Demiurge says "Well, Janus and Liriel... :)" Liriel guh. Walked right into that one. :) Demiurge grins. Liriel is so not gonna go there! Nope, nuh-uh! Liriel /would/ love to see Dominic's face if she did, though. >:) | JANUS: Hey Spooky! Look what I found! She followed me home, and I think i'm gonna keep her, she's got the cutest lil' tail! Liriel | DOMINIC: (grits teeth) . o O ( There's GOT to be a law somewhere... ) Demiurge | DOMINIC : For once in my life, I'm passing this case to Michael on Security Of Heaven grounds. Liriel | LAURENCE: (looks confused) Liriel | MICHAEL: (gets this REALLY funny look on his face and bites his wingknuckle really hard) Demiurge | DOMINIC : (aside, to Laurence) You see, if we'd taken the case away from Janus to give to you, Michael might have felt compelled to stick his nose in. As it is, if he's personally in charge, he has _no_ excuse for laxity. Liriel | MICHAEL: (leaves the guffawing to another instantation, for the sake of Heavenly Security) Demiurge | MICHAEL : So, Liriel. Explain why you've been seen waving my brother's sword around in a provocative fashion. Liriel | LIRIEL, NEWLY REDEEMED: Er. Technically, it was in a /protective/ fashion, sir. I was defending my home at the time. Liriel | LITHEROY: (from the peanut gallery) Boo! You're trying to sidestep! Demiurge | There is a crash as Fou-Lu and Chadril come bursting through the wall to stage a Daring Rescue! Demiurge says "(In a teeny tiny car.)" Liriel | JANUS: (cheers them on, and secretly gives them attunements for entertainment rendered and general windiness displayed!) Demiurge | Fou-Lu grabs Liriel by the shoulder and hauls her in, while Chadril hits the reverse! Liriel | DOMINIC: (positions himself in front of the hole in the wall, summons the sword of Judgment and yells) YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Demiurge | CHADRIL : (bump) Oh, did we run over something? Liriel | AND THERE IS MUCH WRATH. Demiurge | JANUS : (snaps his fingers, and a lorry appears) Jump on. We'll catch them. They don't call me Mr No-Brake for nothing. Liriel | LAURENCE: (adjusts his hat) Let us be off, then. Demiurge says "But then, who gets to be..." Liriel doesn't look at Michael. Because that would be bad and wrong. Liriel | NOVALIS: Wait for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Liriel | NOVALIS: (remembers to be frowny and shuts up) Demiurge | VROOM. Liriel | GABRIEL: (tosses Novalis out of the lorry) If anyone's going to use the flame scent, it's me! Demiurge | JANUS : (stands on accelerator) Demiurge | NOVALIS : (long pause) Does this frighten you? Demiurge | MICHAEL : Naah, but I want to be Teshimine when he shows up. Liriel | NOVALIS: (wistful) Do you think Lucifer will be Masaki when he pops up? Liriel | LIRIEL, NEWLY REDEEMED: Um Chadril? You do realize that you're trying to outrun /Janus/? The Ofanite's Ofanite? Demiurge | CHADRIL : Yes, but just think how cool it'll be if I win! Demiurge | MICHAEL : Hm. Demiurge | Fou-Lu : We're getting you back, and nobody gets in the way of the GetBackers! Liriel | FOU-LU: . o O (We ran over Dominic. Oh God we ran over Dominic. Oh oh oh. Lilith had better remove a LOT of my discord for this.) Liriel | LIRIEL, NEWLY REDEEMED: Ah, you know... I kind of had this deal with Janus. Um. We're sort of ... you know...? Demiurge | FOU-LU : You're in love? Liriel | LIRIEL, NEWLY REDEEMED: No! We're in like! Geez. Demiurge | CHADRIL : Liriel and Janus, sitting in a tree... Liriel | LIRIEL: (twitches) . o O ( Why me? ) Demiurge | NYBBAS : I guess I owe one to Lilith for telling me to set up cameras along this road. Cool chase scene! Liriel | LIRIEL: I am really starting to resent all this being the damsel-snake in distress thing. Demiurge says "She could be hiding a weapon in her cleavage!" Liriel snerks. "Must be something tiny then, as she's not exactly buxom." :) Cythraul says "It's that gaint-ass sword! All heroines have a.... specialized.... form of the 'Scabbard' Attunement." Demiurge nods! Demiurge is also being amused by Laurence-as-Akabane. Liriel can summon the sword, so has no need to hide it in her Cleveage. XD Liriel | GABRIEL: (impatiently) Can't you drive faster, Janus? I must burn Fou-Lu for his sins!