Arethas aka Zach Ellis

Malakite of Creation IST the Wind

Introducing Harriet to the Sword

Corp: 5* Str: 11 Agi: 9
Ethe: 3* Int: 6* Pre: 7
Cele: 4* Wil: 9* Per: 8

*)Raised with xp

Dissonance: 0

Skills: Dodge/6, Fighting/6, Large weapon (axe)/1, Driving/4, Engineering/6, Electronics/1, Throwing/3, Musical instrument(guitar)/5, Dancing/2, Focus/3, Cooking/3, Move Silently/2, Knowledge: The Marches/3, Area knowledge (KCMO/2)

Songs: Dreams Corp/4, Healing (Corp/5, Eth/2, Cel/2), Shields Eth/5

Sorcery rituals: Symphonic Awakening

Artifact: The Wrench (corp/3)*

Vessel: level 3/male, Charisma +1 (Manly Man) (8)

Role: Roaming mechanic level 4/status 2 (4)

Vessel 2: Kitten/1

Attunements: Malakite of Creation, Swipe

1) Never suffer an Evil to live if it is my choice
2) Never surrender in battle and allow myself to be captured and held by the forces of Lucifer
3) Never refuse help to an innocent
4) Always protect my allies in combat
5) I shall never give up on love

Arethas was created by Eli at the beginnig of the nineteenth century.. The industrial revolution had kicked loose, and the Host needed angels who could Take An Interest is such matters. Naturally Lightning and Creation were the two most well suited for this; although from vastly different angels. Eli had his eye on one reliever that frequently took off to sneak around the Halls of Progress and the Groves. The little guy was neigh inseperable from his beloved wrench, and a complete sucker for playfighting and listening to stories of Great And Brave Warrior Stuff.

Once a windy snagged his wrench, and the reliever promptly set off in hot pursuit. The seraph led him on a furious chase through the treetops of the Groves, but in the end the little one actually managed to shortcut the seraph and bend a small branch so that when released it hit the angel on his wing. This caused it to go spinning and losing the wrench. The reliever then went on to bap the seraph with said wrench. At this point the seraph's Archangel put away his popcorn and yanked the reliever up by his tail...

Janus zoomed by Eli's workshop and dropped reliever and wrench on his desk. Then he told Eli a rather colorful (and fast) tale of how the little bugger had pulled a fast twig on one of his servitors, and then bapped the angel with that pet wrench! Eli and Janus both had a hard time acting serious, but the reliever was to terrified to notice the telltale signs of mirth. After Janus had wooshed off, Eli did his best to lecture the reliever a bit on proper conduct toward his elders. Eli being Eli this was not a very strict lecture. He then grabbed a couple of forces, brought his newest malakite into being and named him Arethas.

Arethas was then sent to school to learn about Earth before he got his first assignment in 1821. He's been in love with machinery ever since getting his hands (and his wrench) on his first steamengine. Arethas' earliest assignments usually had him teamed up with Lightning's people, but seeing as he was Very Enthusiastic and prone to making things blow up to get rid of demons.... Well, they had their misgivings. Yes, the young malakite was a very good and inventive mechanic. Yes, he was a durable fighter and nice to have about when confronting infernal agents, Vapula's boys in particular. But the collateral damage he tended to leave was extensive and expensive. And he had absolutely no qualms whatsoever about making Disturbances. The other anges felt that if he had to blow up stuff, he should at least have humans to set it up, thus avoiding Symphonic Disturbances. Arethas didn't really see the point in that. A job worth doing is a job worth doing well, and to make this happen you do it yourself.

He has worked in Europe, India and America. He also spent 35 years working on the great steamboats crossing the Atlantic carrying emmigrants from a severly overpopulated Europe. Working the engines on these boats provided a nice hunting ground for demons and hellsworn preying on humans who had left their whole lives behind to seek a new future in the Americas. This service had him teamed up with people from the Wind and Trade. It also let him realize that blowing stuff up could be a spectacularly bad option at times.

In 1937 Eli signed Arethas over to Janus, who promptly teamed him up with a certain wrench-stealing seraph. It was, of course, a match made in Heaven (literally) and they became near and dear friends and lovers. Neah, the seraph, worked a Role as a journalist for the Times. When WW2 broke out she gained a reputation as a war correspondent. Arethas followed as photographer, driver, bodyguard, handyman, younameit... They helped resistance cells wherever they could with whatever they could; getting messages to and fro, smuggling, escapes, sabotages (yes, Arethas got to blow up stuff again:), food, shelter, etc.

Their combination of talents was a rather successful one, and they kept on going after WW2 was over. Neah travelled and reported, Arethas followed her like a shadow. A rather noticeable shadow, though.:) Wherever they went, they did their best to bring about changes in the lives of people they met, or prompt people to go out and make changes for themselves. They had plenty of dissapointments along the way, the brutal quenching of the Praha Spring in 1968 was one of the worst.

In 1977 Arethas' and Neah's happy existence came to and end. While travelling in Indochina doing their usual gig, they got into a fight with demons of the War and Death and the Game. The gamester managed to drive Neah out of her vessel using the Song of Banishing. She was ripped to pieces before she could manage to flee to her heart. Arethas went beserk and managed to vesselkill the gamester just before the rest of the mob minced the malakite. To this day Arethas cannot forgive himself for failing to protect Neah with an ethereal shield. He was protected by one, but she... was not.

The grief and shock and the Berserk discord had him by the throat, but fortunately noone would give him a vessel so he could get back to Cambodia and hunt down the demons. Judgement, as could be expected, came down on the discordant malakite of Creation IST the Wind like a ton of bricks. Janus had to bail him out, and he put Arethas to work in the Groves for 10 years before he stripped the Discord off. In Heaven, Arethas trained relievers and newfledged angels in combat techniques. He also spent a bit of time contemplating his Heart, trying to get to grips with losing Neah. This experience has left Arethas wiser and a bit more mellow. He understands grief now. He also got a grasp on humility. 10 years in Heaven with Discord for all to see, was a humbling experience to say the least.

In the late 80's Janus gave him a new vessel and sent him back to Earth to work as a freelance mechanic. The windies love their vehicles, and they push them hard. Arethas had been travelling around in USA and Canada with his truck and his Toolbox, fixing cars, motorcycles, planes, boats, etc. ever since. He is on constant lookout for demons of any kind, but demons of the War, the Game and Death have a very special place in his heart. And of course there are the Thefties, Lusties and Techies whom he objects to on more professional principles.

Greatest wish and ambition currently: Get his hands on the demons who killed Neah. Especially the gamester.

*)The wrench was given to Arethas when he was a wee reliever. He kept hanging around the Halls of Progress, and one of the mercurians there gave him the tool as a gift. It was his very first tool, and he has kept it ever since. Eli made it corporeal when he sent the newly fledged malakite on his first earthly mission.