Demiurge | Dominic's cape blows up behind to reveal an uncensored fragment of glittering tail. Ryukage nods! "And on the diceroller that, um, I /know/ is loaded slightly to roll low on all dice. *coughs* It gave us one DI over like 15 sessions, and now this...' Ryukage /hee/! Ryukage adds that it was a 666 on the Seraph of Flowers NPC resonating the newly-Redeemed ex-Shedite of Dark Humor about his violent tendancies. Demiurge chuckles. Demiurge | I'm having strange thoughts. Strange, strange thoughts... Ryukage grins. Liriel /eyes/ the wanton skirt-lifting done to poor Dominic. Liriel ;P Ryukage likes Dominic skirt-lifting! ^^ Liriel .oO( Well, he /did/ have a very sexy little tail way back when... ) Liriel sigh. Ryukage ...peeeeeeeers at Liriel. .oO(She hit on future Archangels?) *giggles* Liriel did no such thing! Ryukage peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers. Liriel was very virtuos! Ryukage /peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers/. Liriel sticks her nose up and looks away, sniffily! Ryukage */peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers/*. Liriel .oO( Wasn't hitting on anyone! But he DID have a sexy little tail... ) Liriel sniffs. Ryukage ...giggles. Liriel .oO( /I/ was busy working! ) Ryukage ...peers. Shehariah the djinn tells Ryu from Elsewhere, "Liriel was a snotty pokerspined old maid back in those days. No fun at all." Ryukage says ".../Wait/ a second. O_O Shehariah? *looks at Cally's current PC...*" Liriel giggles. "I saw that too. /MY/ Shehariah is from the game where I first showed up. He was/is my partner." :) Ryukage grins, and read the information there, but... *snrk!* You say "His angel name was Shemariah. :)" Ryukage says "Ahhhh. *snicks*" arcangel sneaks back on... Keri has connected. arcangel snugs Keri! Ryukage waves to Keri! Liriel hugs Keri! Keri wavies around. Lost connection around the "Liriel lusts after Dommie" part, whenever that was. Liriel does not!! Liriel slithers off in a huff! Keri points to "Liriel .oO( Well, he /did/ have a very sexy little tail way back when... )" You say "He did! But I wasn't lusting!" Liriel sulks. Ryukage awws. And giggles. arcangel says "Just looking?" You say "Just taking notes. Investigating. He went to Creatoner parties back then!" arcangel o.O Liriel sneaks the i back in the C-word. Keri thinks Liriel would be PERFECT for Dommie! He needs someone who can remember "way back when" and think of hime as more than just his job. arcangel says "Awwwwwwwwww!" Liriel huffs. Ryukage giggles! Liriel .oO( He'd kill me soon as look at me. ) Keri suggests the GM include tantalizing flashes of sexy Dommie-tail if Liriel is ever in the same scene as Dominic. Liriel facewings! Liriel's player collapses in fits of giggles! arcangel SNRKS! arcangel will... think about it. arcangel starts worring about getting toddler out... maybe. Liriel will have to kill Keri... Keri | Dominic hisses, "Say what Eli is DOING!" Liriel notices that his tail-tip is still as sexy as she remembers. <> Liriel hee! *snicker* <> Ryukage /snrk/! Keri says "And if Dommie ever visits Shangri-La, he can't kill Liriel there, right?" Ryukage ...hee! Liriel would not bet her cute, little tail on that... Liriel would, in fact, be Elsewhere! Ryukage holds up the Rules? ^_~ Ryukage .oO(Dominic, Shangri-La Archangel of Judgement...) *watches Asmodeus "/.../!" Liriel would still be Elsewhere! Dominic is Bad! Keri | Dominic storms off in a whirl of cloak. Liriel, you notice the last two inches of hem flip up as he leaves, revealing a glimpse of graceful tail. Perhaps he did it on purpose... Liriel .oO( Can I kill Keri now? Devour her? ) Haagenti eggs Liriel on. Liriel's Player: Noe, you can't. I'm having fun. And you can bloody well shut up, Genti!" Liriel .oO( Mmmm...eggs... ) Keri recalls that one of the PCs has a very artistic picture of Dominic. Maybe Liriel wil see it, and realize that Hiram caught the sexiness of the Dommie-tail /perfectly/. Ryukage says ".../Heeeeeeee/! :D" Keri says "Who's playing Hiram, anyway?" Liriel mutters and huffs! Ryukage ...blanks. You say "Nick Brunskil, UK." You say "Two l's in Brunskill, btw." Keri looks up his email addy to suggest that Hiram make Dommie-pix for Liriel. arcangel is made to read the Butterfly in Teletubbieland book. *twitch* arcangel tells the toddler that a Teletubby is a space alien kid. Ryukage blink. Liriel griiiins at arcangel! Liriel SMITES Keri! Liriel DEVOURS Keri! Liriel .oO( There Shall Be No Dominic Romance! ) Haagenti cheers! Go Liriel! Keri gone. arcangel says "No Dominic Romance?" Liriel