Guns is one thing, toys something entirely else!

Gear in a Street Fighter context often involves weaponry of various sizes and pedigrees. So therefore, I'll include my very own take on weapons in Street Fighter. Oh, and a note - you'll never see me give a weapon a bonus on Move. That just doesn't make sense. (Wookiee defense, anyone?)

"Hold this staff, and you'll run faster..."

Ah ah, not in my campaign, I'll tell you that. Therefore, I've introduced reach as a parameter. If you have a reach of three hexes, you may cross three hexes to hit someone with your weapon. The same goes for the no-hit zone. If you have a really long weapon, it might be very nifty for hitting people a long way away. However, it is probably quite sucky for hitting people who are close by. The no-hit zone tells you what the closest range for hitting people with that weapon is.

Questions? No? Excellent. Now, here's your shopping list...

Classic Martial Arts Weaponry: 


Sticks and stones may break my bones... Staves are classic weapons of the Orient world - easy to make, and easy to use. There are, of course, a variety of stick or staff weapons, all for their particular use. Here are some examples:

Bo is the archetypical Oriental answer to the Western Quarterstaff. It is about 2 metres long (about 6 feet), and is usually made of wood. Nowadays one can get composite versions, and metal versions as well.

A somewhat shorter version of a bo. It is about 1.5 metres long and is made to be easier to use and carry around than a bo.

Literally 'half-bo', the hambo is about 1 metre long (3 feet). It is a weapon of many uses, and is popular with some ninja clans and orders of warrior monks. There are many variations of this fighting stick, and some even have extra handles, such as a tonfa or American nightstick.


Although the term hishi is Japanese, this equals the archetypical knife of the Orient. Made primarily as a tool and not as a weapon, some still carry the hishi around.

Roughly equal to a Western dagger, the tanto is a dagger meant primarily as a weapon, and not as a tool. It usually has the characteristically curved blade and abrupt ending of Oriental blades, such as the katana or wakizashi.

A small knife, easily hidden - making it an instant hit with the ninja crowd. The kozuka is balanced for throwing, and was sometimes concealed as an ornament on the scabbard of a katana, giving a samurai a throwing weapon even though he was armed with but a sword. A kozuka is used in the film Shogun Assassin.

The sai is primarily for parrying and throwing. A sai master usually carried three of these - one for throwing, and two for wielding. The sai was meant as a counter for blades. It looks somewhat like a steel baton with two extra tines one on each side, both pointing forward. Although it was originally blunt, most modern sai has had their points sharpened, making it a stabbing weapon.

Hollywood movies wants you to believe that the ninjato was the preferred sword of the ancient ninja. Well, it was - but only until the ninja could beg, borrow or steal a katana or wakizashi, as the ninjato usually had inferior metal and smithing work.

The ninjato is about a metre long, and is always straight, unlike many other Oriental blades. It often contains secret compartments in its hilt, and its tsuba (parrying plate) can often be taken off and used as a shuriken. The scabbard of the ninjato is also designed for a variety of uses - it can be used as a snorkel or blowpipe, and the piece of rope that is attached to the scabbard can be used as a garotte, or to fetch the scabbard after it has been used as a 'step-up' for scaling a high wall.

Your guess is as good as mine.

The short one.

The Oriental bastard sword - closer to a two-handed sword, really.

Chain weapons 
Chain-based weapons are not very well known in the West, but rather popular in the East. This is due to a number of factors - they are easy to make, which is always a good thing, and they are fairly efficient. And they look cool! Umm... Or maybe not.

Can be translated as a 'knife rope'. The weapon consists of a four meter long chain or tough rope attached to a steel ring in one end. The other end is a wooden handle with two blades attached - one straight ahead, the other curving like a hook. Designed and used almost exclusively by ninja, this chain weapon has a variety of uses - like most ninja implements.

The rope or chain can be used to grab or hinder opponents, or may be used in conjunction with the steel ring to climb or scale structures. It can obviously also be used as a makeshift garrotte. The blades can hook onto objects, providing the ninja with a grappling hook of sorts, or - obviously - be used to injure or kill opponents.

This weapon, also mostly used by ninja, consists of a chain about a metre long (6 feet, for you metric-impaired people), with (usually) an iron weight on each end. This is primarily a defensive weapon, but may also be used as a garrotte or whip.

This is a long chain, usually about 4 metres (or 12 feet), with a weight in one end and a scythe-like implement on the other. The weight may be used to bash the opponent, and the scythe is usually held by the ninja, which usually intends to use it to inflict bodily harm on anyone within reach, or entangled in the chain. Otherwise, the weapon can be used much as a kyotetsu-shoge.

Although made primarily as a climbing tool, the kaginawa may also be used as a weapon. It consists of a 10 metre long rope (about 33 feet) with a weight attached at one end, and a two or three clawed grappling hook attached at the other end. How one can use this as a weapon is left as an exercise for devious minds.

Well, what do you know! It is a kusari-gama without the kama (scythe) on the one end.

Oh come on, you know what this is! Rice flailer, right? Anyways, it is rather popular with the warrior monk crowd in Asia, as there is a rather small chance it will draw blood (important when you're practicing Shintoism!).


