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"De dødes aveny" heter biten som binder Månepyramiden og Solpyramiden sammen i Teotihuacan. Den burde hete "Basargata" eller noe sånt, for cirka halvparten av dem du ser på bildet her går rundt og selger sombreroer, duker, steinskulpturer, trommer, fløyter, sjakkbrett og mye annet. Blir fort kjedelig.

"Avenue of the Dead" is the name of the stretch between the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. "Avenue of the Salesmen" would be more appropriate, as every second person on this photo is there just to sell sombreros, table cloths, stone sculptures, drums, flutes, chess boards and much more. I can think of better places to go.