burps. Keri eaten. You say "No with me it ain't!" arcangel says "Then you admit you have the hots for Michael?" You say "Nooooo....." Ryukage /snrk/! Ryukage says "Baal, AA of Valor, then, Liri? ^^" Liriel sniffs haughtily! arcangel informs the toddler that this is NOT text-edit and she cannot type right now... arcangel says "Litheroy, eh? He's a real cutie, in celform!" Liriel waves to toddler! Liriel will not do the hanky-panky with seraphim archangels! Alaemon nods! "...! /.../!" ...blushes. Eli says "Hey, we've got a series of nude portraits of all the AAs on display in the Halls here!" Liriel .oO( Even if Mike's a hottie! ) Ryukage ...realizes, after the fact, that none of you have /seen/ the "..." Scene. Right! ^^ Liriel slithers away from Eli. Liriel glowers. This isn't dignified at all! Ryukage giggles! Solas pets her poor, snobbish little balseraph. Aww.. Liriel burps. Liriel has indigestion. Stonies are HARD! arcangel idles so toddler can type. arcangel giggles. Ryukage awws. And giggles. arcangel . o O (Gallstonies?) arcangel idle... Liriel hee! [And then a Scene just happened on the spot and completely out of the blue. I've removed all unnecessary OOC comments from here on.] *********************************** Lexis flies over with a camera. Liriel peers... Lexis takes pictures of Liriel, the graceful Balseraph. Liriel poses! Lexis takes more pictures! From all different angles! Wow! [GM] arcangel eyes Lexis. Lexis, the Bright Lilim? Lexis says "Thanks! Dad Needs these!" You say "Dad?" You say "Who's yer daddy?" Lexis adds "Er... for evidence, I mean. Yeah, that's it! Evidence." Liriel eyes Lexis. "Come again?" Lexis pretends she didn't hear the question and starts flying off. Liriel twitches. Lexis makes her escape! Liriel .oO( /Dad/?!? ) Does everyone here but Liriel remember who Lexis is? <> Liriel has no idea who Lexis is.. <:) <> arcangel grins at Liriel. "Lexis.... is a Bright Lilim. A Heavenborn." Liriel owies and slithers to her Sock to sulk and feel sorry for herself. arcangel | Lexis . o O (How much does she need to know who my Dad is?) <> Liriel says "Ah!" <> Liriel says "Mike's kid? o.0" <> arcangel says "Nope." <> arcangel says "But her daddy is a Seraph!" <> Keri snickers. Liriel eeeeps! Liriel resolves to STAY in her Sock!! <> Keri points to the "evidence" comment. Liriel sews shut the connection to the Library L-space! Meanwhile, in the Spires... arcangel | Dominic . o O (Nice pictures... She always did have a cute tail... Pity about the wings.) Liriel whimper. Lexis keeps everyone else out of Dad's office while he views the "evidence" Dominic admires Lexis' evidence-camera skills. Dominic goes to one of his _special_ Evidence Filing Cabinets. He takes out a sealed envelope. "Here, give this to her, Daughter." Lexis nods obediently. "Yes, Father." .oO(Wonder what's in here?) Lexis flies back to Liriel. "Special Delivery, Ma'am." Lexis offers Liriel an envelope. Liriel peers out of her sock. "Um.." Peers at envelope. Liriel says, "Is that thing loaded?" The Envelope is quiescent. Liriel comes out of her Sock and takes the Envelope. IT won't do to let lose Stuff inside... The envelope bulges slightly. Liriel eyes Lexis. "who's it from?" Lexis smiles "I think Dad liked your pictures." Liriel EYES Lexis and eyes the Envelops. Then Very Old Instincts kick in and she risks a peek into the Envelope.... The envelope contains... photographs. Of some very nice tail, glittering diamond, doing some tight curling exercises. There's a legwarmer on it in some of the pictures. Liriel... ... !!! !!!!!!!! Liriel's eyes go HUGE and bulge slightly. "!!!!!!" One of the photos has some feathered wings half-hiding what looks like some intricate celtic knotwork tail exercises. Liriel hastily closes the Envelope, but it's too late. She's Changing. She's becoming rubies... Dominic, elsewhere: . o O (I hope Lexis takes more pictures.) Lexis takes more pictures, capturing Liriel's response. Liriel swallows, her mouth suddenly dry. .oO( That sneaky bastard!!! ) She looks at Lexis. "Dominic's" Lexis yups proudly. Liriel gags and her redness deepens. .oO( Sweet baby Jesus wept! ) "Right.." she says weakly. "Um. Have you seen the contents of this Envelope?" Lexis says "No, it was sealed the whole time. Why? Do you want me to look at it?" Lexis takes a few more Liri-pix for good measure. .oO(The blushing becomes her. Must get this on film.) Liriel snaps, "NO!! Absolutely knot! I mean not! *ahem*" She holds the Envelope tight to her body and twists her tail a bit. And....being a NybBal, can't resist posing a bit too... Dominic . o O (idly daydreaming of a flirtily curled tail) Lexis gets a pic of Liri clutching the envelope to her as if it held something precious. Liriel tells Lexis in a very small voice, "'nk you..." She slides the Envelope into her precious Sock. Blushes some more. Lexis smiles at Liriel. "You're quite welcome. Is there any message you wish me to carry back?" Liriel umms and twiddles her tailtip. "Umm..." She slithers behind her sock (common decency demands it!) and a muffled 'ouch!' can be heard. She then returns with a small, glittering object which she gives to Lexis. "Um... This is all I have to give him..." The Object is a Very Small scale. So small it just /has/ to have come off the tip of her tail... Lexis accepts the scale, and bows solemnly. "Then I shall take the utmost care with it." Lexis carefully places the Scale in an envelope, and seals it while Liriel watches. The scale is all glittery like crystallized mercury. Pretteee! Lexis vaults into the air, and wings off to the Spires. Liriel looks flustered and embarrased. "Yes. Right. Er.." Liriel slithers back to her Sock and the ENVELOPE! Liriel .oO( Seraphic Archangel Knots! ) The Scale is delivered, as well as several pictures of Liriel's response to the envelope. Including the one of her holding it tight. Liriel has light enough in the Sock. It's a magical mystery sock! Dominic examines the pictures, with great seriousness and solemnity. Then he carefully reaches around and gets one of the softest, downiest underfeathers from his wings, and gives it to Lexis. "It would be unjust to fail to answer a gift with a gift, would it not?" Liriel spends the next few centuries inside her Sock getting all hot and bothered! Or not... Lexis wraps up the gift carefully, so that it won't be damaged in transit. "Will that be all, Father?" Dominic nods, and ruffles the Lilim's hair with a wing. "Thank you, my Daughter." Next thing you know, he'll be sending her a Scale... Lexis heads back to Liriel. "Another gift for you, Ma'am." She delivers a nicely wrapped package. Liriel peeks put of her Sock again after having hidden the Steaming Hot Pics. "Um, oh hi Lexis." She gapes at the package. "Another one? For /meeee/?" Lexis grins. "Yup. He just couldn't wait to send you this back." Liriel rippleblinks at Lexis and gingerly takes the package. Oh boy, oh boy.... .oO( Asmodeus'd go SPARE! ) She slithers out and opens it. Inside, is a single white feather. Small. Very, very soft. Like a silk-spun pearl. Liriel eyes go anime huuuuge as she bows her head to look into the envelope. She very carefully picks up the feather with her prehensile tailtip. (Opposable thumbs aren't all that!) "Ooooh..." The feather is as soft as a breath of spring air. Liriel gulps and oohs at the feather. "..." Lexis belatedly remembers to capture the moment on film. Liriel .oO( Meep! ) As delicate as the kiss of a butterfly's wings. Liriel .oO( I used to have feathers like that... ) A small, treacherous tear starts to emerge out of the corner of one of her eyes. Liriel gulps again and draws a sniffling breath. "..." Lexis resonates Liriel. <> Lexis rolls the d666 and gets 3 2 CHECK: 6. Liriel whispers to herself, "I had such feathers once..." The feather shivers in the breeze, like a flowerpetal. <> Liriel says "Needs: Find Shehariah and make sure he's okay! Shehariah! Dominic's tail! Get She back to Heaven! Feathers! Dominic's TAIL!" Lexis blushes. Liriel is in Real Trouble and suddenly goes "OW!!" and cringes in acute pain! She weeps. In Predition a Heart shatters. Lexis gingerly puts an arm around Liriel. "How can I help you?" Liriel sniffles and sniffles, still holding on to the feather with the utmost gentleness and care. Big tears fall from her blue eyes, making her look utterly pathetic. "Um...*sniffle* Call your Father?" She cringes again. "I think....I think I just lost my Heart..." Lexis huggles Liriel, and Calls Dad. Elsewhere, Dominic rippleblinks, jarred from daydreams. He bamfs! Dominic appears, cloaked in black, eyes like stars. Liriel coils up into a tiny, tight little BalCoil, not daring to look up at the Archangel. She's still weeping quietly. Lexis looks up. "She's asking for you, Dad." Lexis adds "She said... she said she lost her heart." Dominic rippleblinks -- which looks pretty impressive with all those eyes. "Thank you, Daughter," he murmurs. Liriel cringes. Dominic drapes a fold of his Cloak over Liriel, gently. Liriel .oO( I'm so dead... ) Lexis takes half a step back, out of Dad's way. Liriel opens three eyes.... Tailtip? DominicTailtip? Dominic's cloak