Das Viertes Reich

Due to some prodding by a few of my associates, I have decided to post my own personal (and un-official) version of the history of Germany in ShadowRun.

For this project I essentially embraced the tendency in ShadowRun for the past repeating itself, e.g. the Lord Protector's office in England, the new Japanese Imperial State, and Italy once again reverting to quarrelsome city- states. Another reason for this approach was that German history happens to be my passion, and thus I could not resist the temptation of expressing my sentimentality.

For those of you who will question its plausibility, let me remind you that the realms of possibility have been significantly broadened, especially when one considers the events in other areas of the world.

Another point that should be noted: This history conforms to the few references to Germany as written in the first ShadowRun manual. A few aspects were changed for the Second Edition, but I have not yet incorporated them into this history. In other words, it is proceeding from the assumption that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and its various satellite states survived until the Crash of 2029, following which the EuroWar was initiated by the desire of the Soviets to gain much needed resources in western Europe.

Further, I have read the profile (if it can truly be called that) of Germany as presented in the Harlequin module, which I found decidedly unsatisfying. The information contained has NOT been used as a referent.

Presented For Your Approval (or not), The Fourth Reich.


By the beginning of the Euro-War in 2031, the death-knell of Soviet domination in Eastern Europe had already sounded: The Crash of '29 sent the Soviet Union reeling (as well as many of the other Major Powers), and it tried desperately to maintain control. During the period of instability that followed, the Warsaw Pact attacked Western Europe. The deadlock after a year of fighting looked to be the beginning of the end of the conflict; a quick, diplomatic resolution seemed imminent. However, with the Republic of Moscow's surprise attack on Hamburg in 2032, the struggle started anew. The British sent troops to the Low Countries to "protect their interests." Further escalation seemed inevitable.

But events underwent an abrupt and bizarre change of course. On the cold night of January 23, 2033, Swedish tracking stations picked up several squadrons of British-made FA-38 Nightwraith fighter-bombers streaking across Northern Europe. In short order, the main command and communication centers of the NATO and Warsaw Pact forces were destroyed. (1) The Euro-War was over, and with the removal of the Soviets, the two Germanies could reunite. Almost as a backlash to the suppressing of Prussian and German culture during the Communist Regime, a nationalistic and militar- istic revival of culture and ideals took hold of the former Prussian kingdom. Indeed, many of the old landed aristocratic families came out of the woodwork to lead the new movement. A new German Armed Forces was organized around the hard core of the Prussian Army, which appeared as inexplicably and suddenly as a specter from the long past just waiting to return.

A call was heard all over Germany to restore the great Reich, as it had been forged under Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1870. Thus, for the fifth time in history, Germany took advantage of the weakness of its eastern neighbor, Poland, and abruptly launched an attack to recover the provinces it lost during the First and Second World Wars. The Unification War ended in a matter of weeks when Poland, its southern areas already devastated from the previous war, capitulated. The Germans also occupied the sliver of East Prussia taken by the Russians in 1945. Powerless to prevent them, Poland could do nothing but concede to the German's demands, as the former Soviet Union was in no condition to help.

The rest of the European nations turned a blind eye, as they were having problems of their own, and weren't going to help out a former Eastern Bloc nation keep lands that were German before the World Wars. Thus, with the removal of the few remaining Poles, the re-absorption of the former Polish lands, and the formal return of the dominance of the Junker class to Northern Germany, the Viertes Reich, or Fourth Reich, was proclaimed, with the House of Hohenzollern once again at the head. Frederick IV of Hohenzollern was crowned King of Prussia and Kaiser of the German Empire at Koenigsberg (recently renamed from the Russian Kaliningrad) on January 18, 2034, on the anniversary of the Proclamation of the Second Empire in 1871.

Democracy, in any potent form, did not have much of a chance, so to speak. There is still the Imperial Parliament, composed of the Bundesrat (upper house, composed of nobles and other rulers), and the Reichstag (lower house, composed of elected representatives). The power wielded by the legislature is impotent indeed, and as the ruler possess all necessary executive power, consideration of the elected representatives may be best termed as "lip-service." However, considering the situation, the people seemed more intent upon getting a government capable of forging order from the chaos of those dark years than a democratic one. Perhaps it was also the failure of the Federal Republic to adequately respond to the pressures of the war which also spelled the doom of truly responsive representative government.

Germany reverted to the old Imperial Administration over a federation of monarchies, most of which were re-established as well. The Hohenzollern Kaiser rules through the Reichkanzler (Imperial Chancellor), who presides over the Imperial Cabinet. The Emperor shall set policy, and the Chancellor and Cabinet execute it in his name. The Emperor is also the Commander-In-Chief of the armed forces, all the personnel of which, following the coronation, swore an oath of fealty to their new ruler [ It is important to note that in the new constitution adopted in 2033 there was no mention of the earlier restriction of deployment of forces outside Germany's boundaries. ] Some political analysts have made the suggestion that the present Emperor, Frederick IV, has reverted to the ways of their ancestor, the Prussian King and later Kaiser Wilhelm I. That is to say, he allows his chancellor to amass a great deal of power, which has been the most notable in the case of the present Chancellor, since his appointment in 2041.

