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06.09.2000: ARWAG beta 1 finally released! The reason is that the project will be restarted using DJGPP and Allegro, so I can use things that Turbo Pascal didn't offer, like support for >64K variables and code chunks, and proper sound/graphics support. Programming will begin on 10.09.2000, when the Orzac game competition is over :-)
28.09.1999: Took a too long break from the project, after completing almost all of the programming.
30.08.1999: Began programming in Turbo Pascal.


Arwag is a role playing game, much similar to old 2D games like the old Ultima series (I to VI). My inspirations are Ultima I to VI, Ultima Underworld I and II and Sceptre of Shalimar (preliminary version). Arwag (the current Turbo Pascal version) has the following features:

* Map sizes up to 256x255, can have an unlimited number of sub maps
* A maximum of 4080 objects per map (including players, doors, things)
* Things you would normally find in such a game, like enemies, money, doors, containers (barrels, chests) containing things, weapons, food, magic items, player skills, selection of different player classes and skills, many things to manipulate etc.
* Weapons can be worn out, if used much (and the worn-ness of weapons scattered around on the map can vary much)
* Light sources with limited duration
* A full fledged spell system using scrolls, "learning scrolls", spellbooks, wands, enchanted items, mana/casting skills and mana storage
* Friendly characters who walk around, which the player can talk to (and fight, if he wishes)
* The player has different skills, which can be improved as the game progresses
* Player inventory, including stacking of items
* Screen drawing (visibility) routine which doesn't show what's behind walls the player can't see
* Save/load saved games

To sum it up shortly, Arwag has almost all the features of Ultima Underworld. Some features not implemented from Ultima Underworld includes small containers (which could hold small items, and could also be nested), the 3D graphics (of course), different floor/ceiling heights (impossible to implement in 2D anyway) and the more intelligent appearence of NPC's. The spell system is changed, to avoid duplicating Ultima Underworld entirely.

The new version of the game programmed in DJGPP will remove many of the limits posed by Turbo Pascal, like the map size and object maximum. The objects data structure will also be more complex.


This screenshot shows the current (very dull) class and skill selection screen. Six classes are currently available (Fighter, Mage, Thief, Bard, Miner and Tinker), and a small amount of skills. There are 3 main skills, or player attributes (Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity), which in turn has an effect on the skills. For example, if two persons have the same skill value in Lore, the one with the highest Intelligence attribute will be the most proficient in Lore.

This is the in-game screen. The upper left window is the map display, with the player in the middle of the display. The lower left window contains some player info (like hit points, mana points, experience points and experience level). The upper right window shows the player attributes and skills, and via a toggle function it also shows the player's inventory. The lower right window is the output window. Here the results of each command can be seen.

This is the conversation window, which is displayed every time the player talks to another character. The actual conversation is displayed in the huge left window, while the conversation choices available for the player is displayed in the lower left window.

Another in-game screenshot. It's from one of the numerous dungeons, which will be present in the final game. The upper right window now shows the inventory, with the player's wielded weapons in grey. Due to the player's lit lantern, he can see more than his immediate surroundings.


Download the current beta version (as of 06.09.2000): (84K)
Platform: DOS (also runs in Windows 95, 98 and NT)
Special requirements: None
Language: Old English
Copyright: 1999, 2000 Megastyle Productions

Programmed by: Ruben Spaans (using Borland Pascal 7.0)
Graphics by: Remi Spaans and Ruben Spaans (mostly using Deluxe Paint)

This beta version doesn't include the map set shown on the above screenshots, but it contains parts of the map from level 1 in Ultima Underworld, which means it's
a dungeon-only version. It does show features like character talking, object manipulation, monsters, weapons, doors and such.


These instructions apply to the downloadable beta. Some things will change in later versions.

Character selection screen:

* Select character class (1 to 6), or L to load a saved game (it's even implemented!)
* Pick three additional skills. The displayed inventory will update according to your choices. For example, if you choose Spellcasting, you will receive a spellbook.
* If you aren't satisfied with your selections, press N, or press Y to accept.
* Type your name.


In-game commands are given via keypresses. Here are the available commands:

Escape: Brings up file menu
Arrow keys: Move player in desired direction
A: Attack
C: Cast spell (spell must first be "readied")
D: Drop item from inventory
E: Enter castle, dungeon, village or climb a ladder
I: Toggle between inventory and skills display in upper right window
L: Look at item
O: Open door, chest or barrel
P: Pick up item
R: Ready a spell (this will bring up the spellbook in the upper right window)
S: Sleep (a better sleep is ensured if the player has a bedroll)
T: Talk to another character
U: Use item/items
W: Wield a weapon

Some commands (attack, talk, use etc) will ask for a direction in which to execute. If you press Attack and then arrow up, the player will attack to the north. In addition to pressing an arrow keys, it's possible to press space if you want to manipulate an inventory item (Look and Use commands). The Wield and Drop commands will automatically display the inventory window. The Use command will ask for a second item for use with the first item, if the first item chosen can't be used alone. Both these items can be selected from the inventory. Sometimes items must be picked up before they can be used. The Talk command works with characters up to two squares away from the player. Any visible on-screen map square can be examined using the Look command (select using the square). If there are two or more items on the ground, a selector will appear if the player tries to Pick up or Look. If trying to wield a weapon already wielded, it will be unwielded. The Use command will automatically do the command connected to the item. For example, the player will eat the apple if he tries to Use it. Using a key in a door will unlock it. And finally, it's possible to abort a command at any time by pressing Escape, as long as it isn't executed yet.

Weapons can be found in different conditions: Broken, Badly worn, Worn, Good, Very good and Excellent. After long-time use, the condition of a weapon will be worse.

Press CTRL-up/down to scroll the inventory/skills window.


The lower left window displays this information:

Name: The player's name. If the player doesn't type a name, a silly one will be chosen by the computer.
HP: The player's hit points / Maximum hit points.
MP: The player's mana points / Maximum mana storage (mana is needed for spellcasting).
Experience points: As the player moves onwards with the quest, his experience will grow, and this number reflects the player's experience.
Experience level: When reaching certain amounts of experience points, the player will enter higher experience levels, making him stronger.

Some things to try in the beta version (a quick tutorial):

Near the start you will find different items. Pick up all usable items.
Use the torch (or the display will remain crippled).
There's a plaque near the start. Look at it.
Use the food (eat it).
Wield any weapon you find.
Use the pullchain near the door.
Use the learning scrolls you find (make sure you are a Mage). The spells will be written in the spellbook, and can be cast as many times as desired, within the limits of the Mana storage.


* The game crashes if you try to cast a spell, if the player has 0 in Spellcasting.

(c) 06.09.2000 Ruben Spaans