
This religion does not need much change from "Gods of Hârn", except that some more legends and details can well be developed and adapted for it. In general, its followers coincide with the Ivinian people, although there are a few Ivinians (mostly outside Ivinia itself) who have converted to other faiths, and some non-Ivinians (mostly members of the "pure" Pharic tribes on Hârn) have adopted Sarajin instead of, or in addition to, their own gods. Sarajinism, unlike the other two "big" religions (Agrikanism and Triadism), does not insist on being the Universal Truth for all peoples, and acknowledges the existence and power of other gods -- but Sarajin is the God of the northfolk, and the northfolk are Sarajin's people, wherever they go. Sarajinism neither seems to be seriously challenged on its home ground by any other religion, nor to pose a serious challenge to any other religions on their home ground. Perhaps for this reason, Sarajinans find it relatively easy to coexist with followers of other religions, on a "live and let live" basis; while they certainly have at least their share of conflicts, these are rarely motivated by religion in particular.

In general, much of the mythology and legends of the Norse Terrans (from before they were converted to Christianity) can be ported over to Sarajin, wholesale. Sarajin himself appears much like a blend of Thor and Odin, combining the strength and fury of the former with the wisdom and kingship of the latter. He is king of many other gods and demigods, but his importance relative to the other gods seems greater than what Odin enjoyed.

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Last modified: Fri Mar 7 18:19:47 PST 1997