Information about Trondheim Go Club

Meeting place

We meet every Tuesday at 19:00. Currently, we have no permanent facilities, but the place will be announced in the news list before each time.

We often start by discussing different subjects, and continue by playing.

Contact info

The official web pages of the club may be found at

The club as an email list that is primarily used for distributing information to the members and other people interested in Go in the area. The address is

For personal and administrative requests, the clubs secretary may be contacted at

How to become a member?

The fee is currently NOK 350,- for ordinary members, and NOK 175,- for students. The fee is valid for one full year, and gives access to the clubs ordinary activities, and membership in the Norwegian Go Association.

To become a member, pay your fee to:

Address:Trondheim Go Club
v/Vidar Larsen
Sjøvegen 23
7053 Ranheim

How can I learn to play Go?

We will in the future arrange beginner classes in Go. This will cost NOK 50,- and will consist of one evening teaching and necessary equipment. In addition, new players will be given 3 months free trial membership, with the course fee being deducted from the regular fee should you decide to become a full member.

There are also several internet pages with information about the game in general, and teaching in particular.

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Last update 2003-05-12.