Although the Empire has been established for only twenty years now, the amount of progress made by the German people is astounding. From the damage wreaked on Germany during the Euro-War, it emerged, as a phoenix from ashes, stronger than before. Projects were launched for the rebuilding of industry in the West, as well as the revamping and scrapping of the inefficient systems of the East. Once again, the military became the most important single entity in the state, subject to the monarchy. Also, in line with the resurgence of Prussian culture, many of the old monuments and landmarks from the Second Empire and before were restored or rebuilt. The Garrison Church, original resting place of Frederick the Great and his father, Frederick William I, was rebuilt, and the Kaiser Wilhelm Cathedral, San Soucci, and Charlottenburg were all restored, just to name a few. Koenigsberg and Berlin, as well as the rest of Prussian provinces and cities, were returned to the form they had when originally ruled by the Hohenzollerns.

The government's general attitude towards the MegaCorporations is one of limited tolerance, but no-nonsense. At its inception, the administration, learning from the mistakes of the United States, was determined not to be subordinate to businesses on its own soil. As a result, it was seen to that the corporations lack the legal footing for the activities in they so freely engaged in in North America. Further than that, there is a requirement of a limited degree of "nationalization" of any extra-territorial MegaCorporation within the confines of Germany, in which the government retains possession of a large quantity of the nationalized company's stock. Beyond that, the restrictions on activities and penalties for transgressions are particularly harsh, and there are minor grumblings from the business community about "ruling with an iron fist" on the part of the government. As a result, corporate endeavors are decidedly more subdued in Germany, as all are quite eager to "avoid any Imperial entanglements." What keeps the corporations there are the undeniable business opportunities afforded by Germany's position in Europe, along with a few economic policies implemented in the past several years.

As far as daily life is concerned, the regulations could best be compared to those of Great Britain; extremely strict. Weapons, cyberdecks, magic, everything is regulated to some degree. This is viewed as necessary by the Reich to maintain order, ("Immer Ordnung", as the old saying goes) and there are those who feel, considering the chaotic state of affairs of he world, such measures are warranted. There are, of course, those who say that the Empire is nothing more than a police state with noble trappings.

(1) Some have proposed the theory that it was, in fact, the Junker families, or agents thereof, that orchestrated the Nightwraith strike which brought about the end of the war. It is true that no one has yet been pronounced responsible for the sudden attack that night; however, many have doubts as to the Prussian aristocracy's ability to organize such a surprise strike. Admittedly, they stood a great deal to gain from the end of the war; the events following the termination of hostilities prove that much. But the real question is, where would they get the hardware?

The majority of the old families that survived the collapse of the Reich in 1918 were immensely wealthy, but buying military equipment on that scale seems be beyond their means, say the theory's critics. Supporters respond by citing the surprise and immediate build up of the Prussian Army, which almost seemed to come out of nowhere. Mobilization and arming funded by, they say, securities and investments of the aristocracy. If follows, then, that they could, or had procured weapons systems and other equipment previous to the re-establishment of the Empire, and had used some of them to bring about a swift end to the war.

Most critics reply by saying that there are some people in this world who will attach a conspiracy theory to just about anything.

>>>>>[ Incidentally, this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the
Proclamation of the Empire.  Just a scant eight days ago, to be exact. ]<<<<<
	-- Doctor Doom <11:00:00/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ The author, whoever he may be, is gravely deceived:  There is no doubt
that Germany is a police state which only exists for the repression and
subjugation of people's rights! ]<<<<<
	-- Mr. Fantastic <11:45:06/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ OH, can the revolutionary drek!  You are just upset you got caught
trying to sneak something by customs!  And as far as the "police state" is
concerned, let me say this:  It's a fair sight SAFER there than in most
countries I've visited. ]<<<<<
	-- Jack Hack <11:45:13/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ What about this mystery of the Nightwraith strike in 2033? ]<<<<<
	-- Hangtime <11:48:30/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ It is a theory purported alternately by most amateur historians and
journalists (read: scandal-mongering idiots) attempting to generate some
publicity. Their arguments lack any substance. ]<<<<<
	-- Doctor Doom <11:49:01/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ No, man, I'm telling you, I've got evidence this time!  I looked at a
copy of the Declaration of the Empire, and if you go and circle certain
"secret" letters in each line it reads: "We are responsible for the Nightwraith
attack." ]<<<<<
	-- Shadows, NN Reporter <11:49:35/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ Secret letters??? ]<<<<<
	-- Darkwatch <11:49:40/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ Is the "secret" letter message in German? ]<<<<<
	-- Doctor Doom <11:49:45/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ Errr, no.  In English. ]<<<<<
	-- Shadows, NN Reporter <11:50:00/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ Shadows, I rather expect that theory requires some adjustment. ]<<<<<
	-- Doctor Doom <11:50:09/01-26-54>

>>>>>[ Yeah...with a blowtorch, maybe. ]<<<<<
	-- Hangtime <11:50:15/01-26-54>
Copyright & copy; 1995, Doctor Doom -- Doom Technologies & Weapon Systems
Taken from the pages of Jens-Arthur Leirbakk