Here's something I made during the summer holiday of 2006, a program that plays Scrabble.

Download: Norwegian version [484 kB]
          English version [323 kB]

If you don't trust my .exe files (or don't have windows), you can recompile the source code
instead, which is included in the .zip file.

Sorry, this program is not playable. All you are going to see is the moves played by the computer.
However, to compensate for non-interaction, the computer employs a perfect greedy strategy for your
viewing pleasure. 

The program works by trying all combinations with a not particularly well optimized backtracking
algorithm. For each move, the program finds the move that scores highest. The program does not
display the special tiles (double/triple letter/word points), but they are there, believe me.

When blank tiles are played, their designated letters are shown in lower case.

If the program suddenly slows down, it means it got a blank tile and needed about 26 times longer
than normal. If you're unlucky, the program got two blank tiles, taking 262 times longer
than normal.

Beware that the Norwegian dictionary is totally messed up, it is a result of a bad OCR scan
followed by a horrible word extraction routine. The English dictionary, however, is ripped from
another game and is perfectly fine. If someone happens to have a Norwegian dictionary based on
Tanums store rettskrivningsordbok in the correct format with all proper nouns and abbreviations
removed (yeah, right), please contact me.