Much like a Western-style spear, but usually with a 60 centimetre (2 feet!) curved blade instead of the tip of a spear. A weapon usually associated with women, there is a martial art devoted to its mastery - naginata-do.

Yet another ninja weapon. The kumade is really a garden instrument commonly used to scrape together stray leaves and mowed grass, but can be used both as a climbing tool or a weapon. A kumade meant as a weapon or climbing tool is usually somewhat stronger than a normal example of this tool.

Very similar to a bo stick, a shinobi-zue has an important difference. If one of the ends of the staff is twisted, a spring-loaded spear tip will appear at the other end - making it an instant spear. Ninja may also load the compartment with something apart from a spear tip - blinding powder, flash powder, smoke bombs and poisonous water are but some of the possibilities.

Very similar to the naginata, the nagimaki is meant for the mounted warrior. This means that the haft is shorter, but the weapon is otherwise identical to a naginata.

A spear. Its Western cousin is virtually identical. This spear is too large and heavy to be thrown, however, making it similar in that respect to the Roman pilum.

Very similar to a yari, but meant as a throwing weapon. Similar to a javelin, the yarinage isn't much in melee combat.

Distance weaponry 

The most well-known, typically Oriental distance weapon would be the throwing star - a classic ninja weapon. Yet, there are other weapons worth of note in the Oriental world of killing at a safe distance.

Being the largest of the Oriental bows, the daikyu has quite a distinctive appearance. The curve of the bow itself is not symmetrical, with the handle further down than the center of the bow. This facilitates the bow's use on the back of a horse, or under similar circumstances. The bow is usually composite, granting it a stronger pull than Western bows of similar size.

Being a ninja bow, it is made with small size and compactness as imperatives. Though lacking in penetration power, it is small enough to be hidden in the wide sleeves of a kimono. One could perhaps consider this a short-short bow.

Basically the Oriental version of a heavy crossbow.

Shuriken, or throwing stars, is a classic ninja weapon. It is primarily meant as an implement to either merely injure or deliver poison to a target, not really as the prime agent of killing a person. There exists an almost infinite number of shuriken variations - a particular class is the bo-shuriken.

The bo-shuriken is basically a sort of throwing dagger without a real handle, either sharp only in one end or in both ends. A ninja usually carries shuriken in bundles of nine.

Weapon                         Technique            Speed                Damage               Move       Special
Bo                             Staff                +0                   +2                   +1
Jo                             Staff                +0                   +1                   +1
Hambo                          Staff                +1                   +1                   +0
Hishi                          Knife                +2                   +1                   +0
Tanto                          Knife                +2                   +1                   +0
Kozuka                         Knife                +2                   +1                   +0         +2 difficulty to find
Sai                            Sai                  +2                   +0                   +0         Choose to add either Athletics
          or Sai technique to Dexterity. If declared to do so, Sai will on a successful opposed [Dex + Sai] vs. [Dex + [Blade]] make opponent take a
          Speed penalty of net successes next round (as if a botch has happened) if opponent wants to continue his attack with a blade.
Ninjato                        Sword                +2                   +2                   +0
Katana                         Sword                +1                   +3                   +0
Wakizashi                      Sword                +2                   +2                   +0
No-Dachi                       Sword                -1                   +5                   -1
Kyoketsu-Shoge                 Kyoketsu-Shoge       varies               varies               varies     A knife-rope can be used in
          several different ways. It can be used as a climbing tool (giving an additional number of dice equal to the number of dots in Kyoketsu-Shoge if
          usable under the circumstances, as determined by the GM), a long-distance weapon (+0,+2, +0 but extra reach of 2 hexes), or as a knife (stats
          for knife already provided).
Kusari-Fundo                   Kusari-Fundo         +1                   +2                   +0         This weapon can also be called
          a manriki-gusari. Can be used as a parrying weapon (as per Sai), or attacking weapon (modifiers as above). It can also be used as a garotte (+1,
          +2, -1, Grab Maneuver, Sustained Hold).
Kusari-Gama                    Kusari-Gama          varies               varies               varies     As per Kyoketsu-Shoge
Kaginawa                       Kaginawa             +0                   +2                   +0         Four hexes reach if used as a
          weapon - otherwise, can be used as a climbing tool , as per a Kyoketsu-Shoge.
Kusari                         Kusari(-Gama)        varies               varies               varies     As per Kyoketsu-Shoge, but
          cannot be used as a close combat weapon.
Nunchaku                       Nunchaku             +1                   +2                   +0
Naginata                       Spear                +0                   +3                   +0         Reach two hexes
Kumade                         Kumade               +0                   +2                   +0         Reach one hex
Shinobi-Zue                    Staff/Spear          varies               varies               varies     As per bo or spear
Nagimaki                       Spear                +0                   +3                   +0         No reach
Yari                           Spear                +0                   +3                   +1
Yarinage                       Spear                +1                   +2                   +0         Thrown weapon
Dai-kyu                        Bow                  +0                   +4                   None       Missile weapon
Han-kyu                        Bow                  +1                   +1                   None       Missile weapon
Oyumi                          Crossbow             -1                   +5                   None       Missile weapon
Shuriken                       Shuriken             +2                   -1                   +0         At one dot, one missile can be
          thrown each round. For every two dots beyond one, an additional shuriken can be thrown.Ting å huske når det gjelder Lin Kuei: