the chopper.)" Ledenyca giggles ^^ Liriel worked for Baal. She knows of what she speaks. Ledenyca says "Everyone digs Michael, male or female. They can't help it." Ledenyca says "Woah. Liri was a Seraph of Valor? Keeeen." Liriel was a Balseraph of the War. Ledenyca says "Oh. Right ^^;" Liriel .oO( He wore bloomers... ) Ledenyca hehs. Bloomers! :D Michael returns, momentarily, whistling "Son of the Rising Guns", a World War II navy song, and nails a Calabite horn up onto the wall. Michael hmms. "Yo, Novy? Does this look good between those vases of yours?" Novalis says, "What, deaewwwwwww! Please take that /thing/ away." Novalis glares. Michael's interior decoration sense, admittedly is still stuck in the "Fur, Trophies, And Thrones Of Skulls" mode. He blinks at Novalis. "Auw, but baby..." Novalis crosses her arms over her chest. "No!" Bounce. Ledenyca ooos. Bouncy Novy. Novalis eyes Metatron. Novalis says, "Oh Mikey...? Meta's groping my tits again." Michael leans on his axe. "But... but... it's from Bouncial. I mean Belial. It'll look nice when Gabriel visits, right? Conversation peace..." He suddenly glares, and picks up the axe again. "Right. Stand still." Novalis stands still. Ledenyca awwws. Standstill Novy. No bouncy. Michael demonstrates the Kiss of Steel, which is usually only performed by highly manueverable spears, around Novalis. With his battle axe. Without, mind you, so much as scuffing her clothing. Novalis says, "You can get that /thing/ out from the trophybox whenever Gaby comes visiting, but it's NOT going up on the wall, sweetie!" Pause. "Oh, nice chop. Now kindly bugger off, Meta." <> Demiurge says "What, you mean it didn't slice off her clothing leaving her standing there nude?" Michael says, "He still bugging you, dear?" <> Michael looks at Demiurge. Raises an eyebrow. Grins. "You've been peeping, haven't you?" Novalis says, "No, I think he's buggerd off now. Thank you cutietail." *smoochie* "Now be a dear and go shower all that goo off of you, hm?" <> Demiurge looks inncoent. Michael smooches back and makes kiss-noises at Novalis. Then he leans his axe absent-mindedly against a couch, grabs Novalis' butt, and heads off towards the shower. Leaving the horn on the wall. <> Ledenyca mmmms. Novalis butt. Novalis squeals, swats Michael lightly and gigglesighs. Then she removes the nasty horn and stuffs into the trophybox. Yes, Andre's toes are in it too... Michael curses from the shower. "NOVY!" he shouts. "There is A VINE growing in my SCALE CONDITIONER!" Novalis giggles and goes to look. She dimples at the nekkid snake. "Mikey!" she hollers. "There's a bloody, gooey AXE leaning on my BEST COUCH!" Novalis coos at the vine and makes it come over to her. "There, there sweetie. You're not supposed to grow in the scale conditioners, you know." Michael stomps out of the shower, towel around his waist and dripping water all over the floor. Apparently, he still has not gotten used to domestic life. He grumbles and picks up the axe, smearing it slightly over the couch. With exagerated care he leans it up against the fireplace, on the Davidbrand (tm) bricks. He mutters to himself and stomps back into the shower, still leaving a trail of water. Novalis snickers to herself and carries the offending vine away. A cloud of relievers descend on the mess and start cleaning things up. Novalis goes back to the bathroom to ogle the showering snake. Michael calms down in the shower and begins to sing. Not to Sing, per se, but to sing. This time it's "Yellow Ribbon", the anthem of the U.S. Cavalry.