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Jeg skal innrømme at det ikke er så lett å se, men akkurat der hvor det fosser vann ned som verst, der er det ei lita jettegryte ute på kanten av stupet. Der badet jeg. Går helt fint an, så lenge man holder seg godt nede i vannet. Litt artig, for på den andre siden av elvedalen står det busslaster med turister og sier "Oh my God!" mens man ligger der og plasker.

Anbefales ikke utenom akkurat når tørketiden er på sitt mest intense...



Admittedly it's hard to see, but exactly where the waterfall is busiest, there's a small, yet deep pool right at the edge. I went in there and had a refreshing bath in the hot weather. It's not a problem at all as long as you stay well down in the water. What makes it especially fun to do is that on the other side of the gorge bus loads of tourists stood pointing and Oh-my-God-ing at me, thinking I must be suicidal.

This sort of cooling down is not recommended during the wet season...