slips aside a bit. A tailtip is there, curling excitedly. Liriel shivers in pain and exitement. If this is to be her final moment, then it's a bloody Good final moment! "A-archangel?" Dominic -- despite what his tailtip is doing -- appears calm. "It's been a while, Lir." Dominic <-- just a Word-bound when Lir left! Liriel swallows and nods quietly. She it STILL holding on to his feather as if it's the last thing she'll ever hold. " has. I....I'm..." Tears start falling again from her intensely blue eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispers. Dominic touches her nose with his, gently. "I know. I am too. Come home?" Liriel's eyes widen at the intimate touch. She meets his eyes finally. (Well, as many of them as she can manage.) Silently she nods. "My Heart hurts again..." (Just like it did the last time it broke, all those aeons ago..) Dominic puts his wing around her, carefully, softly. He murmurs, "Mine hurt a lot when you left. But... sometimes, it hurts less if there's someone to give you a hug." Liriel reverently slides closer to him. She's never felt quite so small before, and he is so great and good and shining Her scales pink as that last thought races through her mind and she blinks. "Will you take me home, Dominic? I.... I'm so tired..." Liriel's voice has shrunk from small to tiny. Dominic says, quiet but with HAPPY ringing through his voice, "Yes. I'll take you home." His voice goes apologetic. "It... You'll have to feel all the hurt, that you've been pretending isn't there. But I'll be there." Dominic says, "You won't be alone." Liriel looks up at him again, hope and adoration shining in her eyes. "I can take it!" She hesitates. "As long as you do not let me slip away." And with that she summons up all her courage and glides even closer to the Archangel. Nearly snuggling up to him, tailtip and all. And yes, his feather is still being held by LiriTailtip. She nuzzles his cloak. Liriel .oO( Twenty-five thousand years of pain crammed into one moment. I can take it. He'll be here. He's a seraph, they don't lie. ) Dominic shrugs the cloak around, so that Liriel is wrapped in it as well, and curls the tip of his tail around hers, so that they hold the feather together. "Don't worry. I'll hang on," he promises. "I don't want to see you slip away... ever again." Lexis sniffles quietly, trying not to disturb Liriel and Dad. Liriel squeezes his tailtip hard and shivers in pain from her shattered Heart and expectation for what is to come. It's either The End or The Beginnig. In a microscopic but surprisingly firm, unshaken voice she tells Dominic, "Then take me Home Dominic. Take me.....Home." Dominic wraps her in his wings, and nods, and presses his forehead against hers. Then... everything is ... Big, and Bright, and Music. And at the height of Pain, just when she thinks it's All Over - Liriel gets overwhelmed with the Music and she throws her head back and SINGS! For the first time in twenty five milleniae, Liriel's voice sounds clear and pure into the Symphony. The Symphony sings back, echoing and chorus and back-up vocals and... welcoming. And, with her, in a voice that betrays long disuse to keen ears -- sings Judgment, his cloak thrown out, no longer concealing but showing the glittering gemscales and shining feathers of the two Seraphim. Tears are running down Lexis's face, but she's smiling. Eli BEAMS! (With tears running down his cheeks.) Liriel sings and sings and signs and just kindasorta winds up in a spiral along with Dominic. Then she impulsively snogs Dominic because she's so happy it's nearly painful! Dominic blinks, and -- definitely rusty from lack of practice -- snogs back, doing the double-helix coil! Lexis giggles, just loud enough to remind folks that she's there. Dominic flaps a wing at Lexis in the, "Stealth mode" Judgment sign. And keeps snogging. Lexis sneakys discreetly away... Liriel smiles and drowns in his eyes. Then very gently and carefully, she kisses him in that sensitive area between his eyes. Those watching.....will all be too young to recognize it, but there is no question as to who made Liriel now. She is all sparkling bright and shining.... Dominic shivers, and whisks his cloak around them both. For, you understand, reasons of privacy. Much like that found within a Sock. Only, ah, with more than one tail. And as Dominic's cloak fades the two seraphim from the eyes of the world, Eli turns to the camera with a HUGE smile. "Beautiful eh? I've been working to get that to happen for centuries now. And... That's all folks! Party at my place in five!" The End.