Subject: Level 132: Mix Up Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:54:04 -0700 From: Luc Longpre Newsgroups: msn.computingcentral.computergames.classic Level 132, score 674 (+1 on previous high) Same route on the last map, except in the upper right block room. The change starts at "(" and ends at ")". Block 8: 2D 6L 4D R D 2R L 2D 2R 2U R U L D 3L U 2L D ( R D R L U 3R 2U L U 3R D R 4U R U 2L R Block 9: 5D R 4D 3L 2U R U L ) 3D 2L U L U 2R L 2D 2R 2U L U 3R D R 4U R U 3L 2R This gains 2 steps only, but allows you to walk in front of the bee on the way to the left room, so you save another 2 steps by avoiding the wait. Ruben: I hope this gives you something to play with until I prepare the solution to level 110. Luc